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.. _topics-feed-exports:
Feed exports
.. versionadded:: 0.10
One of the most frequently required features when implementing scrapers is
being able to store the scraped data properly and, quite often, that means
generating an "export file" with the scraped data (commonly called "export
feed") to be consumed by other systems.
Scrapy provides this functionality out of the box with the Feed Exports, which
allows you to generate feeds with the scraped items, using multiple
serialization formats and storage backends.
.. _topics-feed-format:
Serialization formats
For serializing the scraped data, the feed exports use the :ref:`Item exporters
<topics-exporters>`. These formats are supported out of the box:
* :ref:`topics-feed-format-json`
* :ref:`topics-feed-format-jsonlines`
* :ref:`topics-feed-format-csv`
* :ref:`topics-feed-format-xml`
But you can also extend the supported format through the
:setting:`FEED_EXPORTERS` setting.
.. _topics-feed-format-json:
* Value for the ``format`` key in the :setting:`FEEDS` setting: ``json``
* Exporter used: :class:`~scrapy.exporters.JsonItemExporter`
* See :ref:`this warning <json-with-large-data>` if you're using JSON with
large feeds.
.. _topics-feed-format-jsonlines:
JSON lines
* Value for the ``format`` key in the :setting:`FEEDS` setting: ``jsonlines``
* Exporter used: :class:`~scrapy.exporters.JsonLinesItemExporter`
.. _topics-feed-format-csv:
* Value for the ``format`` key in the :setting:`FEEDS` setting: ``csv``
* Exporter used: :class:`~scrapy.exporters.CsvItemExporter`
* To specify columns to export and their order use
:setting:`FEED_EXPORT_FIELDS`. Other feed exporters can also use this
option, but it is important for CSV because unlike many other export
formats CSV uses a fixed header.
.. _topics-feed-format-xml:
* Value for the ``format`` key in the :setting:`FEEDS` setting: ``xml``
* Exporter used: :class:`~scrapy.exporters.XmlItemExporter`
.. _topics-feed-format-pickle:
* Value for the ``format`` key in the :setting:`FEEDS` setting: ``pickle``
* Exporter used: :class:`~scrapy.exporters.PickleItemExporter`
.. _topics-feed-format-marshal:
* Value for the ``format`` key in the :setting:`FEEDS` setting: ``marshal``
* Exporter used: :class:`~scrapy.exporters.MarshalItemExporter`
.. _topics-feed-storage:
When using the feed exports you define where to store the feed using one or multiple URIs_
(through the :setting:`FEEDS` setting). The feed exports supports multiple
storage backend types which are defined by the URI scheme.
The storages backends supported out of the box are:
* :ref:`topics-feed-storage-fs`
* :ref:`topics-feed-storage-ftp`
* :ref:`topics-feed-storage-s3` (requires botocore_)
* :ref:`topics-feed-storage-stdout`
Some storage backends may be unavailable if the required external libraries are
not available. For example, the S3 backend is only available if the botocore_
library is installed.
.. _topics-feed-uri-params:
Storage URI parameters
The storage URI can also contain parameters that get replaced when the feed is
being created. These parameters are:
* ``%(time)s`` - gets replaced by a timestamp when the feed is being created
* ``%(name)s`` - gets replaced by the spider name
Any other named parameter gets replaced by the spider attribute of the same
name. For example, ``%(site_id)s`` would get replaced by the ``spider.site_id``
attribute the moment the feed is being created.
Here are some examples to illustrate:
* Store in FTP using one directory per spider:
* ``ftp://user:password@ftp.example.com/scraping/feeds/%(name)s/%(time)s.json``
* Store in S3 using one directory per spider:
* ``s3://mybucket/scraping/feeds/%(name)s/%(time)s.json``
.. _topics-feed-storage-backends:
Storage backends
.. _topics-feed-storage-fs:
Local filesystem
The feeds are stored in the local filesystem.
* URI scheme: ``file``
* Example URI: ``file:///tmp/export.csv``
* Required external libraries: none
Note that for the local filesystem storage (only) you can omit the scheme if
you specify an absolute path like ``/tmp/export.csv``. This only works on Unix
systems though.
.. _topics-feed-storage-ftp:
The feeds are stored in a FTP server.
* URI scheme: ``ftp``
* Example URI: ``ftp://user:pass@ftp.example.com/path/to/export.csv``
* Required external libraries: none
FTP supports two different connection modes: `active or passive
<https://stackoverflow.com/a/1699163>`_. Scrapy uses the passive connection
mode by default. To use the active connection mode instead, set the
:setting:`FEED_STORAGE_FTP_ACTIVE` setting to ``True``.
.. _topics-feed-storage-s3:
The feeds are stored on `Amazon S3`_.
* URI scheme: ``s3``
* Example URIs:
* ``s3://mybucket/path/to/export.csv``
* ``s3://aws_key:aws_secret@mybucket/path/to/export.csv``
* Required external libraries: `botocore`_
The AWS credentials can be passed as user/password in the URI, or they can be
passed through the following settings:
* :setting:`AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`
You can also define a custom ACL for exported feeds using this setting:
* :setting:`FEED_STORAGE_S3_ACL`
.. _topics-feed-storage-stdout:
Standard output
The feeds are written to the standard output of the Scrapy process.
* URI scheme: ``stdout``
* Example URI: ``stdout:``
* Required external libraries: none
These are the settings used for configuring the feed exports:
* :setting:`FEEDS` (mandatory)
* :setting:`FEED_STORE_EMPTY`
* :setting:`FEED_STORAGES`
* :setting:`FEED_STORAGE_S3_ACL`
* :setting:`FEED_EXPORTERS`
.. currentmodule:: scrapy.extensions.feedexport
.. setting:: FEEDS
.. versionadded:: 2.1
Default: ``{}``
A dictionary in which every key is a feed URI (or a :class:`pathlib.Path`
object) and each value is a nested dictionary containing configuration
parameters for the specific feed.
This setting is required for enabling the feed export feature.
See :ref:`topics-feed-storage-backends` for supported URI schemes.
For instance::
'items.json': {
'format': 'json',
'encoding': 'utf8',
'store_empty': False,
'fields': None,
'indent': 4,
'/home/user/documents/items.xml': {
'format': 'xml',
'fields': ['name', 'price'],
'encoding': 'latin1',
'indent': 8,
pathlib.Path('items.csv'): {
'format': 'csv',
'fields': ['price', 'name'],
The following is a list of the accepted keys and the setting that is used
as a fallback value if that key is not provided for a specific feed definition.
* ``format``: the serialization format to be used for the feed.
See :ref:`topics-feed-format` for possible values.
Mandatory, no fallback setting
* ``encoding``: falls back to :setting:`FEED_EXPORT_ENCODING`
* ``fields``: falls back to :setting:`FEED_EXPORT_FIELDS`
* ``indent``: falls back to :setting:`FEED_EXPORT_INDENT`
* ``store_empty``: falls back to :setting:`FEED_STORE_EMPTY`
Default: ``None``
The encoding to be used for the feed.
If unset or set to ``None`` (default) it uses UTF-8 for everything except JSON output,
which uses safe numeric encoding (``\uXXXX`` sequences) for historic reasons.
Use ``utf-8`` if you want UTF-8 for JSON too.
Default: ``None``
A list of fields to export, optional.
Example: ``FEED_EXPORT_FIELDS = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]``.
Use FEED_EXPORT_FIELDS option to define fields to export and their order.
When FEED_EXPORT_FIELDS is empty or None (default), Scrapy uses the fields
defined in :ref:`item objects <topics-items>` yielded by your spider.
If an exporter requires a fixed set of fields (this is the case for
:ref:`CSV <topics-feed-format-csv>` export format) and FEED_EXPORT_FIELDS
is empty or None, then Scrapy tries to infer field names from the
exported data - currently it uses field names from the first item.
Default: ``0``
Amount of spaces used to indent the output on each level. If ``FEED_EXPORT_INDENT``
is a non-negative integer, then array elements and object members will be pretty-printed
with that indent level. An indent level of ``0`` (the default), or negative,
will put each item on a new line. ``None`` selects the most compact representation.
Currently implemented only by :class:`~scrapy.exporters.JsonItemExporter`
and :class:`~scrapy.exporters.XmlItemExporter`, i.e. when you are exporting
to ``.json`` or ``.xml``.
.. setting:: FEED_STORE_EMPTY
Default: ``False``
Whether to export empty feeds (i.e. feeds with no items).
.. setting:: FEED_STORAGES
Default: ``{}``
A dict containing additional feed storage backends supported by your project.
The keys are URI schemes and the values are paths to storage classes.
Default: ``False``
Whether to use the active connection mode when exporting feeds to an FTP server
(``True``) or use the passive connection mode instead (``False``, default).
For information about FTP connection modes, see `What is the difference between
active and passive FTP? <https://stackoverflow.com/a/1699163>`_.
.. setting:: FEED_STORAGE_S3_ACL
Default: ``''`` (empty string)
A string containing a custom ACL for feeds exported to Amazon S3 by your project.
For a complete list of available values, access the `Canned ACL`_ section on Amazon S3 docs.
'': 'scrapy.extensions.feedexport.FileFeedStorage',
'file': 'scrapy.extensions.feedexport.FileFeedStorage',
'stdout': 'scrapy.extensions.feedexport.StdoutFeedStorage',
's3': 'scrapy.extensions.feedexport.S3FeedStorage',
'ftp': 'scrapy.extensions.feedexport.FTPFeedStorage',
A dict containing the built-in feed storage backends supported by Scrapy. You
can disable any of these backends by assigning ``None`` to their URI scheme in
:setting:`FEED_STORAGES`. E.g., to disable the built-in FTP storage backend
(without replacement), place this in your ``settings.py``::
'ftp': None,
.. setting:: FEED_EXPORTERS
Default: ``{}``
A dict containing additional exporters supported by your project. The keys are
serialization formats and the values are paths to :ref:`Item exporter
<topics-exporters>` classes.
'json': 'scrapy.exporters.JsonItemExporter',
'jsonlines': 'scrapy.exporters.JsonLinesItemExporter',
'jl': 'scrapy.exporters.JsonLinesItemExporter',
'csv': 'scrapy.exporters.CsvItemExporter',
'xml': 'scrapy.exporters.XmlItemExporter',
'marshal': 'scrapy.exporters.MarshalItemExporter',
'pickle': 'scrapy.exporters.PickleItemExporter',
A dict containing the built-in feed exporters supported by Scrapy. You can
disable any of these exporters by assigning ``None`` to their serialization
format in :setting:`FEED_EXPORTERS`. E.g., to disable the built-in CSV exporter
(without replacement), place this in your ``settings.py``::
'csv': None,
.. _URIs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier
.. _Amazon S3: https://aws.amazon.com/s3/
.. _botocore: https://github.com/boto/botocore
.. _Canned ACL: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl