- major Stats Collection refactoring: removed separation of global/per-spider stats, removed stats-related signals (``stats_spider_opened``, etc). Stats are much simpler now, backwards compatibility is kept on the Stats Collector API and signals.
- dropped Signals singleton. Signals should now be accesed through the Crawler.signals attribute. See the signals documentation for more info.
- dropped Stats Collector singleton. Stats can now be accessed through the Crawler.stats attribute. See the stats collection documentation for more info.
- added precise to supported ubuntu distros (:commit:`b7e46df`)
- fixed bug in json-rpc webservice reported in https://groups.google.com/d/topic/scrapy-users/qgVBmFybNAQ/discussion. also removed no longer supported 'run' command from extras/scrapy-ws.py (:commit:`340fbdb`)
- meta tag attributes for content-type http equiv can be in any order. #123 (:commit:`0cb68af`)
- replace "import Image" by more standard "from PIL import Image". closes #88 (:commit:`4d17048`)
- return trial status as bin/runtests.sh exit value. #118 (:commit:`b7b2e7f`)
- forgot to include pydispatch license. #118 (:commit:`fd85f9c`)
- include egg files used by testsuite in source distribution. #118 (:commit:`c897793`)
- update docstring in project template to avoid confusion with genspider command, which may be considered as an advanced feature. refs #107 (:commit:`2548dcc`)
- added note to docs/topics/firebug.rst about google directory being shut down (:commit:`668e352`)
- Merge branch '0.14' of github.com:scrapy/scrapy into 0.14 (:commit:`835d082`)
- dont discard slot when empty, just save in another dict in order to recycle if needed again. (:commit:`8e9f607`)
- do not fail handling unicode xpaths in libxml2 backed selectors (:commit:`b830e95`)
- fixed minor mistake in Request objects documentation (:commit:`bf3c9ee`)
- fixed minor defect in link extractors documentation (:commit:`ba14f38`)
- removed some obsolete remaining code related to sqlite support in scrapy (:commit:`0665175`)
- Added builtin caching DNS resolver (:rev:`2728`)
- Moved Amazon AWS-related components/extensions (SQS spider queue, SimpleDB stats collector) to a separate project: [scaws](https://github.com/scrapinghub/scaws) (:rev:`2706`, :rev:`2714`)
- Moved spider queues to scrapyd: `scrapy.spiderqueue` -> `scrapyd.spiderqueue` (:rev:`2708`)
- Moved sqlite utils to scrapyd: `scrapy.utils.sqlite` -> `scrapyd.sqlite` (:rev:`2781`)
- Real support for returning iterators on `start_requests()` method. The iterator is now consumed during the crawl when the spider is getting idle (:rev:`2704`)
- Added :setting:`REDIRECT_ENABLED` setting to quickly enable/disable the redirect middleware (:rev:`2697`)
- Added :setting:`RETRY_ENABLED` setting to quickly enable/disable the retry middleware (:rev:`2694`)
- Added ``CloseSpider`` exception to manually close spiders (:rev:`2691`)
- Improved encoding detection by adding support for HTML5 meta charset declaration (:rev:`2690`)
- Refactored close spider behavior to wait for all downloads to finish and be processed by spiders, before closing the spider (:rev:`2688`)
- Added ``SitemapSpider`` (see documentation in Spiders page) (:rev:`2658`)
- Added ``LogStats`` extension for periodically logging basic stats (like crawled pages and scraped items) (:rev:`2657`)
- Make handling of gzipped responses more robust (#319, :rev:`2643`). Now Scrapy will try and decompress as much as possible from a gzipped response, instead of failing with an `IOError`.
- Simplified !MemoryDebugger extension to use stats for dumping memory debugging info (:rev:`2639`)
- Added new command to edit spiders: ``scrapy edit`` (:rev:`2636`) and `-e` flag to `genspider` command that uses it (:rev:`2653`)
- Changed default representation of items to pretty-printed dicts. (:rev:`2631`). This improves default logging by making log more readable in the default case, for both Scraped and Dropped lines.
- Added :signal:`spider_error` signal (:rev:`2628`)
- Stats are now dumped to Scrapy log (default value of :setting:`STATS_DUMP` setting has been changed to `True`). This is to make Scrapy users more aware of Scrapy stats and the data that is collected there.
- Added support for dynamically adjusting download delay and maximum concurrent requests (:rev:`2599`)
- Added new DBM HTTP cache storage backend (:rev:`2576`)
- Added ``listjobs.json`` API to Scrapyd (:rev:`2571`)
- Removed googledir project from `examples/googledir`. There's now a new example project called `dirbot` available on github: https://github.com/scrapy/dirbot
- Removed support for default field values in Scrapy items (:rev:`2616`)
- Removed scheduler middleware to simplify architecture. Duplicates filter is now done in the scheduler itself, using the same dupe fltering class as before (`DUPEFILTER_CLASS` setting) (:rev:`2640`)
- Removed support for passing urls to ``scrapy crawl`` command (use ``scrapy parse`` instead) (:rev:`2704`)
- It stores one log file per spider run, and rotate them keeping the lastest 5 logs per spider (by default)
- A minimal web ui was added, available at http://localhost:6800 by default
- There is now a `scrapy server` command to start a Scrapyd server of the current project
Changes to settings
- added `HTTPCACHE_ENABLED` setting (False by default) to enable HTTP cache middleware
- changed `HTTPCACHE_EXPIRATION_SECS` semantics: now zero means "never expire".
Deprecated/obsoleted functionality
- Deprecated ``runserver`` command in favor of ``server`` command which starts a Scrapyd server. See also: Scrapyd changes
- Deprecated ``queue`` command in favor of using Scrapyd ``schedule.json`` API. See also: Scrapyd changes
- Removed the !LxmlItemLoader (experimental contrib which never graduated to main contrib)
The numbers like #NNN reference tickets in the old issue tracker (Trac) which is no longer available.
New features and improvements
- New Scrapy service called ``scrapyd`` for deploying Scrapy crawlers in production (#218) (documentation available)
- Simplified Images pipeline usage which doesn't require subclassing your own images pipeline now (#217)
- Scrapy shell now shows the Scrapy log by default (#206)
- Refactored execution queue in a common base code and pluggable backends called "spider queues" (#220)
- New persistent spider queue (based on SQLite) (#198), available by default, which allows to start Scrapy in server mode and then schedule spiders to run.
- Added documentation for Scrapy command-line tool and all its available sub-commands. (documentation available)
- Feed exporters with pluggable backends (#197) (documentation available)
- Deferred signals (#193)
- Added two new methods to item pipeline open_spider(), close_spider() with deferred support (#195)
- Support for overriding default request headers per spider (#181)
- Replaced default Spider Manager with one with similar functionality but not depending on Twisted Plugins (#186)
- Splitted Debian package into two packages - the library and the service (#187)
- Scrapy log refactoring (#188)
- New extension for keeping persistent spider contexts among different runs (#203)
- Added `dont_redirect` request.meta key for avoiding redirects (#233)
- Added `dont_retry` request.meta key for avoiding retries (#234)
Command-line tool changes
- New `scrapy` command which replaces the old `scrapy-ctl.py` (#199)
- there is only one global `scrapy` command now, instead of one `scrapy-ctl.py` per project
- Added `scrapy.bat` script for running more conveniently from Windows
- Added bash completion to command-line tool (#210)
- Renamed command `start` to `runserver` (#209)
API changes
-``url`` and ``body`` attributes of Request objects are now read-only (#230)
-``Request.copy()`` and ``Request.replace()`` now also copies their ``callback`` and ``errback`` attributes (#231)
- Removed deprecated ``scrapy.item.ScrapedItem`` class - use ``scrapy.item.Item instead`` (:rev:`1838`)
- Removed deprecated ``scrapy.xpath`` module - use ``scrapy.selector`` instead. (:rev:`1836`)
- Removed deprecated ``core.signals.domain_open`` signal - use ``core.signals.domain_opened`` instead (:rev:`1822`)
-``log.msg()`` now receives a ``spider`` argument (:rev:`1822`)
- Old domain argument has been deprecated and will be removed in 0.9. For spiders, you should always use the ``spider`` argument and pass spider references. If you really want to pass a string, use the ``component`` argument instead.
- Changed Item pipeline to use spiders instead of domains
- The ``domain`` argument of ``process_item()`` item pipeline method was changed to ``spider``, the new signature is: ``process_item(spider, item)`` (:rev:`1827` | #105)
- To quickly port your code (to work with Scrapy 0.8) just use ``spider.domain_name`` where you previously used ``domain``.
- Changed Stats API to use spiders instead of domains (:rev:`1849` | #113)
-``StatsCollector`` was changed to receive spider references (instead of domains) in its methods (``set_value``, ``inc_value``, etc).
- Also, Stats signals were renamed and now pass around spider references (instead of domains). Here's a summary of the changes:
- To quickly port your code (to work with Scrapy 0.8) just use ``spider.domain_name`` where you previously used ``domain``. ``spider_stats`` contains exactly the same data as ``domain_stats``.
-``CloseDomain`` extension moved to ``scrapy.contrib.closespider.CloseSpider`` (:rev:`1833`)
- Its settings were also renamed:
- Renamed setting: ``REQUESTS_PER_DOMAIN`` to ``CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_SPIDER`` (:rev:`1830`, :rev:`1844`)
- Renamed setting: ``CONCURRENT_DOMAINS`` to ``CONCURRENT_SPIDERS`` (:rev:`1830`)
- Refactored HTTP Cache middleware
- HTTP Cache middleware has been heavilty refactored, retaining the same functionality except for the domain sectorization which was removed. (:rev:`1843` )
- Renamed exception: ``DontCloseDomain`` to ``DontCloseSpider`` (:rev:`1859` | #120)
- Renamed extension: ``DelayedCloseDomain`` to ``SpiderCloseDelay`` (:rev:`1861` | #121)
- Removed obsolete ``scrapy.utils.markup.remove_escape_chars`` function - use ``scrapy.utils.markup.replace_escape_chars`` instead (:rev:`1865`)