""" from twisted.internet import defer Tests borrowed from the twisted.web.client tests. """ import os from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.web import server, static, error, util from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from twisted.protocols.policies import WrappingFactory from scrapy.core.downloader import webclient as client from scrapy.http import Request, Headers def getPage(url, contextFactory=None, *args, **kwargs): """Adapted version of twisted.web.client.getPage""" def _clientfactory(*args, **kwargs): timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', 0) f = client.ScrapyHTTPClientFactory(Request(*args, **kwargs), timeout=timeout) f.deferred.addCallback(lambda r: r.body) return f from twisted.web.client import _makeGetterFactory return _makeGetterFactory(url, _clientfactory, contextFactory=contextFactory, *args, **kwargs).deferred class ParseUrlTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Test URL parsing facility and defaults values.""" def _parse(self, url): f = client.ScrapyHTTPClientFactory(Request(url)) return (f.scheme, f.netloc, f.host, f.port, f.path) def testParse(self): lip = '' tests = ( ("", ('http', lip, lip, 80, '/?c=v&c2=v2')), ("", ('http', lip, lip, 80, '/?c=v&c2=v2')), ("", ('http', lip, lip, 80, '/foo?c=v&c2=v2')), ("", ('http', lip+':100', lip, 100, '/?c=v&c2=v2')), ("", ('http', lip+':100', lip, 100, '/?c=v&c2=v2')), ("", ('http', lip+':100', lip, 100, '/foo?c=v&c2=v2')), ("", ('http', lip, lip, 80, '/')), ("", ('http', lip, lip, 80, '/')), ("", ('http', lip, lip, 80, '/foo')), ("", ('http', lip, lip, 80, '/?param=value')), ("", ('http', lip, lip, 80, '/?param=value')), ("", ('http', lip+':12345', lip, 12345, '/foo')), ("http://spam:12345/foo", ('http', 'spam:12345', 'spam', 12345, '/foo')), ("http://spam.test.org/foo", ('http', 'spam.test.org', 'spam.test.org', 80, '/foo')), ("", ('https', lip, lip, 443, '/foo')), ("", ('https', lip, lip, 443, '/?param=value')), ("", ('https', lip+':12345', lip, 12345, '/')), ("http://scrapytest.org/foo ", ('http', 'scrapytest.org', 'scrapytest.org', 80, '/foo')), ("http://egg:7890 ", ('http', 'egg:7890', 'egg', 7890, '/')), ) for url, test in tests: self.assertEquals(client._parse(url), test, url) def test_externalUnicodeInterference(self): """ L{client._parse} should return C{str} for the scheme, host, and path elements of its return tuple, even when passed an URL which has previously been passed to L{urlparse} as a C{unicode} string. """ badInput = u'http://example.com/path' goodInput = badInput.encode('ascii') urlparse(badInput) scheme, netloc, host, port, path = self._parse(goodInput) self.assertTrue(isinstance(scheme, str)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(netloc, str)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(host, str)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(path, str)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(port, int)) class ScrapyHTTPPageGetterTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_earlyHeaders(self): # basic test stolen from twisted HTTPageGetter factory = client.ScrapyHTTPClientFactory(Request( url='http://foo/bar', body="some data", headers={ 'Host': 'example.net', 'User-Agent': 'fooble', 'Cookie': 'blah blah', 'Content-Length': '12981', 'Useful': 'value'})) self._test(factory, "GET /bar HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Content-Length: 9\r\n" "Useful: value\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "User-Agent: fooble\r\n" "Host: example.net\r\n" "Cookie: blah blah\r\n" "\r\n" "some data") # test minimal sent headers factory = client.ScrapyHTTPClientFactory(Request('http://foo/bar')) self._test(factory, "GET /bar HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Host: foo\r\n" "\r\n") # test a simple POST with body and content-type factory = client.ScrapyHTTPClientFactory(Request( method='POST', url='http://foo/bar', body='name=value', headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'})) self._test(factory, "POST /bar HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Host: foo\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" "Content-Length: 10\r\n" "\r\n" "name=value") # test with single and multivalued headers factory = client.ScrapyHTTPClientFactory(Request( url='http://foo/bar', headers={ 'X-Meta-Single': 'single', 'X-Meta-Multivalued': ['value1', 'value2'], })) self._test(factory, "GET /bar HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Host: foo\r\n" "X-Meta-Multivalued: value1\r\n" "X-Meta-Multivalued: value2\r\n" "X-Meta-Single: single\r\n" "\r\n") # same test with single and multivalued headers but using Headers class factory = client.ScrapyHTTPClientFactory(Request( url='http://foo/bar', headers=Headers({ 'X-Meta-Single': 'single', 'X-Meta-Multivalued': ['value1', 'value2'], }))) self._test(factory, "GET /bar HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Host: foo\r\n" "X-Meta-Multivalued: value1\r\n" "X-Meta-Multivalued: value2\r\n" "X-Meta-Single: single\r\n" "\r\n") def _test(self, factory, testvalue): transport = StringTransport() protocol = client.ScrapyHTTPPageGetter() protocol.factory = factory protocol.makeConnection(transport) self.assertEqual( set(transport.value().splitlines()), set(testvalue.splitlines())) return testvalue def test_non_standard_line_endings(self): # regression test for: http://dev.scrapy.org/ticket/258 factory = client.ScrapyHTTPClientFactory(Request( url='http://foo/bar')) protocol = client.ScrapyHTTPPageGetter() protocol.factory = factory protocol.headers = Headers() protocol.dataReceived("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n") protocol.dataReceived("Hello: World\n") protocol.dataReceived("Foo: Bar\n") protocol.dataReceived("\n") self.assertEqual(protocol.headers, Headers({'Hello': ['World'], 'Foo': ['Bar']})) from twisted.web.test.test_webclient import ForeverTakingResource, \ ErrorResource, NoLengthResource, HostHeaderResource, \ PayloadResource, BrokenDownloadResource class WebClientTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def _listen(self, site): return reactor.listenTCP(0, site, interface="") def setUp(self): name = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(name) FilePath(name).child("file").setContent("0123456789") r = static.File(name) r.putChild("redirect", util.Redirect("/file")) r.putChild("wait", ForeverTakingResource()) r.putChild("error", ErrorResource()) r.putChild("nolength", NoLengthResource()) r.putChild("host", HostHeaderResource()) r.putChild("payload", PayloadResource()) r.putChild("broken", BrokenDownloadResource()) self.site = server.Site(r, timeout=None) self.wrapper = WrappingFactory(self.site) self.port = self._listen(self.wrapper) self.portno = self.port.getHost().port def tearDown(self): return self.port.stopListening() def getURL(self, path): return "" % (self.portno, path) def testPayload(self): s = "0123456789" * 10 return getPage(self.getURL("payload"), body=s).addCallback(self.assertEquals, s) def testHostHeader(self): # if we pass Host header explicitly, it should be used, otherwise # it should extract from url return defer.gatherResults([ getPage(self.getURL("host")).addCallback(self.assertEquals, "" % self.portno), getPage(self.getURL("host"), headers={"Host": "www.example.com"}).addCallback(self.assertEquals, "www.example.com")]) def test_getPage(self): """ L{client.getPage} returns a L{Deferred} which is called back with the body of the response if the default method B{GET} is used. """ d = getPage(self.getURL("file")) d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, "0123456789") return d def test_getPageHead(self): """ L{client.getPage} returns a L{Deferred} which is called back with the empty string if the method is C{HEAD} and there is a successful response code. """ def _getPage(method): return getPage(self.getURL("file"), method=method) return defer.gatherResults([ _getPage("head").addCallback(self.assertEqual, ""), _getPage("HEAD").addCallback(self.assertEqual, "")]) def test_timeoutNotTriggering(self): """ When a non-zero timeout is passed to L{getPage} and the page is retrieved before the timeout period elapses, the L{Deferred} is called back with the contents of the page. """ d = getPage(self.getURL("host"), timeout=100) d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, "" % self.portno) return d def test_timeoutTriggering(self): """ When a non-zero timeout is passed to L{getPage} and that many seconds elapse before the server responds to the request. the L{Deferred} is errbacked with a L{error.TimeoutError}. """ finished = self.assertFailure( getPage(self.getURL("wait"), timeout=0.000001), defer.TimeoutError) def cleanup(passthrough): # Clean up the server which is hanging around not doing # anything. connected = self.wrapper.protocols.keys() # There might be nothing here if the server managed to already see # that the connection was lost. if connected: connected[0].transport.loseConnection() return passthrough finished.addBoth(cleanup) return finished def testNotFound(self): return getPage(self.getURL('notsuchfile')).addCallback(self._cbNoSuchFile) def _cbNoSuchFile(self, pageData): self.assert_('404 - No Such Resource' in pageData) def testFactoryInfo(self): url = self.getURL('file') scheme, netloc, host, port, path = client._parse(url) factory = client.ScrapyHTTPClientFactory(Request(url)) reactor.connectTCP(host, port, factory) return factory.deferred.addCallback(self._cbFactoryInfo, factory) def _cbFactoryInfo(self, ignoredResult, factory): self.assertEquals(factory.status, '200') self.assert_(factory.version.startswith('HTTP/')) self.assertEquals(factory.message, 'OK') self.assertEquals(factory.response_headers['content-length'], '10') def testRedirect(self): return getPage(self.getURL("redirect")).addCallback(self._cbRedirect) def _cbRedirect(self, pageData): self.assertEquals(pageData, '\n\n \n \n' ' \n \n ' 'click here\n \n\n')