import functools import operator import unittest from itertools import count import six from scrapy.utils.python import ( memoizemethod_noargs, isbinarytext, equal_attributes, WeakKeyCache, stringify_dict, get_func_args, to_bytes, to_unicode, without_none_values) __doctests__ = ['scrapy.utils.python'] class ToUnicodeTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_converting_an_utf8_encoded_string_to_unicode(self): self.assertEqual(to_unicode(b'lel\xc3\xb1e'), u'lel\xf1e') def test_converting_a_latin_1_encoded_string_to_unicode(self): self.assertEqual(to_unicode(b'lel\xf1e', 'latin-1'), u'lel\xf1e') def test_converting_a_unicode_to_unicode_should_return_the_same_object(self): self.assertEqual(to_unicode(u'\xf1e\xf1e\xf1e'), u'\xf1e\xf1e\xf1e') def test_converting_a_strange_object_should_raise_TypeError(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, to_unicode, 423) def test_errors_argument(self): self.assertEqual( to_unicode(b'a\xedb', 'utf-8', errors='replace'), u'a\ufffdb' ) class ToBytesTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_converting_a_unicode_object_to_an_utf_8_encoded_string(self): self.assertEqual(to_bytes(u'\xa3 49'), b'\xc2\xa3 49') def test_converting_a_unicode_object_to_a_latin_1_encoded_string(self): self.assertEqual(to_bytes(u'\xa3 49', 'latin-1'), b'\xa3 49') def test_converting_a_regular_bytes_to_bytes_should_return_the_same_object(self): self.assertEqual(to_bytes(b'lel\xf1e'), b'lel\xf1e') def test_converting_a_strange_object_should_raise_TypeError(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, to_bytes, unittest) def test_errors_argument(self): self.assertEqual( to_bytes(u'a\ufffdb', 'latin-1', errors='replace'), b'a?b' ) class MemoizedMethodTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_memoizemethod_noargs(self): class A(object): @memoizemethod_noargs def cached(self): return object() def noncached(self): return object() a = A() one = a.cached() two = a.cached() three = a.noncached() assert one is two assert one is not three class IsBinaryTextTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_isbinarytext(self): assert not isbinarytext(b"hello") def test_utf_16_strings_contain_null_bytes(self): assert not isbinarytext(u"hello".encode('utf-16')) def test_one_with_encoding(self): assert not isbinarytext(b"
Price \xa3
") def test_real_binary_bytes(self): assert isbinarytext(b"\x02\xa3") class UtilsPythonTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_equal_attributes(self): class Obj: pass a = Obj() b = Obj() # no attributes given return False self.failIf(equal_attributes(a, b, [])) # not existent attributes self.failIf(equal_attributes(a, b, ['x', 'y'])) a.x = 1 b.x = 1 # equal attribute self.assertTrue(equal_attributes(a, b, ['x'])) b.y = 2 # obj1 has no attribute y self.failIf(equal_attributes(a, b, ['x', 'y'])) a.y = 2 # equal attributes self.assertTrue(equal_attributes(a, b, ['x', 'y'])) a.y = 1 # differente attributes self.failIf(equal_attributes(a, b, ['x', 'y'])) # test callable a.meta = {} b.meta = {} self.assertTrue(equal_attributes(a, b, ['meta'])) # compare ['meta']['a'] a.meta['z'] = 1 b.meta['z'] = 1 get_z = operator.itemgetter('z') get_meta = operator.attrgetter('meta') compare_z = lambda obj: get_z(get_meta(obj)) self.assertTrue(equal_attributes(a, b, [compare_z, 'x'])) # fail z equality a.meta['z'] = 2 self.failIf(equal_attributes(a, b, [compare_z, 'x'])) def test_weakkeycache(self): class _Weakme(object): pass _values = count() wk = WeakKeyCache(lambda k: next(_values)) k = _Weakme() v = wk[k] self.assertEqual(v, wk[k]) self.assertNotEqual(v, wk[_Weakme()]) self.assertEqual(v, wk[k]) del k self.assertFalse(len(wk._weakdict)) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY2, "deprecated function") def test_stringify_dict(self): d = {'a': 123, u'b': b'c', u'd': u'e', object(): u'e'} d2 = stringify_dict(d, keys_only=False) self.assertEqual(d, d2) self.failIf(d is d2) # shouldn't modify in place self.failIf(any(isinstance(x, six.text_type) for x in d2.keys())) self.failIf(any(isinstance(x, six.text_type) for x in d2.values())) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY2, "deprecated function") def test_stringify_dict_tuples(self): tuples = [('a', 123), (u'b', 'c'), (u'd', u'e'), (object(), u'e')] d = dict(tuples) d2 = stringify_dict(tuples, keys_only=False) self.assertEqual(d, d2) self.failIf(d is d2) # shouldn't modify in place self.failIf(any(isinstance(x, six.text_type) for x in d2.keys()), d2.keys()) self.failIf(any(isinstance(x, six.text_type) for x in d2.values())) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY2, "deprecated function") def test_stringify_dict_keys_only(self): d = {'a': 123, u'b': 'c', u'd': u'e', object(): u'e'} d2 = stringify_dict(d) self.assertEqual(d, d2) self.failIf(d is d2) # shouldn't modify in place self.failIf(any(isinstance(x, six.text_type) for x in d2.keys())) def test_get_func_args(self): def f1(a, b, c): pass def f2(a, b=None, c=None): pass class A(object): def __init__(self, a, b, c): pass def method(self, a, b, c): pass class Callable(object): def __call__(self, a, b, c): pass a = A(1, 2, 3) cal = Callable() partial_f1 = functools.partial(f1, None) partial_f2 = functools.partial(f1, b=None) partial_f3 = functools.partial(partial_f2, None) self.assertEqual(get_func_args(f1), ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(get_func_args(f2), ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(get_func_args(A), ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(get_func_args(a.method), ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(get_func_args(partial_f1), ['b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(get_func_args(partial_f2), ['a', 'c']) self.assertEqual(get_func_args(partial_f3), ['c']) self.assertEqual(get_func_args(cal), ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(get_func_args(object), []) # TODO: how do we fix this to return the actual argument names? self.assertEqual(get_func_args(six.text_type.split), []) self.assertEqual(get_func_args(" ".join), []) self.assertEqual(get_func_args(operator.itemgetter(2)), []) def test_without_none_values(self): self.assertEqual(without_none_values([1, None, 3, 4]), [1, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(without_none_values((1, None, 3, 4)), (1, 3, 4)) self.assertEqual( without_none_values({'one': 1, 'none': None, 'three': 3, 'four': 4}), {'one': 1, 'three': 3, 'four': 4}) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()