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======= ====================================================================
SEP 14
Title CrawlSpider v2
Author Insophia Team
Created 2010-01-22
Updated 2010-02-04
Status Final. Partially implemented but discarded because of lack of use in
======= ====================================================================
SEP-014 - CrawlSpider v2
This SEP proposes a rewrite of Scrapy ``CrawlSpider`` and related components
Current flaws and inconsistencies
1. Request's callbacks are hard to persist.
2. Link extractors are inflexible and hard to maintain, link
processing/filtering is tightly coupled. (e.g. canonicalize)
3. Isn't possible to crawl an url directly from command line because the Spider
does not know which callback use.
These flaws will be corrected by the changes proposed in this SEP.
Proposed API Changes
- Separate the functionality of Rule-LinkExtractor-Callback
- Separate the functionality of LinkExtractor to Request Extractor and Request
- Separate the process of determining response callback and the extraction of
new requests (link extractors)
- The callback will be determine by Matcher Objects on request/response objects
Matcher Objects
Matcher Objects (aka Matcher) are responsible for determining if given request
or response matches an arbitrary criteria. The Matcher receives as argument
the request or the response, giving a powerful access to all request/response
In the current ``CrawlSpider``, the Rule Object has the responsibility to
determine the callback of given extractor, and the link extractor contains the
url pattern (aka regex). Now the Matcher will contain only the pattern or
criteria to determine which request/response will execute any action. See below
Spider Rules.
Request Extractors
Request Extractors takes response object and determines which requests follow.
This is an enhancement to ``LinkExtractors`` which returns urls (links),
Request Extractors return Request objects.
Request Processors
Request Processors takes requests objects and can perform any action to them,
like filtering or modifying on the fly.
The current ``LinkExtractor`` had integrated link processing, like
canonicalize. Request Processors can be reutilized and applied in serie.
Request Generator
Request Generator is the decoupling of the ``CrawlSpider``'s method
_request_to_follow(). Request Generator takes the response object and applies
the Request Extractors and Request Processors.
Rules Manager
The Rules are a definition of Rule objects containing Matcher Objects and
The Legacy Rules were used to perform the link extraction and attach the
callback to the generated Request object. The proposed new Rules will be used
to determine the callback for given response. This opens a whole of
opportunities, like determine the callback for given url, and persist the queue
of Request objects because the callback is determined the matching the Response
object against the Rules.
Usage Examples
Basic Crawling
# Basic Crawling
class SampleSpider(CrawlSpider):
rules = [
# The dispatcher uses first-match policy
Rule(UrlRegexMatch(r'product\.html\?id=\d+'), 'parse_item', follow=False),
# by default, if the first param is string is wrapped into UrlRegexMatch
Rule(r'.+', 'parse_page'),
request_extractors = [
# crawl all links looking for products and images
request_processors = [
# canonicalize all requests' urls
def parse_item(self, response):
# parse and extract items from response
def parse_page(self, response):
# extract images on all pages
Custom Processor and External Callback
# Using external callbacks
# Custom Processor
def filter_today_links(requests):
# only crawl today links
today = datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
return [r for r in requests if today in r.url]
# Callback defined out of spider
def my_external_callback(response):
# process item
class SampleSpider(CrawlSpider):
rules = [
# The dispatcher uses first-match policy
Rule(UrlRegexMatch(r'/news/(.+)/'), my_external_callback),
request_extractors = [
request_processors = [
# canonicalize all requests' urls
Package Structure
|- crawlspider/
|- spider.py
|- CrawlSpider
|- rules.py
|- Rule
|- CompiledRule
|- RulesManager
|- reqgen.py
|- RequestGenerator
|- reqproc.py
|- Canonicalize
|- Unique
|- ...
|- reqext.py
|- SgmlRequestExtractor
|- RegexRequestExtractor
|- ...
|- matchers.py
|- BaseMatcher
|- UrlMatcher
|- UrlRegexMatcher
|- ...
Request/Response Matchers
Request/Response Matchers
Perform evaluation to Request or Response attributes
class BaseMatcher(object):
"""Base matcher. Returns True by default."""
def matches_request(self, request):
"""Performs Request Matching"""
return True
def matches_response(self, response):
"""Performs Response Matching"""
return True
class UrlMatcher(BaseMatcher):
"""Matches URL attribute"""
def __init__(self, url):
"""Initialize url attribute"""
self._url = url
def matches_url(self, url):
"""Returns True if given url is equal to matcher's url"""
return self._url url
def matches_request(self, request):
"""Returns True if Request's url matches initial url"""
return self.matches_url(request.url)
def matches_response(self, response):
"""REturns True if Response's url matches initial url"""
return self.matches_url(response.url)
class UrlRegexMatcher(UrlMatcher):
"""Matches URL using regular expression"""
def __init__(self, regex, flags=0):
"""Initialize regular expression"""
self._regex = re.compile(regex, flags)
def matches_url(self, url):
"""Returns True if url matches regular expression"""
return self._regex.search(url) is not None
Request Extractor
# Requests Extractor
# Extractors receive response and return list of Requests
class BaseSgmlRequestExtractor(FixedSGMLParser):
"""Base SGML Request Extractor"""
def __init__(self, tag='a', attr='href'):
"""Initialize attributes"""
self.scan_tag = tag if callable(tag) else lambda t: t tag
self.scan_attr = attr if callable(attr) else lambda a: a attr
self.current_request = None
def extract_requests(self, response):
"""Returns list of requests extracted from response"""
return self._extract_requests(response.body, response.url,
def _extract_requests(self, response_text, response_url, response_encoding):
"""Extract requests with absolute urls"""
base_url = self.base_url if self.base_url else response_url
self._make_absolute_urls(base_url, response_encoding)
return self.requests
def _make_absolute_urls(self, base_url, encoding):
"""Makes all request's urls absolute"""
for req in self.requests:
url = req.url
# make absolute url
url = urljoin_rfc(base_url, url, encoding)
url = safe_url_string(url, encoding)
# replace in-place request's url
req.url = url
def _fix_link_text_encoding(self, encoding):
"""Convert link_text to unicode for each request"""
for req in self.requests:
req.meta.setdefault('link_text', '')
req.meta['link_text'] = str_to_unicode(req.meta['link_text'],
def reset(self):
"""Reset state"""
self.requests = []
self.base_url = None
def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
"""Process unknown start tag"""
if 'base' tag:
self.base_url = dict(attrs).get('href')
if self.scan_tag(tag):
for attr, value in attrs:
if self.scan_attr(attr):
if value is not None:
req = Request(url=value)
self.current_request = req
def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
"""Process unknown end tag"""
self.current_request = None
def handle_data(self, data):
"""Process data"""
current = self.current_request
if current and not 'link_text' in current.meta:
current.meta['link_text'] = data.strip()
class SgmlRequestExtractor(BaseSgmlRequestExtractor):
"""SGML Request Extractor"""
def __init__(self, tags=None, attrs=None):
"""Initialize with custom tag & attribute function checkers"""
# defaults
tags = tuple(tags) if tags else ('a', 'area')
attrs = tuple(attrs) if attrs else ('href', )
tag_func = lambda x: x in tags
attr_func = lambda x: x in attrs
BaseSgmlRequestExtractor.__init__(self, tag=tag_func, attr=attr_func)
class XPathRequestExtractor(SgmlRequestExtractor):
"""SGML Request Extractor with XPath restriction"""
def __init__(self, restrict_xpaths, tags=None, attrs=None):
"""Initialize XPath restrictions"""
self.restrict_xpaths = tuple(arg_to_iter(restrict_xpaths))
SgmlRequestExtractor.__init__(self, tags, attrs)
def extract_requests(self, response):
"""Restrict to XPath regions"""
hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
fragments = (''.join(
html_frag for html_frag in hxs.select(xpath).extract()
) for xpath in self.restrict_xpaths)
html_slice = ''.join(html_frag for html_frag in fragments)
return self._extract_requests(html_slice, response.url,
Request Processor
# Request Processors
# Processors receive list of requests and return list of requests
"""Request Processors"""
class Canonicalize(object):
"""Canonicalize Request Processor"""
def __call__(self, requests):
"""Canonicalize all requests' urls"""
for req in requests:
# replace in-place
req.url = canonicalize_url(req.url)
yield req
class Unique(object):
"""Filter duplicate Requests"""
def __init__(self, *attributes):
"""Initialize comparison attributes"""
self._attributes = attributes or ['url']
def _requests_equal(self, req1, req2):
"""Attribute comparison helper"""
for attr in self._attributes:
if getattr(req1, attr) != getattr(req2, attr):
return False
# all attributes equal
return True
def _request_in(self, request, requests_seen):
"""Check if request is in given requests seen list"""
for seen in requests_seen:
if self._requests_equal(request, seen):
return True
# request not seen
return False
def __call__(self, requests):
"""Filter seen requests"""
# per-call duplicates filter
requests_seen = set()
for req in requests:
if not self._request_in(req, requests_seen):
yield req
# registry seen request
class FilterDomain(object):
"""Filter request's domain"""
def __init__(self, allow=(), deny=()):
"""Initialize allow/deny attributes"""
self.allow = tuple(arg_to_iter(allow))
self.deny = tuple(arg_to_iter(deny))
def __call__(self, requests):
"""Filter domains"""
processed = (req for req in requests)
if self.allow:
processed = (req for req in requests
if url_is_from_any_domain(req.url, self.allow))
if self.deny:
processed = (req for req in requests
if not url_is_from_any_domain(req.url, self.deny))
return processed
class FilterUrl(object):
"""Filter request's url"""
def __init__(self, allow=(), deny=()):
"""Initialize allow/deny attributes"""
_re_type = type(re.compile('', 0))
self.allow_res = [x if isinstance(x, _re_type) else re.compile(x)
for x in arg_to_iter(allow)]
self.deny_res = [x if isinstance(x, _re_type) else re.compile(x)
for x in arg_to_iter(deny)]
def __call__(self, requests):
"""Filter request's url based on allow/deny rules"""
#TODO: filter valid urls here?
processed = (req for req in requests)
if self.allow_res:
processed = (req for req in requests
if self._matches(req.url, self.allow_res))
if self.deny_res:
processed = (req for req in requests
if not self._matches(req.url, self.deny_res))
return processed
def _matches(self, url, regexs):
"""Returns True if url matches any regex in given list"""
return any(r.search(url) for r in regexs)
Rule Object
# Dispatch Rules classes
# Manage Rules (Matchers + Callbacks)
class Rule(object):
"""Crawler Rule"""
def __init__(self, matcher, callback=None, cb_args=None,
cb_kwargs=None, follow=True):
"""Store attributes"""
self.matcher = matcher
self.callback = callback
self.cb_args = cb_args if cb_args else ()
self.cb_kwargs = cb_kwargs if cb_kwargs else {}
self.follow = follow
# Rules Manager takes list of Rule objects and normalize matcher and callback
# into CompiledRule
class CompiledRule(object):
"""Compiled version of Rule"""
def __init__(self, matcher, callback=None, follow=False):
"""Initialize attributes checking type"""
assert isinstance(matcher, BaseMatcher)
assert callback is None or callable(callback)
assert isinstance(follow, bool)
self.matcher = matcher
self.callback = callback
self.follow = follow
Rules Manager
# Handles rules matcher/callbacks
# Resolve rule for given response
class RulesManager(object):
"""Rules Manager"""
def __init__(self, rules, spider, default_matcher=UrlRegexMatcher):
"""Initialize rules using spider and default matcher"""
self._rules = tuple()
# compile absolute/relative-to-spider callbacks"""
for rule in rules:
# prepare matcher
if isinstance(rule.matcher, BaseMatcher):
matcher = rule.matcher
# matcher not BaseMatcher, check for string
if isinstance(rule.matcher, basestring):
# instance default matcher
matcher = default_matcher(rule.matcher)
raise ValueError('Not valid matcher given %r in %r' \
% (rule.matcher, rule))
# prepare callback
if callable(rule.callback):
callback = rule.callback
elif not rule.callback is None:
# callback from spider
callback = getattr(spider, rule.callback)
if not callable(callback):
raise AttributeError('Invalid callback %r can not be resolved' \
% callback)
callback = None
if rule.cb_args or rule.cb_kwargs:
# build partial callback
callback = partial(callback, *rule.cb_args, **rule.cb_kwargs)
# append compiled rule to rules list
crule = CompiledRule(matcher, callback, follow=rule.follow)
self._rules += (crule, )
def get_rule(self, response):
"""Returns first rule that matches response"""
for rule in self._rules:
if rule.matcher.matches_response(response):
return rule
Request Generator
# Request Generator
# Takes response and generate requests using extractors and processors
class RequestGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, req_extractors, req_processors, callback):
self._request_extractors = req_extractors
self._request_processors = req_processors
self.callback = callback
def generate_requests(self, response):
Extract and process new requets from response
requests = []
for ext in self._request_extractors:
for proc in self._request_processors:
requests = proc(requests)
for request in requests:
yield request.replace(callback=self.callback)
# Spider
class CrawlSpider(InitSpider):
"""CrawlSpider v2"""
request_extractors = []
request_processors = []
rules = []
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize dispatcher"""
super(CrawlSpider, self).__init__()
# wrap rules
self._rulesman = RulesManager(self.rules, spider=self)
# generates new requests with given callback
self._reqgen = RequestGenerator(self.request_extractors,
def parse(self, response):
"""Dispatch callback and generate requests"""
# get rule for response
rule = self._rulesman.get_rule(response)
if rule:
# dispatch callback if set
if rule.callback:
output = iterate_spider_output(rule.callback(response))
for req_or_item in output:
yield req_or_item
if rule.follow:
for req in self._reqgen.generate_requests(response):
yield req