2011-08-27 01:23:36 -03:00
# This script is a quick system test for Scrapyd that:
# 1. runs scrapyd
# 2. creates a new project and deploys it on scrapyd
# 3. schedules a spider on scrapyd and waits for it to finish
# 4. check the spider scraped the expected data
set -e
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/bin
scrapyd_dir=$(mktemp /tmp/test-scrapyd.XXXXXXX -d)
2011-08-27 01:43:32 -03:00
scrapyd_log=$(mktemp /tmp/test-scrapyd.XXXXXXX)
2011-08-27 01:23:36 -03:00
scrapy_dir=$(mktemp /tmp/test-scrapyd.XXXXXXX -d)
2011-08-27 01:43:32 -03:00
feed_path=$(mktemp /tmp/test-scrapyd.XXXXXXX)
2011-08-27 01:23:36 -03:00
twistd -ny extras/scrapyd.tac -d $scrapyd_dir -l $scrapyd_log &
cd $scrapy_dir
scrapy startproject testproj
cd testproj
cat > testproj/spiders/insophia.py <<!
from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider
from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector
from scrapy.http import Request
from scrapy.item import Item, Field
class Section(Item):
url = Field()
title = Field()
size = Field()
arg = Field()
class InsophiaSpider(BaseSpider):
name = 'insophia'
start_urls = ['http://insophia.com']
def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
self.arg = kw.pop('arg')
super(InsophiaSpider, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
def parse(self, response):
hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
for url in hxs.select('//ul[@id="navlist"]/li/a/@href').extract():
yield Request(url, callback=self.parse_section)
def parse_section(self, response):
hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
title = hxs.select("//h2/text()").extract()[0]
yield Section(url=response.url, title=title, size=len(response.body),
cat > scrapy.cfg <<!
default = testproj.settings
url = http://localhost:6800/
project = testproj
scrapy deploy
curl -s http://localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=testproj -d spider=insophia -d setting=FEED_URI=$feed_path -d arg=SOME_ARGUMENT
2011-08-27 01:43:32 -03:00
echo "waiting 20 seconds for spider to run and finish..."
sleep 20
2011-08-27 01:23:36 -03:00
kill %1
wait %1
2011-08-27 01:43:32 -03:00
if ! grep -q "Process finished" $scrapyd_log; then
echo "error: 'Process finished' not found on scrapyd log"
exit 1
2011-08-27 01:23:36 -03:00
numitems="$(cat $feed_path | wc -l)"
if [ "$numitems" != "8" ]; then
echo "error: wrong number of items scraped: $numitems"
exit 1
if ! grep -q "About Us" $feed_path; then
echo "error: About Us page not scraped"
exit 1
if ! grep -q "SOME_ARGUMENT" $feed_path; then
echo "error: spider argument not found in scraped items"
exit 1
rm -rf /tmp/test-scrapyd.*
echo "All tests OK"