mirror of https://github.com/gofiber/fiber.git synced 2025-02-14 13:46:23 +00:00
Jason McNeil 0248e58b58
fix(middleware/cors): CORS handling (#2938)
* fix(middleware/cors): CORS handling

* fix(middleware/cors): Vary header handling

* fix(middleware/cors): Add Vary header for non-CORS OPTIONS requests
2024-03-28 08:52:10 +01:00

301 lines
9.7 KiB

package cors
import (
// Config defines the config for middleware.
type Config struct {
// Next defines a function to skip this middleware when returned true.
// Optional. Default: nil
Next func(c fiber.Ctx) bool
// AllowOriginsFunc defines a function that will set the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
// response header to the 'origin' request header when returned true. This allows for
// dynamic evaluation of allowed origins. Note if AllowCredentials is true, wildcard origins
// will be not have the 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' header set to 'true'.
// Optional. Default: nil
AllowOriginsFunc func(origin string) bool
// AllowOrigin defines a comma separated list of origins that may access the resource.
// Optional. Default value "*"
AllowOrigins string
// AllowMethods defines a list methods allowed when accessing the resource.
// This is used in response to a preflight request.
// Optional. Default value "GET,POST,HEAD,PUT,DELETE,PATCH"
AllowMethods string
// AllowHeaders defines a list of request headers that can be used when
// making the actual request. This is in response to a preflight request.
// Optional. Default value "".
AllowHeaders string
// AllowCredentials indicates whether or not the response to the request
// can be exposed when the credentials flag is true. When used as part of
// a response to a preflight request, this indicates whether or not the
// actual request can be made using credentials. Note: If true, AllowOrigins
// cannot be set to a wildcard ("*") to prevent security vulnerabilities.
// Optional. Default value false.
AllowCredentials bool
// ExposeHeaders defines a whitelist headers that clients are allowed to
// access.
// Optional. Default value "".
ExposeHeaders string
// MaxAge indicates how long (in seconds) the results of a preflight request
// can be cached.
// If you pass MaxAge 0, Access-Control-Max-Age header will not be added and
// browser will use 5 seconds by default.
// To disable caching completely, pass MaxAge value negative. It will set the Access-Control-Max-Age header 0.
// Optional. Default value 0.
MaxAge int
// AllowPrivateNetwork indicates whether the Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network
// response header should be set to true, allowing requests from private networks.
// Optional. Default value false.
AllowPrivateNetwork bool
// ConfigDefault is the default config
var ConfigDefault = Config{
Next: nil,
AllowOriginsFunc: nil,
AllowOrigins: "*",
AllowMethods: strings.Join([]string{
}, ","),
AllowHeaders: "",
AllowCredentials: false,
ExposeHeaders: "",
MaxAge: 0,
AllowPrivateNetwork: false,
// New creates a new middleware handler
func New(config ...Config) fiber.Handler {
// Set default config
cfg := ConfigDefault
// Override config if provided
if len(config) > 0 {
cfg = config[0]
// Set default values
if cfg.AllowMethods == "" {
cfg.AllowMethods = ConfigDefault.AllowMethods
// When none of the AllowOrigins or AllowOriginsFunc config was defined, set the default AllowOrigins value with "*"
if cfg.AllowOrigins == "" && cfg.AllowOriginsFunc == nil {
cfg.AllowOrigins = ConfigDefault.AllowOrigins
// Warning logs if both AllowOrigins and AllowOriginsFunc are set
if cfg.AllowOrigins != "" && cfg.AllowOriginsFunc != nil {
log.Warn("[CORS] Both 'AllowOrigins' and 'AllowOriginsFunc' have been defined.")
// Validate CORS credentials configuration
if cfg.AllowCredentials && cfg.AllowOrigins == "*" {
panic("[CORS] Insecure setup, 'AllowCredentials' is set to true, and 'AllowOrigins' is set to a wildcard.")
// allowOrigins is a slice of strings that contains the allowed origins
// defined in the 'AllowOrigins' configuration.
allowOrigins := []string{}
allowSOrigins := []subdomain{}
allowAllOrigins := false
// Validate and normalize static AllowOrigins
if cfg.AllowOrigins != "" && cfg.AllowOrigins != "*" {
origins := strings.Split(cfg.AllowOrigins, ",")
for _, origin := range origins {
if i := strings.Index(origin, "://*."); i != -1 {
trimmedOrigin := strings.TrimSpace(origin[:i+3] + origin[i+4:])
isValid, normalizedOrigin := normalizeOrigin(trimmedOrigin)
if !isValid {
panic("[CORS] Invalid origin format in configuration: " + trimmedOrigin)
sd := subdomain{prefix: normalizedOrigin[:i+3], suffix: normalizedOrigin[i+3:]}
allowSOrigins = append(allowSOrigins, sd)
} else {
trimmedOrigin := strings.TrimSpace(origin)
isValid, normalizedOrigin := normalizeOrigin(trimmedOrigin)
if !isValid {
panic("[CORS] Invalid origin format in configuration: " + trimmedOrigin)
allowOrigins = append(allowOrigins, normalizedOrigin)
} else if cfg.AllowOrigins == "*" {
allowAllOrigins = true
// Strip white spaces
allowMethods := strings.ReplaceAll(cfg.AllowMethods, " ", "")
allowHeaders := strings.ReplaceAll(cfg.AllowHeaders, " ", "")
exposeHeaders := strings.ReplaceAll(cfg.ExposeHeaders, " ", "")
// Convert int to string
maxAge := strconv.Itoa(cfg.MaxAge)
// Return new handler
return func(c fiber.Ctx) error {
// Don't execute middleware if Next returns true
if cfg.Next != nil && cfg.Next(c) {
return c.Next()
// Get originHeader header
originHeader := strings.ToLower(c.Get(fiber.HeaderOrigin))
// If the request does not have Origin header, the request is outside the scope of CORS
if originHeader == "" {
// See https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#cors-protocol-and-http-caches
// Unless all origins are allowed, we include the Vary header to cache the response correctly
if !allowAllOrigins {
return c.Next()
// If it's a preflight request and doesn't have Access-Control-Request-Method header, it's outside the scope of CORS
if c.Method() == fiber.MethodOptions && c.Get(fiber.HeaderAccessControlRequestMethod) == "" {
// Response to OPTIONS request should not be cached but,
// some caching can be configured to cache such responses.
// To Avoid poisoning the cache, we include the Vary header
// for non-CORS OPTIONS requests:
return c.Next()
// Set default allowOrigin to empty string
allowOrigin := ""
// Check allowed origins
if allowAllOrigins {
allowOrigin = "*"
} else {
// Check if the origin is in the list of allowed origins
for _, origin := range allowOrigins {
if origin == originHeader {
allowOrigin = originHeader
// Check if the origin is in the list of allowed subdomains
if allowOrigin == "" {
for _, sOrigin := range allowSOrigins {
if sOrigin.match(originHeader) {
allowOrigin = originHeader
// Run AllowOriginsFunc if the logic for
// handling the value in 'AllowOrigins' does
// not result in allowOrigin being set.
if allowOrigin == "" && cfg.AllowOriginsFunc != nil && cfg.AllowOriginsFunc(originHeader) {
allowOrigin = originHeader
// Simple request
// Ommit allowMethods and allowHeaders, only used for pre-flight requests
if c.Method() != fiber.MethodOptions {
if !allowAllOrigins {
// See https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#cors-protocol-and-http-caches
setCORSHeaders(c, allowOrigin, "", "", exposeHeaders, maxAge, cfg)
return c.Next()
// Pre-flight request
// Response to OPTIONS request should not be cached but,
// some caching can be configured to cache such responses.
// To Avoid poisoning the cache, we include the Vary header
// of preflight responses:
if cfg.AllowPrivateNetwork && c.Get(fiber.HeaderAccessControlRequestPrivateNetwork) == "true" {
c.Set(fiber.HeaderAccessControlAllowPrivateNetwork, "true")
setCORSHeaders(c, allowOrigin, allowMethods, allowHeaders, exposeHeaders, maxAge, cfg)
// Send 204 No Content
return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusNoContent)
// Function to set CORS headers
func setCORSHeaders(c fiber.Ctx, allowOrigin, allowMethods, allowHeaders, exposeHeaders, maxAge string, cfg Config) {
if cfg.AllowCredentials {
// When AllowCredentials is true, set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin to the specific origin instead of '*'
if allowOrigin == "*" {
c.Set(fiber.HeaderAccessControlAllowOrigin, allowOrigin)
log.Warn("[CORS] 'AllowCredentials' is true, but 'AllowOrigins' cannot be set to '*'.")
} else if allowOrigin != "" {
c.Set(fiber.HeaderAccessControlAllowOrigin, allowOrigin)
c.Set(fiber.HeaderAccessControlAllowCredentials, "true")
} else if allowOrigin != "" {
// For non-credential requests, it's safe to set to '*' or specific origins
c.Set(fiber.HeaderAccessControlAllowOrigin, allowOrigin)
// Set Allow-Methods if not empty
if allowMethods != "" {
c.Set(fiber.HeaderAccessControlAllowMethods, allowMethods)
// Set Allow-Headers if not empty
if allowHeaders != "" {
c.Set(fiber.HeaderAccessControlAllowHeaders, allowHeaders)
} else {
h := c.Get(fiber.HeaderAccessControlRequestHeaders)
if h != "" {
c.Set(fiber.HeaderAccessControlAllowHeaders, h)
// Set MaxAge if set
if cfg.MaxAge > 0 {
c.Set(fiber.HeaderAccessControlMaxAge, maxAge)
} else if cfg.MaxAge < 0 {
c.Set(fiber.HeaderAccessControlMaxAge, "0")
// Set Expose-Headers if not empty
if exposeHeaders != "" {
c.Set(fiber.HeaderAccessControlExposeHeaders, exposeHeaders)