.. _settings: Available Settings ================== Here's a list of all available Scrapy settings, in alphabetical order, along with their default values and the scope where they apply. The scope, where available, shows where the setting is being used, if it's tied to any particular component. In that case the module of that component will be shown, typically an extension, middleware or pipeline. It also means that the component must be enabled in order for the setting to have any effect. .. setting:: ADAPTORS_DEBUG ADAPTORS_DEBUG -------------- Default: ``False`` Enable debug mode for adaptors. See :ref:`topics-adaptors`. .. setting:: BOT_NAME BOT_NAME -------- Default: ``scrapybot`` The name of the bot implemented by this Scrapy project. This will be used to construct the User-Agent by default, and also for logging. .. setting:: BOT_VERSION BOT_VERSION ----------- Default: ``1.0`` The version of the bot implemented by this Scrapy project. This will be used to construct the User-Agent by default. .. setting:: HTTPCACHE_DIR HTTPCACHE_DIR ------------- Default: ``''`` (empty string) The directory to use for storing the (low-level) HTTP cache. If empty the HTTP cache will be disabled. .. setting:: HTTPCACHE_EXPIRATION_SECS HTTPCACHE_EXPIRATION_SECS ------------------------- Default: ``0`` Number of seconds to use for HTTP cache expiration. Requests that were cached before this time will be re-downloaded. If zero, cached requests will always expire. Negative numbers means requests will never expire. .. setting:: HTTPCACHE_IGNORE_MISSING HTTPCACHE_IGNORE_MISSING ------------------------ Default: ``False`` If enabled, requests not found in the cache will be ignored instead of downloaded. .. setting:: HTTPCACHE_SECTORIZE HTTPCACHE_SECTORIZE ------------------- Default: ``True`` Whether to split HTTP cache storage in several dirs for performance. .. setting:: CLOSEDOMAIN_NOTIFY CLOSEDOMAIN_NOTIFY ------------------ Default: ``[]`` Scope: ``scrapy.contrib.closedomain`` A list of emails to notify if the domain has been automatically closed by timeout. .. setting:: CLOSEDOMAIN_TIMEOUT CLOSEDOMAIN_TIMEOUT ------------------- Default: ``0`` Scope: ``scrapy.contrib.closedomain`` A timeout (in secs) for automatically closing a spider. Spiders that remain open for more than this time will be automatically closed. If zero, the automatically closing is disabled. .. setting:: CLUSTER_LOGDIR CLUSTER_LOGDIR -------------- Default: ``''`` (empty string) The directory to use for cluster logging. .. setting:: CLUSTER_MASTER_CACHEFILE CLUSTER_MASTER_CACHEFILE ------------------------ Default: ``''`` The file to use for storing the state of the cluster master, before shotting down. And also used for restoring the state on start up. If not set, state won't be persisted. .. setting:: CLUSTER_MASTER_ENABLED CLUSTER_MASTER_ENABLED ------------------------ Default: ``False`` A boolean which specifies whether to enabled the cluster master. .. setting:: CLUSTER_MASTER_NODES CLUSTER_MASTER_NODES -------------------- Default: ``{}`` A dict which defines the nodes of the cluster. The keys are the node/worker names and the values are the worker URLs. Example:: CLUSTER_MASTER_NODES = { 'local': 'localhost:8789', 'remote': 'someworker.example.com:8789', } .. setting:: CLUSTER_MASTER_POLL_INTERVAL CLUSTER_MASTER_POLL_INTERVAL ---------------------------- Default: ``60`` The amount of time (in secs) that the master should wait before polling the workers. .. setting:: CLUSTER_MASTER_PORT CLUSTER_MASTER_PORT ------------------- Default: ``8790`` The port where the cluster master will listen. .. setting:: CLUSTER_WORKER_ENABLED CLUSTER_WORKER_ENABLED ------------------------ Default: ``False`` A boolean which specifies whether to enabled the cluster master. .. setting:: CLUSTER_WORKER_MAXPROC CLUSTER_WORKER_MAXPROC ------------------------ Default: ``4`` The maximum number of process that the cluster worker will be allowed to spawn. .. setting:: CLUSTER_WORKER_PORT CLUSTER_WORKER_PORT ------------------- Default: ``8789`` The port where the cluster worker will listen. .. setting:: COMMANDS_MODULE COMMANDS_MODULE --------------- Default: ``''`` (empty string) A module to use for looking for custom Scrapy commands. This is used to add custom command for your Scrapy project. Example:: COMMANDS_MODULE = 'mybot.commands' .. setting:: COMMANDS_SETTINGS_MODULE COMMANDS_SETTINGS_MODULE ------------------------ Default: ``''`` (empty string) A module to use for looking for custom Scrapy command settings. Example:: COMMANDS_SETTINGS_MODULE = 'mybot.conf.commands' .. setting:: CONCURRENT_DOMAINS CONCURRENT_DOMAINS ------------------ Default: ``8`` Maximum number of domains to scrape in parallel. .. setting:: CONCURRENT_ITEMS CONCURRENT_ITEMS ---------------- Default: ``100`` Maximum number of concurrent items (per response) to process in parallel in the Item Processor (also known as the Item Pipeline). .. setting:: COOKIES_DEBUG COOKIES_DEBUG ------------- Default: ``False`` Enable debugging message of Cookies Downloader Middleware. .. setting:: DEFAULT_ITEM_CLASS DEFAULT_ITEM_CLASS ------------------ Default: ``'scrapy.item.ScrapedItem'`` The default class that will be used for instantiating items in the :ref:`the Scrapy shell `. .. setting:: DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS ----------------------- Default:: { 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language': 'en', } The default headers used for Scrapy HTTP Requests. They're populated in the :class:`~scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.defaultheaders.DefaultHeadersMiddleware`. .. setting:: DEFAULT_SPIDER DEFAULT_SPIDER -------------- Default: ``None`` The default spider class that will be instantiated for URLs for which no specific spider is found. This class must have a constructor which receives as only parameter the domain name of the given URL. .. setting:: DEPTH_LIMIT DEPTH_LIMIT ----------- Default: ``0`` The maximum depth that will be allowed to crawl for any site. If zero, no limit will be imposed. .. setting:: DEPTH_STATS DEPTH_STATS ----------- Default: ``True`` Whether to collect depth stats. .. setting:: DOMAIN_SCHEDULER DOMAIN_SCHEDULER ---------------- Default: ``'scrapy.contrib.domainsch.FifoDomainScheduler'`` The Domain Scheduler to use. The domain scheduler returns the next domain (spider) to scrape. .. setting:: DOWNLOADER_DEBUG DOWNLOADER_DEBUG ---------------- Default: ``False`` Whether to enable the Downloader debugging mode. .. setting:: DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES ---------------------- Default:: ``{}`` A dict containing the downloader middlewares enabled in your project, and their orders. For more info see :ref:`topics-downloader-middleware-setting`. .. setting:: DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES_BASE DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES_BASE --------------------------- Default:: { 'scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.robotstxt.RobotsTxtMiddleware': 100, 'scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.httpauth.HttpAuthMiddleware': 300, 'scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.useragent.UserAgentMiddleware': 400, 'scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.retry.RetryMiddleware': 500, 'scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.defaultheaders.DefaultHeadersMiddleware': 550, 'scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.redirect.RedirectMiddleware': 600, 'scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.cookies.CookiesMiddleware': 700, 'scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.httpcompression.HttpCompressionMiddleware': 800, 'scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.stats.DownloaderStats': 850, 'scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.httpcache.HttpCacheMiddleware': 900, } A dict containing the downloader middlewares enabled by default in Scrapy. You should never modify this setting in your project, modify :setting:`DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES` instead. For more info see :ref:`topics-downloader-middleware-setting`. .. setting:: DOWNLOADER_STATS DOWNLOADER_STATS ---------------- Default: ``True`` Whether to enable downloader stats collection. .. setting:: DOWNLOAD_DELAY DOWNLOAD_DELAY -------------- Default: ``0`` The amount of time (in secs) that the downloader should wait before downloading consecutive pages from the same spider. This can be used to throttle the crawling speed to avoid hitting servers too hard. Decimal numbers are supported. Example:: DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 0.25 # 250 ms of delay .. setting:: DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT ---------------- Default: ``180`` The amount of time (in secs) that the downloader will wait before timing out. .. setting:: DUPEFILTER_CLASS DUPEFILTER_CLASS ---------------- Default: ``'scrapy.contrib.dupefilter.RequestFingerprintDupeFilter'`` The class used to detect and filter duplicate requests. The default (``RequestFingerprintDupeFilter``) filters based on request fingerprint (using ``scrapy.utils.request.request_fingerprint``) and grouping per domain. .. setting:: ENABLED_SPIDERS_FILE ENABLED_SPIDERS_FILE -------------------- Default: ``''`` (empty string) The path to a file containing a list of spiders (one domain name per line). Those spiders will be considered enabled by Scrapy, and will be the spiders crawled automatically when running ``scrapy-ctl.py crawl`` with no arguments. If this setting is unset, all spiders to crawl must be passed explicitly in the ``crawl`` command. Example:: '/etc/mybot/enabled_spiders.list' .. setting:: EXTENSIONS EXTENSIONS ---------- Default:: [ 'scrapy.stats.corestats.CoreStats', 'scrapy.xpath.extension.ResponseLibxml2', 'scrapy.management.web.WebConsole', 'scrapy.management.telnet.TelnetConsole', 'scrapy.contrib.webconsole.scheduler.SchedulerQueue', 'scrapy.contrib.webconsole.livestats.LiveStats', 'scrapy.contrib.webconsole.spiderctl.Spiderctl', 'scrapy.contrib.webconsole.enginestatus.EngineStatus', 'scrapy.contrib.webconsole.stats.StatsDump', 'scrapy.contrib.webconsole.spiderstats.SpiderStats', 'scrapy.contrib.spider.reloader.SpiderReloader', 'scrapy.contrib.memusage.MemoryUsage', 'scrapy.contrib.memdebug.MemoryDebugger', 'scrapy.contrib.closedomain.CloseDomain', 'scrapy.contrib.debug.StackTraceDump', 'scrapy.contrib.response.soup.ResponseSoup', ] The list of available extensions. Keep in mind that some of them need need to be enabled through a setting. By default, this setting contains all stable built-in extensions. For more information See the :ref:`extensions user guide ` and the :ref:`list of available extensions `. .. setting:: GROUPSETTINGS_ENABLED GROUPSETTINGS_ENABLED --------------------- Default: ``False`` Whether to enable group settings where spiders pull their settings from. .. setting:: GROUPSETTINGS_MODULE GROUPSETTINGS_MODULE -------------------- Default: ``''`` (empty string) The module to use for pulling settings from, if the group settings is enabled. .. setting:: ITEM_PIPELINES ITEM_PIPELINES -------------- Default: ``[]`` The item pipelines to use (a list of classes). Example:: ITEM_PIPELINES = [ 'mybot.pipeline.validate.ValidateMyItem', 'mybot.pipeline.validate.StoreMyItem' ] .. setting:: LOG_ENABLED LOG_ENABLED ----------- Default: ``True`` Enable logging. .. setting:: LOG_STDOUT LOG_STDOUT ---------- Default: ``False`` If enabled logging will be sent to standard output, otherwise standard error will be used. .. setting:: LOGFILE LOGFILE ------- Default: ``None`` File name to use for logging output. If None, standard input (or error) will be used depending on the value of the LOG_STDOUT setting. .. setting:: LOGLEVEL LOGLEVEL -------- Default: ``'DEBUG'`` Minimum level to log. Available levels are: SILENT, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE .. setting:: MAIL_FROM MAIL_FROM --------- Default: ``'scrapy@localhost'`` Email to use as sender address for sending emails using the :ref:`Scrapy e-mail sending facility `. .. setting:: MAIL_HOST MAIL_HOST --------- Default: ``'localhost'`` Host to use for sending emails using the :ref:`Scrapy e-mail sending facility `. .. setting:: MEMDEBUG_ENABLED MEMDEBUG_ENABLED ---------------- Default: ``False`` Whether to enable memory debugging. .. setting:: MEMDEBUG_NOTIFY MEMDEBUG_NOTIFY --------------- Default: ``[]`` When memory debugging is enabled a memory report will be sent to the specified addresses if this setting is not empty, otherwise the report will be written to the log. Example:: MEMDEBUG_NOTIFY = ['user@example.com'] .. setting:: MEMUSAGE_ENABLED MEMUSAGE_ENABLED ---------------- Default: ``False`` Scope: ``scrapy.contrib.memusage`` Whether to enable the memory usage extension that will shutdown the Scrapy process when it exceeds a memory limit, and also notify by email when that happened. See :ref:`ref-extensions-memusage`. .. setting:: MEMUSAGE_LIMIT_MB MEMUSAGE_LIMIT_MB ----------------- Default: ``0`` Scope: ``scrapy.contrib.memusage`` The maximum amount of memory to allow (in megabytes) before shutting down Scrapy (if MEMUSAGE_ENABLED is True). If zero, no check will be performed. See :ref:`ref-extensions-memusage`. .. setting:: MEMUSAGE_NOTIFY_MAIL MEMUSAGE_NOTIFY_MAIL -------------------- Default: ``False`` Scope: ``scrapy.contrib.memusage`` A list of emails to notify if the memory limit has been reached. Example:: MEMUSAGE_NOTIFY_MAIL = ['user@example.com'] See :ref:`ref-extensions-memusage`. .. setting:: MEMUSAGE_REPORT MEMUSAGE_REPORT --------------- Default: ``False`` Scope: ``scrapy.contrib.memusage`` Whether to send a memory usage report after each domain has been closed. See :ref:`ref-extensions-memusage`. .. setting:: MEMUSAGE_WARNING_MB MEMUSAGE_WARNING_MB ------------------- Default: ``0`` Scope: ``scrapy.contrib.memusage`` The maximum amount of memory to allow (in megabytes) before sending a warning email notifying about it. If zero, no warning will be produced. .. setting:: MYSQL_CONNECTION_SETTINGS MYSQL_CONNECTION_SETTINGS ------------------------- Default: ``{}`` Scope: ``scrapy.utils.db.mysql_connect`` Settings to use for MySQL connections performed through ``scrapy.utils.db.mysql_connect`` .. setting:: NEWSPIDER_MODULE NEWSPIDER_MODULE ---------------- Default: ``''`` Module where to create new spiders using the ``genspider`` command. Example:: NEWSPIDER_MODULE = 'mybot.spiders_dev' .. setting:: PROJECT_NAME PROJECT_NAME ------------ Default: ``Not Defined`` The name of the current project. It matches the project module name as created by ``startproject`` command, and is only defined by project settings file. .. setting:: REDIRECT_MAX_TIMES REDIRECT_MAX_TIMES ------------------ Default: ``20`` Defines the maximun times a request can be redirected. After this maximun the request's response is returned as is. We used Firefox default value for the same task. .. setting:: REDIRECT_MAX_METAREFRESH_DELAY REDIRECT_MAX_METAREFRESH_DELAY ------------------------------ Default: ``100`` Some sites use meta-refresh for redirecting to a session expired page, so we restrict automatic redirection to a maximum delay (in seconds) REDIRECT_PRIORITY_ADJUST ------------------------------ Default: ``+2`` Adjust redirect request priority relative to original request. A negative priority adjust means more priority. .. setting:: REQUESTS_QUEUE_SIZE REQUESTS_PER_DOMAIN ------------------- Default: ``8`` Specifies how many concurrent (ie. simultaneous) requests will be performed per open spider. REQUESTS_QUEUE_SIZE ------------------- Default: ``0`` Scope: ``scrapy.contrib.spidermiddleware.limit`` If non zero, it will be used as an upper limit for the amount of requests that can be scheduled per domain. .. setting:: ROBOTSTXT_OBEY ROBOTSTXT_OBEY -------------- Default: ``False`` Scope: ``scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.robotstxt`` If enabled, Scrapy will respect robots.txt policies. For more information see :topic:`robotstxt` .. setting:: SCHEDULER SCHEDULER --------- Default: ``'scrapy.core.scheduler.Scheduler'`` The scheduler to use for crawling. .. setting:: SCHEDULER_ORDER SCHEDULER_ORDER --------------- Default: ``'BFO'`` Scope: ``scrapy.core.scheduler`` The order to use for the crawling scheduler. Available orders are: * ``'BFO'``: `Breadth-first order`_ - typically consumes more memory but reaches most relevant pages earlier. * ``'DFO'``: `Depth-first order`_ - typically consumes less memory than but takes longer to reach most relevant pages. .. _Breadth-first order: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search .. _Depth-first order: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth-first_search .. setting:: SCHEDULER_MIDDLEWARES SCHEDULER_MIDDLEWARES --------------------- Default:: ``{}`` A dict containing the scheduler middlewares enabled in your project, and their orders. .. setting:: SCHEDULER_MIDDLEWARES_BASE SCHEDULER_MIDDLEWARES_BASE -------------------------- Default:: SCHEDULER_MIDDLEWARES_BASE = { 'scrapy.contrib.schedulermiddleware.duplicatesfilter.DuplicatesFilterMiddleware': 500, } A dict containing the scheduler middlewares enabled by default in Scrapy. You should never modify this setting in your project, modify :setting:`SCHEDULER_MIDDLEWARES` instead. .. setting:: SPIDERPROFILER_ENABLED SPIDERPROFILER_ENABLED ---------------------- Default: ``False`` Enable the spider profiler. Warning: this could have a big impact in performance. .. setting:: SPIDER_MIDDLEWARES SPIDER_MIDDLEWARES ------------------ Default:: ``{}`` A dict containing the spider middlewares enabled in your project, and their orders. For more info see :ref:`topics-spider-middleware-setting`. .. setting:: SPIDER_MIDDLEWARES_BASE SPIDER_MIDDLEWARES_BASE ----------------------- Default:: { 'scrapy.contrib.spidermiddleware.httperror.HttpErrorMiddleware': 50, 'scrapy.contrib.itemsampler.ItemSamplerMiddleware': 100, 'scrapy.contrib.spidermiddleware.limit.RequestLimitMiddleware': 200, 'scrapy.contrib.spidermiddleware.restrict.RestrictMiddleware': 300, 'scrapy.contrib.spidermiddleware.offsite.OffsiteMiddleware': 500, 'scrapy.contrib.spidermiddleware.referer.RefererMiddleware': 700, 'scrapy.contrib.spidermiddleware.urllength.UrlLengthMiddleware': 800, 'scrapy.contrib.spidermiddleware.depth.DepthMiddleware': 900, } A dict containing the spider middlewares enabled by default in Scrapy. You should never modify this setting in your project, modify :setting:`SPIDER_MIDDLEWARES` instead. For more info see :ref:`topics-spider-middleware-setting`. .. setting:: SPIDER_MODULES SPIDER_MODULES -------------- Default: ``[]`` A list of modules where Scrapy will look for spiders. Example:: SPIDER_MODULES = ['mybot.spiders_prod', 'mybot.spiders_dev'] .. setting:: STATS_CLASS STATS_CLASS ----------- Default: ``'scrapy.stats.collector.MemoryStatsCollector'`` The class to use for collecting stats (must implement the Stats Collector API, or subclass the StatsCollector class). .. setting:: STATS_DEBUG STATS_DEBUG ----------- Default: ``False`` Enable debugging mode for Scrapy stats. This logs the stats when a domain is closed. .. setting:: STATS_ENABLED STATS_ENABLED ------------- Default: ``True`` Enable stats collection. .. setting:: STATSMAILER_RCPTS STATSMAILER_RCPTS ----------------- Default: ``[]`` (empty list) Send Scrapy stats after domains finish scrapy. See :class:`~scrapy.contrib.statsmailer.StatsMailer` for more info. .. setting:: TELNETCONSOLE_ENABLED TELNETCONSOLE_ENABLED --------------------- Default: ``True`` Scope: ``scrapy.management.telnet`` A boolean which specifies if the telnet management console will be enabled (provided its extension is also enabled). .. setting:: TELNETCONSOLE_PORT TELNETCONSOLE_PORT ------------------ Default: ``6023`` The port to use for the telnet console. If ``None``, a dynamically assigned port is used. .. setting:: TEMPLATES_DIR TEMPLATES_DIR ------------- Default: ``templates`` dir inside scrapy module The directory where to look for template when creating new projects with scrapy-admin.py newproject. .. setting:: URLLENGTH_LIMIT URLLENGTH_LIMIT --------------- Default: ``2083`` Scope: ``contrib.spidermiddleware.urllength`` The maximum URL length to allow for crawled URLs. For more information about the default value for this setting see: http://www.boutell.com/newfaq/misc/urllength.html .. setting:: USER_AGENT USER_AGENT ---------- Default: ``"%s/%s" % (BOT_NAME, BOT_VERSION)`` The default User-Agent to use when crawling, unless overrided. .. setting:: WEBCONSOLE_ENABLED WEBCONSOLE_ENABLED ------------------ Default: True A boolean which specifies if the web management console will be enabled (provided its extension is also enabled). .. setting:: WEBCONSOLE_LOGFILE WEBCONSOLE_LOGFILE ------------------ Default: ``None`` A file to use for logging HTTP requests made to the web console. If unset web the log is sent to standard scrapy log. .. setting:: WEBCONSOLE_PORT WEBCONSOLE_PORT --------------- Default: ``None`` The port to use for the web console. If unset, a dynamically assigned port is used.