diff --git a/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/contrib/spiders.py b/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/contrib/spiders.py
index a7275e76a..9e36582bc 100644
--- a/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/contrib/spiders.py
+++ b/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/contrib/spiders.py
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class XMLFeedSpider(BasicSpider):
raise NotConfigured('You must define parse_item method in order to scrape this feed')
if self.iternodes:
- nodes = xpathselector_iternodes(response, self.itertag)
+ nodes = xmliter(response, self.itertag)
nodes = XmlXPathSelector(response).x('//%s' % self.itertag)
diff --git a/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/tests/sample_data/feeds/feed-sample3.csv b/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/tests/sample_data/feeds/feed-sample3.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2914433b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/tests/sample_data/feeds/feed-sample3.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/tests/test_utils_iterators.py b/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/tests/test_utils_iterators.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a575ce1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/tests/test_utils_iterators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import os
+import unittest
+from scrapy.utils.iterators import csviter, xmliter
+from scrapy.http import Response
+class UtilsXmlTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ ### NOTE: Encoding issues have been found with BeautifulSoup for utf-16 files, utf-16 test removed ###
+ def test_iterator(self):
+ body = """
+ Type 1
+ Name 1
+ Type 2
+ Name 2
+ """
+ response = Response(domain="example.com", url="http://example.com", body=body)
+ attrs = []
+ for x in xmliter(response, 'product'):
+ attrs.append((x.x("@id").extract(), x.x("name/text()").extract(), x.x("./type/text()").extract()))
+ self.assertEqual(attrs,
+ [(['001'], ['Name 1'], ['Type 1']), (['002'], ['Name 2'], ['Type 2'])])
+ def test_iterator_text(self):
+ body = u"""onetwo"""
+ self.assertEqual([x.x("text()").extract() for x in xmliter(body, 'product')],
+ [[u'one'], [u'two']])
+ def test_iterator_exception(self):
+ body = u"""onetwo"""
+ iter = xmliter(body, 'product')
+ iter.next()
+ iter.next()
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration, iter.next)
+class UtilsCsvTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ sample_feed_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'sample_data', 'feeds', 'feed-sample3.csv')
+ def test_iterator_defaults(self):
+ body = open(self.sample_feed_path).read()
+ response = Response(domain="example.com", url="http://example.com/", body=body)
+ csv = csviter(response)
+ result = [row for row in csv]
+ self.assertEqual(result,
+ [{u'id': u'1', u'name': u'alpha', u'value': u'foobar'},
+ {u'id': u'2', u'name': u'unicode', u'value': u'\xfan\xedc\xf3d\xe9\u203d'},
+ {u'id': u'3', u'name': u'multi', u'value': u'foo\nbar'},
+ {u'id': u'4', u'name': u'empty', u'value': u''}])
+ # explicit type check cuz' we no like stinkin' autocasting! yarrr
+ for result_row in result:
+ self.assert_(all((isinstance(k, unicode) for k in result_row.keys())))
+ self.assert_(all((isinstance(v, unicode) for v in result_row.values())))
+ def test_iterator_delimiter(self):
+ body = open(self.sample_feed_path).read().replace(',', '\t')
+ response = Response(domain="example.com", url="http://example.com/", body=body)
+ csv = csviter(response, delimiter='\t')
+ self.assertEqual([row for row in csv],
+ [{u'id': u'1', u'name': u'alpha', u'value': u'foobar'},
+ {u'id': u'2', u'name': u'unicode', u'value': u'\xfan\xedc\xf3d\xe9\u203d'},
+ {u'id': u'3', u'name': u'multi', u'value': u'foo\nbar'},
+ {u'id': u'4', u'name': u'empty', u'value': u''}])
+ def test_iterator_headers(self):
+ sample = open(self.sample_feed_path).read().splitlines()
+ headers, body = sample[0].split(','), '\n'.join(sample[1:])
+ response = Response(domain="example.com", url="http://example.com/", body=body)
+ csv = csviter(response, headers=headers)
+ self.assertEqual([row for row in csv],
+ [{u'id': u'1', u'name': u'alpha', u'value': u'foobar'},
+ {u'id': u'2', u'name': u'unicode', u'value': u'\xfan\xedc\xf3d\xe9\u203d'},
+ {u'id': u'3', u'name': u'multi', u'value': u'foo\nbar'},
+ {u'id': u'4', u'name': u'empty', u'value': u''}])
+ def test_iterator_falserow(self):
+ body = open(self.sample_feed_path).read()
+ body = '\n'.join((body, 'a,b', 'a,b,c,d'))
+ response = Response(domain="example.com", url="http://example.com/", body=body)
+ csv = csviter(response)
+ self.assertEqual([row for row in csv],
+ [{u'id': u'1', u'name': u'alpha', u'value': u'foobar'},
+ {u'id': u'2', u'name': u'unicode', u'value': u'\xfan\xedc\xf3d\xe9\u203d'},
+ {u'id': u'3', u'name': u'multi', u'value': u'foo\nbar'},
+ {u'id': u'4', u'name': u'empty', u'value': u''}])
+ def test_iterator_exception(self):
+ body = open(self.sample_feed_path).read()
+ response = Response(domain="example.com", url="http://example.com/", body=body)
+ iter = csviter(response)
+ iter.next()
+ iter.next()
+ iter.next()
+ iter.next()
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration, iter.next)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/tests/test_utils_xml.py b/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/tests/test_utils_xml.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fd59a446b..000000000
--- a/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/tests/test_utils_xml.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import unittest
-from scrapy.utils.xml import xpathselector_iternodes
-from scrapy.http import Response
-class UtilsXmlTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_iterator(self):
- body = """
- Type 1
- Name 1
- Type 2
- Name 2
- """
- response = Response(domain="example.com", url="http://example.com", body=body)
- attrs = []
- for x in xpathselector_iternodes(response, 'product'):
- attrs.append((x.x("@id").extract(), x.x("name/text()").extract(), x.x("./type/text()").extract()))
- self.assertEqual(attrs,
- [(['001'], ['Name 1'], ['Type 1']), (['002'], ['Name 2'], ['Type 2'])])
- def test_iterator_text(self):
- body = u"""onetwo"""
- self.assertEqual([x.x("text()").extract() for x in xpathselector_iternodes(body, 'product')],
- [[u'one'], [u'two']])
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/utils/iterators.py b/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/utils/iterators.py
index 5f989d0a3..6bb1854ea 100644
--- a/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/utils/iterators.py
+++ b/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/utils/iterators.py
@@ -1,23 +1,52 @@
-import csv
+import re, csv
+from scrapy.xpath import XmlXPathSelector
from scrapy.http import Response
from scrapy import log
-def csv_iter(response, delimiter=None, headers=None):
- if delimiter:
- csv_r = csv.reader(response.body.to_unicode().split('\n'), delimiter=delimiter)
+def _normalize_input(obj):
+ assert isinstance(obj, (Response, basestring)), "obj must be Response or basestring, not %s" % type(obj).__name__
+ if isinstance(obj, Response):
+ return obj.body.to_unicode()
+ elif isinstance(obj, str):
+ return obj.decode('utf-8')
- csv_r = csv.reader(response.body.to_unicode().split('\n'))
+ return obj
+def xmliter(obj, nodename):
+ """Return a iterator of XPathSelector's over all nodes of a XML document,
+ given tha name of the node to iterate. Useful for parsing XML feeds.
+ obj can be:
+ - a Response object
+ - a unicode string
+ - a string encoded as utf-8
+ """
+ text = _normalize_input(obj)
+ r = re.compile(r"<%s[\s>].*?%s>" % (nodename, nodename), re.DOTALL)
+ for match in r.finditer(text):
+ nodetext = match.group()
+ yield XmlXPathSelector(text=nodetext).x('/' + nodename)[0]
+def csviter(obj, delimiter=None, headers=None):
+ def _getrow(csv_r):
+ return [field.decode() for field in csv_r.next()]
+ lines = _normalize_input(obj).splitlines(True)
+ if delimiter:
+ csv_r = csv.reader(lines, delimiter=delimiter)
+ else:
+ csv_r = csv.reader(lines)
if not headers:
- headers = csv_r.next()
+ headers = _getrow(csv_r)
while True:
- node = csv_r.next()
- if len(node) != len(headers):
- log.msg("ignoring node %d (length: %d, should be: %d)" % (csv_r.line_num, len(node), len(headers)), log.WARNING)
+ row = _getrow(csv_r)
+ if len(row) != len(headers):
+ log.msg("ignoring row %d (length: %d, should be: %d)" % (csv_r.line_num, len(row), len(headers)), log.WARNING)
- yield dict(zip(headers, node))
+ else:
+ yield dict(zip(headers, row))
diff --git a/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/utils/xml.py b/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/utils/xml.py
deleted file mode 100644
index acfa52363..000000000
--- a/scrapy/trunk/scrapy/utils/xml.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import re
-from scrapy.xpath import XmlXPathSelector
-from scrapy.http import Response
-def xpathselector_iternodes(obj, nodename):
- """Return a iterator of XPathSelector's over all nodes of a XML document,
- given tha name of the node to iterate. Useful for parsing XML feeds.
- obj can be:
- - a Response object
- - a unicode string
- - a string encoded as utf-8
- """
- assert isinstance(obj, (Response, basestring)), "obj must be Response or basestring, not %s" % type(obj).__name__
- if isinstance(obj, Response):
- text = obj.body.to_unicode()
- elif isinstance(obj, str):
- text = obj.decode('utf-8')
- else:
- text = obj
- r = re.compile(r"<%s[\s>].*?%s>" % (nodename, nodename), re.DOTALL)
- for match in r.finditer(text):
- nodetext = match.group()
- yield XmlXPathSelector(text=nodetext).x('/' + nodename)[0]