mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 05:03:40 +00:00
309 lines
7.8 KiB
309 lines
7.8 KiB
package logger
import (
// Logger variables
const (
TagPid = "pid"
TagTime = "time"
TagReferer = "referer"
TagProtocol = "protocol"
TagIP = "ip"
TagIPs = "ips"
TagHost = "host"
TagMethod = "method"
TagPath = "path"
TagURL = "url"
TagUA = "ua"
TagLatency = "latency"
TagStatus = "status"
TagBody = "body"
TagBytesSent = "bytesSent"
TagBytesReceived = "bytesReceived"
TagRoute = "route"
TagError = "error"
TagHeader = "header:"
TagLocals = "locals:"
TagQuery = "query:"
TagForm = "form:"
TagCookie = "cookie:"
TagBlack = "black"
TagRed = "red"
TagGreen = "green"
TagYellow = "yellow"
TagBlue = "blue"
TagMagenta = "magenta"
TagCyan = "cyan"
TagWhite = "white"
TagReset = "reset"
// Color values
const (
cBlack = "\u001b[90m"
cRed = "\u001b[91m"
cGreen = "\u001b[92m"
cYellow = "\u001b[93m"
cBlue = "\u001b[94m"
cMagenta = "\u001b[95m"
cCyan = "\u001b[96m"
cWhite = "\u001b[97m"
cReset = "\u001b[0m"
// New creates a new middleware handler
func New(config ...Config) fiber.Handler {
// Set default config
cfg := configDefault(config...)
// Get timezone location
tz, err := time.LoadLocation(cfg.TimeZone)
if err != nil || tz == nil {
cfg.timeZoneLocation = time.Local
} else {
cfg.timeZoneLocation = tz
// Check if format contains latency
cfg.enableLatency = strings.Contains(cfg.Format, "${latency}")
// Create template parser
tmpl := fasttemplate.New(cfg.Format, "${", "}")
// Create correct timeformat
var timestamp atomic.Value
// Update date/time every 750 milliseconds in a separate go routine
if strings.Contains(cfg.Format, "${time}") {
go func() {
for {
// Set PID once
pid := strconv.Itoa(os.Getpid())
// Set variables
var (
start, stop time.Time
once sync.Once
mu sync.Mutex
errHandler fiber.ErrorHandler
// If colors are enabled, check terminal compatibility
if cfg.enableColors {
cfg.Output = colorable.NewColorableStderr()
if os.Getenv("TERM") == "dumb" || (!isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stderr.Fd()) && !isatty.IsCygwinTerminal(os.Stderr.Fd())) {
cfg.Output = colorable.NewNonColorable(os.Stderr)
var errPadding = 15
var errPaddingStr = strconv.Itoa(errPadding)
// Return new handler
return func(c *fiber.Ctx) (err error) {
// Don't execute middleware if Next returns true
if cfg.Next != nil && cfg.Next(c) {
return c.Next()
// Set error handler once
once.Do(func() {
errHandler = c.App().Config().ErrorHandler
stack := c.App().Stack()
for m := range stack {
for r := range stack[m] {
if len(stack[m][r].Path) > errPadding {
errPadding = len(stack[m][r].Path)
errPaddingStr = strconv.Itoa(errPadding)
// Set latency start time
if cfg.enableLatency {
start = time.Now()
// Handle request, store err for logging
chainErr := c.Next()
// Manually call error handler
if chainErr != nil {
if err := errHandler(c, chainErr); err != nil {
_ = c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)
// Set latency stop time
if cfg.enableLatency {
stop = time.Now()
// Get new buffer
buf := bytebufferpool.Get()
// Default output when no custom Format or io.Writer is given
if cfg.enableColors {
// Format error if exist
formatErr := ""
if chainErr != nil {
formatErr = cRed + " | " + chainErr.Error() + cReset
// Format log to buffer
_, _ = buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s |%s %3d %s| %7v | %15s |%s %-7s %s| %-"+errPaddingStr+"s %s\n",
statusColor(c.Response().StatusCode()), c.Response().StatusCode(), cReset,
methodColor(c.Method()), c.Method(), cReset,
// Write buffer to output
_, _ = cfg.Output.Write(buf.Bytes())
// Put buffer back to pool
// End chain
return nil
// Loop over template tags to replace it with the correct value
_, err = tmpl.ExecuteFunc(buf, func(w io.Writer, tag string) (int, error) {
switch tag {
case TagTime:
return buf.WriteString(timestamp.Load().(string))
case TagReferer:
return buf.WriteString(c.Get(fiber.HeaderReferer))
case TagProtocol:
return buf.WriteString(c.Protocol())
case TagPid:
return buf.WriteString(pid)
case TagIP:
return buf.WriteString(c.IP())
case TagIPs:
return buf.WriteString(c.Get(fiber.HeaderXForwardedFor))
case TagHost:
return buf.WriteString(c.Hostname())
case TagPath:
return buf.WriteString(c.Path())
case TagURL:
return buf.WriteString(c.OriginalURL())
case TagUA:
return buf.WriteString(c.Get(fiber.HeaderUserAgent))
case TagLatency:
return buf.WriteString(stop.Sub(start).String())
case TagBody:
return buf.Write(c.Body())
case TagBytesReceived:
return appendInt(buf, len(c.Request().Body()))
case TagBytesSent:
return appendInt(buf, len(c.Response().Body()))
case TagRoute:
return buf.WriteString(c.Route().Path)
case TagStatus:
return appendInt(buf, c.Response().StatusCode())
case TagMethod:
return buf.WriteString(c.Method())
case TagBlack:
return buf.WriteString(cBlack)
case TagRed:
return buf.WriteString(cRed)
case TagGreen:
return buf.WriteString(cGreen)
case TagYellow:
return buf.WriteString(cYellow)
case TagBlue:
return buf.WriteString(cBlue)
case TagMagenta:
return buf.WriteString(cMagenta)
case TagCyan:
return buf.WriteString(cCyan)
case TagWhite:
return buf.WriteString(cWhite)
case TagReset:
return buf.WriteString(cReset)
case TagError:
if chainErr != nil {
return buf.WriteString(chainErr.Error())
return buf.WriteString("-")
// Check if we have a value tag i.e.: "header:x-key"
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(tag, TagHeader):
return buf.WriteString(c.Get(tag[7:]))
case strings.HasPrefix(tag, TagQuery):
return buf.WriteString(c.Query(tag[6:]))
case strings.HasPrefix(tag, TagForm):
return buf.WriteString(c.FormValue(tag[5:]))
case strings.HasPrefix(tag, TagCookie):
return buf.WriteString(c.Cookies(tag[7:]))
case strings.HasPrefix(tag, TagLocals):
switch v := c.Locals(tag[7:]).(type) {
case []byte:
return buf.Write(v)
case string:
return buf.WriteString(v)
case nil:
return 0, nil
return buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
return 0, nil
// Also write errors to the buffer
if err != nil {
_, _ = buf.WriteString(err.Error())
// Write buffer to output
if _, err := cfg.Output.Write(buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
// Write error to output
if _, err := cfg.Output.Write([]byte(err.Error())); err != nil {
// There is something wrong with the given io.Writer
// TODO: What should we do here?
// Put buffer back to pool
return nil
func appendInt(buf *bytebufferpool.ByteBuffer, v int) (int, error) {
old := len(buf.B)
buf.B = fasthttp.AppendUint(buf.B, v)
return len(buf.B) - old, nil