Pablo Hoffman
scrapyd: populate SCRAPY_SPIDER and SCRAPY_JOB environment variables
2010-12-26 19:32:56 -02:00
Pablo Hoffman
scrapyd: populate SCRAPY_SLOT environment variable with the scrapyd slot number
2010-12-24 12:47:59 -02:00
Pablo Hoffman
scrapyd: changed keys used in poller message to _project, _spider, _job, and added link to log file in web ui
2010-11-30 13:03:20 -02:00
Pablo Hoffman
Some Scrapyd enhancements:
* added minimal web ui
* return unique id per job (spider scheduled)
* store one log per spider run (job) and rotate them, keeping the last N logs (where N is configurable through settings)
2010-11-30 02:26:31 -02:00
Pablo Hoffman
scrapyd: make Environment tests independent of the current OS environment
rename : scrapyd/tests/ => scrapyd/tests/
2010-10-27 06:49:15 -02:00