id: fiber
title: 📦 Fiber
description: Fiber represents the fiber package where you start to create an instance.
sidebar_position: 1
## New
This method creates a new **App** named instance. You can pass optional [config ](#config)when creating a new instance.
```go title="Signature"
func New(config ...Config) *App
```go title="Example"
// Default config
app := fiber.New()
// ...
## Config
You can pass an optional Config when creating a new Fiber instance.
```go title="Example"
// Custom config
app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
Prefork: true,
CaseSensitive: true,
StrictRouting: true,
ServerHeader: "Fiber",
AppName: "Test App v1.0.1",
// ...
**Config fields**
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ---------------------------- | --------------------- |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------- |
| AppName | `string` | This allows to setup app name for the app | `""` |
| BodyLimit | `int` | Sets the maximum allowed size for a request body, if the size exceeds the configured limit, it sends `413 - Request Entity Too Large` response. | `4 * 1024 * 1024` |
| CaseSensitive | `bool` | When enabled, `/Foo` and `/foo` are different routes. When disabled, `/Foo`and `/foo` are treated the same. | `false` |
| ColorScheme | [`Colors`](https://github.com/gofiber/fiber/blob/master/color.go) | You can define custom color scheme. They'll be used for startup message, route list and some middlewares. | [`DefaultColors`](https://github.com/gofiber/fiber/blob/master/color.go) |
| CompressedFileSuffix | `string` | Adds a suffix to the original file name and tries saving the resulting compressed file under the new file name. | `".fiber.gz"` |
| Concurrency | `int` | Maximum number of concurrent connections. | `256 * 1024` |
| DisableDefaultContentType | `bool` | When set to true, causes the default Content-Type header to be excluded from the Response. | `false` |
| DisableDefaultDate | `bool` | When set to true causes the default date header to be excluded from the response. | `false` |
| DisableHeaderNormalizing | `bool` | By default all header names are normalized: conteNT-tYPE -> Content-Type | `false` |
| DisableKeepalive | `bool` | Disable keep-alive connections, the server will close incoming connections after sending the first response to the client | `false` |
| DisablePreParseMultipartForm | `bool` | Will not pre parse Multipart Form data if set to true. This option is useful for servers that desire to treat multipart form data as a binary blob, or choose when to parse the data. | `false` |
| DisableStartupMessage | `bool` | When set to true, it will not print out debug information | `false` |
| ETag | `bool` | Enable or disable ETag header generation, since both weak and strong etags are generated using the same hashing method \(CRC-32\). Weak ETags are the default when enabled. | `false` |
| EnableIPValidation | `bool` | If set to true, `c.IP()` and `c.IPs()` will validate IP addresses before returning them. Also, `c.IP()` will return only the first valid IP rather than just the raw header value that may be a comma seperated string.
**WARNING:** There is a small performance cost to doing this validation. Keep disabled if speed is your only concern and your application is behind a trusted proxy that already validates this header. | `false` |
| EnablePrintRoutes | `bool` | EnablePrintRoutes enables print all routes with their method, path, name and handler.. | `false` |
| EnableSplittingOnParsers | `bool` | EnableSplittingOnParsers splits the query/body/header parameters by comma when it's true.
For example, you can use it to parse multiple values from a query parameter like this: `/api?foo=bar,baz == foo[]=bar&foo[]=baz` | `false` |
| EnableTrustedProxyCheck | `bool` | When set to true, fiber will check whether proxy is trusted, using TrustedProxies list.
By default `c.Protocol()` will get value from X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Protocol, X-Forwarded-Ssl or X-Url-Scheme header, `c.IP()` will get value from `ProxyHeader` header, `c.Hostname()` will get value from X-Forwarded-Host header.
If `EnableTrustedProxyCheck` is true, and `RemoteIP` is in the list of `TrustedProxies` `c.Protocol()`, `c.IP()`, and `c.Hostname()` will have the same behaviour when `EnableTrustedProxyCheck` disabled, if `RemoteIP` isn't in the list, `c.Protocol()` will return https in case when tls connection is handled by the app, or http otherwise, `c.IP()` will return RemoteIP() from fasthttp context, `c.Hostname()` will return `fasthttp.Request.URI().Host()` | `false` |
| ErrorHandler | `ErrorHandler` | ErrorHandler is executed when an error is returned from fiber.Handler. Mounted fiber error handlers are retained by the top-level app and applied on prefix associated requests. | `DefaultErrorHandler` |
| GETOnly | `bool` | Rejects all non-GET requests if set to true. This option is useful as anti-DoS protection for servers accepting only GET requests. The request size is limited by ReadBufferSize if GETOnly is set. | `false` |
| IdleTimeout | `time.Duration` | The maximum amount of time to wait for the next request when keep-alive is enabled. If IdleTimeout is zero, the value of ReadTimeout is used. | `nil` |
| Immutable | `bool` | When enabled, all values returned by context methods are immutable. By default, they are valid until you return from the handler; see issue [\#185](https://github.com/gofiber/fiber/issues/185). | `false` |
| JSONDecoder | `utils.JSONUnmarshal` | Allowing for flexibility in using another json library for decoding. | `json.Unmarshal` |
| JSONEncoder | `utils.JSONMarshal` | Allowing for flexibility in using another json library for encoding. | `json.Marshal` |
| Network | `string` | Known networks are "tcp", "tcp4" (IPv4-only), "tcp6" (IPv6-only)
**WARNING:** When prefork is set to true, only "tcp4" and "tcp6" can be chosen. | `NetworkTCP4` |
| PassLocalsToViews | `bool` | PassLocalsToViews Enables passing of the locals set on a fiber.Ctx to the template engine. See our **Template Middleware** for supported engines. | `false` |
| Prefork | `bool` | Enables use of the[`SO_REUSEPORT`](https://lwn.net/Articles/542629/)socket option. This will spawn multiple Go processes listening on the same port. learn more about [socket sharding](https://www.nginx.com/blog/socket-sharding-nginx-release-1-9-1/). **NOTE: if enabled, the application will need to be ran through a shell because prefork mode sets environment variables. If you're using Docker, make sure the app is ran with `CMD ./app` or `CMD ["sh", "-c", "/app"]`. For more info, see** [**this**](https://github.com/gofiber/fiber/issues/1021#issuecomment-730537971) **issue comment.** | `false` |
| ProxyHeader | `string` | This will enable `c.IP()` to return the value of the given header key. By default `c.IP()`will return the Remote IP from the TCP connection, this property can be useful if you are behind a load balancer e.g. _X-Forwarded-\*_. | `""` |
| ReadBufferSize | `int` | per-connection buffer size for requests' reading. This also limits the maximum header size. Increase this buffer if your clients send multi-KB RequestURIs and/or multi-KB headers \(for example, BIG cookies\). | `4096` |
| ReadTimeout | `time.Duration` | The amount of time allowed to read the full request, including the body. The default timeout is unlimited. | `nil` |
| RequestMethods | `[]string` | RequestMethods provides customizibility for HTTP methods. You can add/remove methods as you wish. | `DefaultMethods` |
| ServerHeader | `string` | Enables the `Server` HTTP header with the given value. | `""` |
| StreamRequestBody | `bool` | StreamRequestBody enables request body streaming, and calls the handler sooner when given body is larger then the current limit. | `false` |
| StrictRouting | `bool` | When enabled, the router treats `/foo` and `/foo/` as different. Otherwise, the router treats `/foo` and `/foo/` as the same. | `false` |
| TrustedProxies | `[]string` | Contains the list of trusted proxy IP's. Look at `EnableTrustedProxyCheck` doc.
It can take IP or IP range addresses. If it gets IP range, it iterates all possible addresses. | `[]string*__*` |
| UnescapePath | `bool` | Converts all encoded characters in the route back before setting the path for the context, so that the routing can also work with URL encoded special characters | `false` |
| Views | `Views` | Views is the interface that wraps the Render function. See our **Template Middleware** for supported engines. | `nil` |
| ViewsLayout | `string` | Views Layout is the global layout for all template render until override on Render function. See our **Template Middleware** for supported engines. | `""` |
| WriteBufferSize | `int` | Per-connection buffer size for responses' writing. | `4096` |
| WriteTimeout | `time.Duration` | The maximum duration before timing out writes of the response. The default timeout is unlimited. | `nil` |
| XMLEncoder | `utils.XMLMarshal` | Allowing for flexibility in using another XML library for encoding. | `xml.Marshal` |
## NewError
NewError creates a new HTTPError instance with an optional message.
```go title="Signature"
func NewError(code int, message ...string) *Error
```go title="Example"
app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return fiber.NewError(782, "Custom error message")
## IsChild
IsChild determines if the current process is a result of Prefork.
```go title="Signature"
func IsChild() bool
```go title="Example"
// Prefork will spawn child processes
app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
Prefork: true,
if !fiber.IsChild() {
fmt.Println("I'm the parent process")
} else {
fmt.Println("I'm a child process")
// ...