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// 🚀 Fiber is an Express inspired web framework written in Go with 💖
// 📌 API Documentation: https://fiber.wiki
// 📝 Github Repository: https://github.com/gofiber/fiber
package fiber
import (
websocket "github.com/fasthttp/websocket"
template "github.com/gofiber/template"
jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
fasthttp "github.com/valyala/fasthttp"
// Ctx represents the Context which hold the HTTP request and response.
// It has methods for the request query string, parameters, body, HTTP headers and so on.
// For more information please visit our documentation: https://fiber.wiki/context
type Ctx struct {
app *App // Reference to *App
route *Route // Reference to *Route
index int // Index of the current stack
method string // HTTP method
path string // HTTP path
values []string // Route parameter values
compress bool // If the response needs to be compressed
Fasthttp *fasthttp.RequestCtx // Reference to *fasthttp.RequestCtx
err error // Contains error if catched
// Range struct
type Range struct {
Type string
Ranges []struct {
Start int
End int
// Cookie struct
type Cookie struct {
Name string
Value string
Path string
Domain string
Expires time.Time
Secure bool
HTTPOnly bool
// Ctx pool
var poolCtx = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return new(Ctx)
// Acquire Ctx from pool
func acquireCtx(fctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) *Ctx {
ctx := poolCtx.Get().(*Ctx)
ctx.index = -1
ctx.path = getString(fctx.URI().Path())
ctx.method = getString(fctx.Request.Header.Method())
ctx.Fasthttp = fctx
return ctx
// Return Ctx to pool
func releaseCtx(ctx *Ctx) {
ctx.route = nil
ctx.values = nil
ctx.compress = false
ctx.Fasthttp = nil
ctx.err = nil
// Conn https://godoc.org/github.com/gorilla/websocket#pkg-index
type Conn struct {
// Conn pool
var poolConn = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return new(Conn)
// Acquire Conn from pool
func acquireConn(fconn *websocket.Conn) *Conn {
conn := poolConn.Get().(*Conn)
conn.Conn = fconn
return conn
// Return Conn to pool
func releaseConn(conn *Conn) {
conn.Conn = nil
// Checks, if the specified extensions or content types are acceptable.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#accepts
func (ctx *Ctx) Accepts(offers ...string) (offer string) {
if len(offers) == 0 {
return ""
h := ctx.Get(HeaderAccept)
if h == "" {
return offers[0]
specs := strings.Split(h, ",")
for _, value := range offers {
mimetype := getType(value)
// if mimetype != "" {
// mimetype = strings.Split(mimetype, ";")[0]
// } else {
// mimetype = offer
// }
for _, spec := range specs {
spec = strings.TrimSpace(spec)
if strings.HasPrefix(spec, "*/*") {
return value
if strings.HasPrefix(spec, mimetype) {
return value
if strings.Contains(spec, "/*") {
if strings.HasPrefix(spec, strings.Split(mimetype, "/")[0]) {
return value
return ""
// Checks, if the specified charset is acceptable.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#accepts
func (ctx *Ctx) AcceptsCharsets(offers ...string) (offer string) {
if len(offers) == 0 {
return ""
h := ctx.Get(HeaderAcceptCharset)
if h == "" {
return offers[0]
specs := strings.Split(h, ",")
for _, value := range offers {
for _, spec := range specs {
spec = strings.TrimSpace(spec)
if strings.HasPrefix(spec, "*") {
return value
if strings.HasPrefix(spec, value) {
return value
return ""
// Checks, if the specified encoding is acceptable.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#accepts
func (ctx *Ctx) AcceptsEncodings(offers ...string) (offer string) {
if len(offers) == 0 {
return ""
h := ctx.Get(HeaderAcceptEncoding)
if h == "" {
return offers[0]
specs := strings.Split(h, ",")
for _, value := range offers {
for _, spec := range specs {
spec = strings.TrimSpace(spec)
if strings.HasPrefix(spec, "*") {
return value
if strings.HasPrefix(spec, value) {
return value
return ""
// Checks, if the specified language is acceptable.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#accepts
func (ctx *Ctx) AcceptsLanguages(offers ...string) (offer string) {
if len(offers) == 0 {
return ""
h := ctx.Get(HeaderAcceptLanguage)
if h == "" {
return offers[0]
specs := strings.Split(h, ",")
for _, value := range offers {
for _, spec := range specs {
spec = strings.TrimSpace(spec)
if strings.HasPrefix(spec, "*") {
return value
if strings.HasPrefix(spec, value) {
return value
return ""
// Appends the specified value to the HTTP response header field.
// If the header is not already set, it creates the header with the specified value.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#append
func (ctx *Ctx) Append(field string, values ...string) {
if len(values) == 0 {
h := getString(ctx.Fasthttp.Response.Header.Peek(field))
for i := range values {
if h == "" {
h += values[i]
} else {
h += ", " + values[i]
ctx.Set(field, h)
// Sets the HTTP response Content-Disposition header field to attachment.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#attachment
func (ctx *Ctx) Attachment(name ...string) {
if len(name) > 0 {
filename := filepath.Base(name[0])
ctx.Set(HeaderContentDisposition, `attachment; filename="`+filename+`"`)
ctx.Set(HeaderContentDisposition, "attachment")
// Returns base URL (protocol + host) as a string.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#baseurl
func (ctx *Ctx) BaseURL() string {
return ctx.Protocol() + "://" + ctx.Hostname()
// Contains the raw body submitted in a POST request.
// If a key is provided, it returns the form value
// https://fiber.wiki/context#body
func (ctx *Ctx) Body(key ...string) string {
// Return request body
if len(key) == 0 {
return getString(ctx.Fasthttp.Request.Body())
// Return post value by key
if len(key) > 0 {
return getString(ctx.Fasthttp.Request.PostArgs().Peek(key[0]))
return ""
// Binds the request body to a struct.
// BodyParser supports decoding the following content types based on the Content-Type header:
// application/json, application/xml, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
// https://fiber.wiki/context#bodyparser
func (ctx *Ctx) BodyParser(out interface{}) error {
// TODO : Query Params
ctype := getString(ctx.Fasthttp.Request.Header.ContentType())
// application/json
if strings.HasPrefix(ctype, MIMEApplicationJSON) {
return jsoniter.Unmarshal(ctx.Fasthttp.Request.Body(), out)
// application/xml text/xml
if strings.HasPrefix(ctype, MIMEApplicationXML) || strings.HasPrefix(ctype, MIMETextXML) {
return xml.Unmarshal(ctx.Fasthttp.Request.Body(), out)
// application/x-www-form-urlencoded
if strings.HasPrefix(ctype, MIMEApplicationForm) {
data, err := url.ParseQuery(getString(ctx.Fasthttp.PostBody()))
if err != nil {
return err
return schemaDecoder.Decode(out, data)
// multipart/form-data
if strings.HasPrefix(ctype, MIMEMultipartForm) {
data, err := ctx.Fasthttp.MultipartForm()
if err != nil {
return err
return schemaDecoder.Decode(out, data.Value)
return fmt.Errorf("BodyParser: cannot parse content-type: %v", ctype)
// Expire a client cookie (or all cookies if left empty)
// https://fiber.wiki/context#clearcookie
func (ctx *Ctx) ClearCookie(key ...string) {
if len(key) > 0 {
for i := range key {
ctx.Fasthttp.Request.Header.VisitAllCookie(func(k, v []byte) {
// This function is deprecated since v1.8.2!
// Please us github.com/gofiber/compression
func (ctx *Ctx) Compress(enable ...bool) {
log.Println("Warning: c.Compress() is deprecated since v1.8.2, please use github.com/gofiber/compression instead.")
ctx.compress = true
if len(enable) > 0 {
ctx.compress = enable[0]
// Set cookie by passing a cookie struct
// https://fiber.wiki/context#cookie
func (ctx *Ctx) Cookie(cookie *Cookie) {
fcookie := &fasthttp.Cookie{}
// Get cookie value by key
// https://fiber.wiki/context#cookies
func (ctx *Ctx) Cookies(key ...string) (value string) {
if len(key) == 0 {
return ctx.Get(HeaderCookie)
return getString(ctx.Fasthttp.Request.Header.Cookie(key[0]))
// Transfers the file from path as an attachment.
// Typically, browsers will prompt the user for download.
// By default, the Content-Disposition header filename= parameter is the filepath (this typically appears in the browser dialog).
// Override this default with the filename parameter.
// Download : https://fiber.wiki/context#download
func (ctx *Ctx) Download(file string, name ...string) {
filename := filepath.Base(file)
if len(name) > 0 {
filename = name[0]
ctx.Set(HeaderContentDisposition, "attachment; filename="+filename)
// This contains the error information that thrown by a panic or passed via the Next(err) method.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#error
func (ctx *Ctx) Error() error {
return ctx.err
// Performs content-negotiation on the Accept HTTP header. It uses Accepts to select a proper format.
// If the header is not specified or there is no proper format, text/plain is used.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#format
func (ctx *Ctx) Format(body interface{}) {
var b string
accept := ctx.Accepts("html", "json")
switch val := body.(type) {
case string:
b = val
case []byte:
b = getString(val)
b = fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)
switch accept {
case "html":
ctx.SendString("<p>" + b + "</p>")
case "json":
if err := ctx.JSON(body); err != nil {
log.Println("Format: error serializing json ", err)
// MultipartForm files can be retrieved by name, the first file from the given key is returned.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#formfile
func (ctx *Ctx) FormFile(key string) (*multipart.FileHeader, error) {
return ctx.Fasthttp.FormFile(key)
// MultipartForm values can be retrieved by name, the first value from the given key is returned.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#formvalue
func (ctx *Ctx) FormValue(key string) (value string) {
return getString(ctx.Fasthttp.FormValue(key))
// Not implemented yet, pull requests are welcome!
// https://fiber.wiki/context#fresh
func (ctx *Ctx) Fresh() bool {
return false
// Returns the HTTP request header specified by field.
// Field names are case-insensitive
// https://fiber.wiki/context#get
func (ctx *Ctx) Get(key string) (value string) {
if key == "referrer" {
key = "referer"
return getString(ctx.Fasthttp.Request.Header.Peek(key))
// Contains the hostname derived from the Host HTTP header.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#hostname
func (ctx *Ctx) Hostname() string {
return getString(ctx.Fasthttp.URI().Host())
// Returns the remote IP address of the request.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#Ip
func (ctx *Ctx) IP() string {
return ctx.Fasthttp.RemoteIP().String()
// Returns an string slice of IP addresses specified in the X-Forwarded-For request header.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#ips
func (ctx *Ctx) IPs() []string {
ips := strings.Split(ctx.Get(HeaderXForwardedFor), ",")
for i := range ips {
ips[i] = strings.TrimSpace(ips[i])
return ips
// Returns the matching content type,
// if the incoming requests Content-Type HTTP header field matches the MIME type specified by the type parameter.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#is
func (ctx *Ctx) Is(extension string) (match bool) {
if extension[0] != '.' {
extension = "." + extension
exts, _ := mime.ExtensionsByType(ctx.Get(HeaderContentType))
if len(exts) > 0 {
for _, item := range exts {
if item == extension {
return true
// Converts any interface or string to JSON using Jsoniter.
// This method also sets the content header to application/json.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#json
func (ctx *Ctx) JSON(json interface{}) error {
raw, err := jsoniter.Marshal(&json)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Sends a JSON response with JSONP support.
// This method is identical to JSON, except that it opts-in to JSONP callback support.
// By default, the callback name is simply callback.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#jsonp
func (ctx *Ctx) JSONP(json interface{}, callback ...string) error {
raw, err := jsoniter.Marshal(&json)
if err != nil {
return err
str := "callback("
if len(callback) > 0 {
str = callback[0] + "("
str += getString(raw) + ");"
ctx.Set(HeaderXContentTypeOptions, "nosniff")
return nil
// Joins the links followed by the property to populate the responses Link HTTP header field.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#links
func (ctx *Ctx) Links(link ...string) {
h := ""
for i, l := range link {
if i%2 == 0 {
h += "<" + l + ">"
} else {
h += `; rel="` + l + `",`
if len(link) > 0 {
h = strings.TrimSuffix(h, ",")
ctx.Set(HeaderLink, h)
// You can pass interface{} values under string keys scoped to the request
// and therefore available to all routes that match the request.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#locals
func (ctx *Ctx) Locals(key string, value ...interface{}) (val interface{}) {
if len(value) == 0 {
return ctx.Fasthttp.UserValue(key)
ctx.Fasthttp.SetUserValue(key, value[0])
return value[0]
// Sets the response Location HTTP header to the specified path parameter.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#location
func (ctx *Ctx) Location(path string) {
ctx.Set(HeaderLocation, path)
// Contains a string corresponding to the HTTP method of the request: GET, POST, PUT and so on.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#method
func (ctx *Ctx) Method(override ...string) string {
if len(override) > 0 {
ctx.method = override[0]
return ctx.method
// Access multipart form entries, you can parse the binary with MultipartForm().
// This returns a map[string][]string, so given a key the value will be a string slice.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#multipartform
func (ctx *Ctx) MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error) {
return ctx.Fasthttp.MultipartForm()
// Next executes the next method in the stack that matches the current route.
// You can pass an optional error for custom error handling.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#next
func (ctx *Ctx) Next(err ...error) {
ctx.route = nil
ctx.values = nil
if len(err) > 0 {
ctx.err = err[0]
// Contains the original request URL.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#originalurl
func (ctx *Ctx) OriginalURL() string {
return getString(ctx.Fasthttp.Request.Header.RequestURI())
// Used to get the route parameters.
// Defaults to empty string "", if the param doesn't exist.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#params
func (ctx *Ctx) Params(key string) (value string) {
if ctx.route.Params == nil {
for i := 0; i < len(ctx.route.Params); i++ {
if (ctx.route.Params)[i] == key {
return ctx.values[i]
// Returns the path part of the request URL.
// Optionally, you could override the path.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#path
func (ctx *Ctx) Path(override ...string) string {
if len(override) > 0 {
// Non strict routing
if !ctx.app.Settings.StrictRouting && len(override[0]) > 1 {
override[0] = strings.TrimRight(override[0], "/")
// Not case sensitive
if !ctx.app.Settings.CaseSensitive {
override[0] = strings.ToLower(override[0])
ctx.path = override[0]
return ctx.path
// Contains the request protocol string: http or https for TLS requests.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#protocol
func (ctx *Ctx) Protocol() string {
if ctx.Fasthttp.IsTLS() {
return "https"
return "http"
// Returns the query string parameter in the url.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#query
func (ctx *Ctx) Query(key string) (value string) {
return getString(ctx.Fasthttp.QueryArgs().Peek(key))
// An struct containing the type and a slice of ranges will be returned.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#range
func (ctx *Ctx) Range(size int) (rangeData Range, err error) {
rangeStr := string(ctx.Fasthttp.Request.Header.Peek("range"))
if rangeStr == "" || !strings.Contains(rangeStr, "=") {
return rangeData, fmt.Errorf("malformed range header string")
data := strings.Split(rangeStr, "=")
rangeData.Type = data[0]
arr := strings.Split(data[1], ",")
for i := 0; i < len(arr); i++ {
item := strings.Split(arr[i], "-")
if len(item) == 1 {
return rangeData, fmt.Errorf("malformed range header string")
start, startErr := strconv.Atoi(item[0])
end, endErr := strconv.Atoi(item[1])
if startErr != nil { // -nnn
start = size - end
end = size - 1
} else if endErr != nil { // nnn-
end = size - 1
if end > size-1 { // limit last-byte-pos to current length
end = size - 1
if start > end || start < 0 {
rangeData.Ranges = append(rangeData.Ranges, struct {
Start int
End int
if len(rangeData.Ranges) < 1 {
return rangeData, fmt.Errorf("unsatisfiable range")
return rangeData, nil
// Redirects to the URL derived from the specified path, with specified status.
// If status is not specified, status defaults to 302 Found
// https://fiber.wiki/context#redirect
func (ctx *Ctx) Redirect(path string, status ...int) {
code := 302
if len(status) > 0 {
code = status[0]
ctx.Set(HeaderLocation, path)
// Renders a template with data and sends a text/html response.
// We support the following engines: html, amber, handlebars, mustache, pug
// https://fiber.wiki/context#render
func (ctx *Ctx) Render(file string, bind interface{}, engine ...string) error {
var err error
var raw []byte
var html string
var e string
if len(engine) > 0 {
e = engine[0]
} else if ctx.app.Settings.TemplateEngine != "" {
e = ctx.app.Settings.TemplateEngine
} else {
e = filepath.Ext(file)[1:]
if ctx.app.Settings.TemplateFolder != "" {
file = filepath.Join(ctx.app.Settings.TemplateFolder, file)
if ctx.app.Settings.TemplateExtension != "" {
file = file + ctx.app.Settings.TemplateExtension
if raw, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Clean(file)); err != nil {
return err
switch e {
case "amber": // https://github.com/eknkc/amber
if html, err = template.Amber(getString(raw), bind); err != nil {
return err
case "handlebars": // https://github.com/aymerick/raymond
if html, err = template.Handlebars(getString(raw), bind); err != nil {
return err
case "mustache": // https://github.com/cbroglie/mustache
if html, err = template.Mustache(getString(raw), bind); err != nil {
return err
case "pug": // https://github.com/Joker/jade
if html, err = template.Pug(getString(raw), bind); err != nil {
return err
default: // https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/
if html, err = template.HTML(getString(raw), bind); err != nil {
return err
ctx.Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
return err
// Returns the matched Route struct.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#route
func (ctx *Ctx) Route() *Route {
return ctx.route
// Save any multipart file to disk.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#secure
func (ctx *Ctx) SaveFile(fileheader *multipart.FileHeader, path string) error {
return fasthttp.SaveMultipartFile(fileheader, path)
// A boolean property, that is true, if a TLS connection is established.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#secure
func (ctx *Ctx) Secure() bool {
return ctx.Fasthttp.IsTLS()
// Sets the HTTP response body. The Send body can be of any type.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#send
func (ctx *Ctx) Send(bodies ...interface{}) {
if len(bodies) > 0 {
for i := range bodies {
switch body := bodies[i].(type) {
case string:
case []byte:
ctx.Fasthttp.Response.AppendBodyString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", body))
// Sets the HTTP response body for []byte types
// This means no type assertion, recommended for faster performance
// https://fiber.wiki/context#send
func (ctx *Ctx) SendBytes(body []byte) {
// Transfers the file from the given path.
// Sets the Content-Type response HTTP header field based on the filenames extension.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#sendfile
func (ctx *Ctx) SendFile(file string, compress ...bool) {
// Disable gzipping
if len(compress) > 0 && !compress[0] {
fasthttp.ServeFileUncompressed(ctx.Fasthttp, file)
fasthttp.ServeFile(ctx.Fasthttp, file)
// https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp/blob/master/fs.go#L81
// Sets the HTTP status code and if the response body is empty,
// it sets the correct status message in the body.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#sendstatus
func (ctx *Ctx) SendStatus(status int) {
// Only set status body when there is no response body
if len(ctx.Fasthttp.Response.Body()) == 0 {
// Sets the HTTP response body for string types
// This means no type assertion, recommended for faster performance
// https://fiber.wiki/context#send
func (ctx *Ctx) SendString(body string) {
// Sets the responses HTTP header field to the specified key, value.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#set
func (ctx *Ctx) Set(key string, val string) {
ctx.Fasthttp.Response.Header.Set(key, val)
// Returns a string slive of subdomains in the domain name of the request.
// The subdomain offset, which defaults to 2, is used for determining the beginning of the subdomain segments.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#subdomains
func (ctx *Ctx) Subdomains(offset ...int) []string {
o := 2
if len(offset) > 0 {
o = offset[0]
subdomains := strings.Split(ctx.Hostname(), ".")
subdomains = subdomains[:len(subdomains)-o]
return subdomains
// Not implemented yet, pull requests are welcome!
// https://fiber.wiki/context#stale
func (ctx *Ctx) Stale() bool {
return !ctx.Fresh()
// Sets the HTTP status for the response.
// This method is chainable.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#status
func (ctx *Ctx) Status(status int) *Ctx {
return ctx
// Sets the Content-Type HTTP header to the MIME type specified by the file extension.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#type
func (ctx *Ctx) Type(ext string) *Ctx {
return ctx
// Adds the given header field to the Vary response header.
// This will append the header, if not already listed, otherwise leaves it listed in the current location.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#vary
func (ctx *Ctx) Vary(fields ...string) {
if len(fields) == 0 {
h := getString(ctx.Fasthttp.Response.Header.Peek(HeaderVary))
for i := range fields {
if h == "" {
h += fields[i]
} else {
h += ", " + fields[i]
ctx.Set(HeaderVary, h)
// Appends any input to the HTTP body response.
// https://fiber.wiki/context#write
func (ctx *Ctx) Write(bodies ...interface{}) {
for i := range bodies {
switch body := bodies[i].(type) {
case string:
case []byte:
ctx.Fasthttp.Response.AppendBodyString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", body))
// A Boolean property, that is true, if the requests X-Requested-With header field is XMLHttpRequest,
// indicating that the request was issued by a client library (such as jQuery).
// https://fiber.wiki/context#xhr
func (ctx *Ctx) XHR() bool {
return ctx.Get(HeaderXRequestedWith) == "XMLHttpRequest"