mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 14:15:01 +00:00
* Add route naming feature. * Update basicauth_test.go * Fix gosec issues. * Change RoutaName -> Name * Fix race conditions. * Update READMEs.
471 lines
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471 lines
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// ⚡️ Fiber is an Express inspired web framework written in Go with ☕️
// 🤖 Github Repository: https://github.com/gofiber/fiber
// 📌 API Documentation: https://docs.gofiber.io
package fiber
import (
// Router defines all router handle interface includes app and group router.
type Router interface {
Use(args ...interface{}) Router
Get(path string, handlers ...Handler) Router
Head(path string, handlers ...Handler) Router
Post(path string, handlers ...Handler) Router
Put(path string, handlers ...Handler) Router
Delete(path string, handlers ...Handler) Router
Connect(path string, handlers ...Handler) Router
Options(path string, handlers ...Handler) Router
Trace(path string, handlers ...Handler) Router
Patch(path string, handlers ...Handler) Router
Add(method, path string, handlers ...Handler) Router
Static(prefix, root string, config ...Static) Router
All(path string, handlers ...Handler) Router
Group(prefix string, handlers ...Handler) Router
Mount(prefix string, fiber *App) Router
Name(name string) Router
// Route is a struct that holds all metadata for each registered handler
type Route struct {
// Data for routing
pos uint32 // Position in stack -> important for the sort of the matched routes
use bool // USE matches path prefixes
star bool // Path equals '*'
root bool // Path equals '/'
path string // Prettified path
routeParser routeParser // Parameter parser
// Public fields
Method string `json:"method"` // HTTP method
Name string `json:"name"` // Route's name
Path string `json:"path"` // Original registered route path
Params []string `json:"params"` // Case sensitive param keys
Handlers []Handler `json:"-"` // Ctx handlers
func (r *Route) match(detectionPath, path string, params *[maxParams]string) (match bool) {
// root detectionPath check
if r.root && detectionPath == "/" {
return true
// '*' wildcard matches any detectionPath
} else if r.star {
if len(path) > 1 {
params[0] = path[1:]
} else {
params[0] = ""
return true
// Does this route have parameters
if len(r.Params) > 0 {
// Match params
if match := r.routeParser.getMatch(detectionPath, path, params, r.use); match {
// Get params from the path detectionPath
return match
// Is this route a Middleware?
if r.use {
// Single slash will match or detectionPath prefix
if r.root || strings.HasPrefix(detectionPath, r.path) {
return true
// Check for a simple detectionPath match
} else if len(r.path) == len(detectionPath) && r.path == detectionPath {
return true
// No match
return false
func (app *App) next(c *Ctx) (match bool, err error) {
// Get stack length
tree, ok := app.treeStack[c.methodINT][c.treePath]
if !ok {
tree = app.treeStack[c.methodINT][""]
lenr := len(tree) - 1
// Loop over the route stack starting from previous index
for c.indexRoute < lenr {
// Increment route index
// Get *Route
route := tree[c.indexRoute]
// Check if it matches the request path
match = route.match(c.detectionPath, c.path, &c.values)
// No match, next route
if !match {
// Pass route reference and param values
c.route = route
// Non use handler matched
if !c.matched && !route.use {
c.matched = true
// Execute first handler of route
c.indexHandler = 0
err = route.Handlers[0](c)
return match, err // Stop scanning the stack
// If c.Next() does not match, return 404
_ = c.SendStatus(StatusNotFound)
_ = c.SendString("Cannot " + c.method + " " + c.pathOriginal)
// If no match, scan stack again if other methods match the request
// Moved from app.handler because middleware may break the route chain
if !c.matched && methodExist(c) {
err = ErrMethodNotAllowed
func (app *App) handler(rctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
// Acquire Ctx with fasthttp request from pool
c := app.AcquireCtx(rctx)
// handle invalid http method directly
if c.methodINT == -1 {
_ = c.Status(StatusBadRequest).SendString("Invalid http method")
// Find match in stack
match, err := app.next(c)
if err != nil {
if catch := c.app.ErrorHandler(c, err); catch != nil {
_ = c.SendStatus(StatusInternalServerError)
// Generate ETag if enabled
if match && app.config.ETag {
setETag(c, false)
// Release Ctx
func (app *App) addPrefixToRoute(prefix string, route *Route) *Route {
prefixedPath := getGroupPath(prefix, route.Path)
prettyPath := prefixedPath
// Case sensitive routing, all to lowercase
if !app.config.CaseSensitive {
prettyPath = utils.ToLower(prettyPath)
// Strict routing, remove trailing slashes
if !app.config.StrictRouting && len(prettyPath) > 1 {
prettyPath = utils.TrimRight(prettyPath, '/')
route.Path = prefixedPath
route.path = RemoveEscapeChar(prettyPath)
route.routeParser = parseRoute(prettyPath)
route.root = false
route.star = false
return route
func (app *App) copyRoute(route *Route) *Route {
return &Route{
// Router booleans
use: route.use,
star: route.star,
root: route.root,
// Path data
path: route.path,
routeParser: route.routeParser,
Params: route.Params,
// Public data
Path: route.Path,
Method: route.Method,
Handlers: route.Handlers,
func (app *App) register(method, pathRaw string, handlers ...Handler) Router {
// Uppercase HTTP methods
method = utils.ToUpper(method)
// Check if the HTTP method is valid unless it's USE
if method != methodUse && methodInt(method) == -1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("add: invalid http method %s\n", method))
// A route requires atleast one ctx handler
if len(handlers) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("missing handler in route: %s\n", pathRaw))
// Cannot have an empty path
if pathRaw == "" {
pathRaw = "/"
// Path always start with a '/'
if pathRaw[0] != '/' {
pathRaw = "/" + pathRaw
// Create a stripped path in-case sensitive / trailing slashes
pathPretty := pathRaw
// Case sensitive routing, all to lowercase
if !app.config.CaseSensitive {
pathPretty = utils.ToLower(pathPretty)
// Strict routing, remove trailing slashes
if !app.config.StrictRouting && len(pathPretty) > 1 {
pathPretty = utils.TrimRight(pathPretty, '/')
// Is layer a middleware?
isUse := method == methodUse
// Is path a direct wildcard?
isStar := pathPretty == "/*"
// Is path a root slash?
isRoot := pathPretty == "/"
// Parse path parameters
parsedRaw := parseRoute(pathRaw)
parsedPretty := parseRoute(pathPretty)
// Create route metadata without pointer
route := Route{
// Router booleans
use: isUse,
star: isStar,
root: isRoot,
// Path data
path: RemoveEscapeChar(pathPretty),
routeParser: parsedPretty,
Params: parsedRaw.params,
// Public data
Path: pathRaw,
Method: method,
Handlers: handlers,
// Increment global handler count
atomic.AddUint32(&app.handlerCount, uint32(len(handlers)))
// Middleware route matches all HTTP methods
if isUse {
// Add route to all HTTP methods stack
for _, m := range intMethod {
// Create a route copy to avoid duplicates during compression
r := route
app.addRoute(m, &r)
} else {
// Add route to stack
app.addRoute(method, &route)
return app
func (app *App) registerStatic(prefix, root string, config ...Static) Router {
// For security we want to restrict to the current work directory.
if root == "" {
root = "."
// Cannot have an empty prefix
if prefix == "" {
prefix = "/"
// Prefix always start with a '/' or '*'
if prefix[0] != '/' {
prefix = "/" + prefix
// in case sensitive routing, all to lowercase
if !app.config.CaseSensitive {
prefix = utils.ToLower(prefix)
// Strip trailing slashes from the root path
if len(root) > 0 && root[len(root)-1] == '/' {
root = root[:len(root)-1]
// Is prefix a direct wildcard?
isStar := prefix == "/*"
// Is prefix a root slash?
isRoot := prefix == "/"
// Is prefix a partial wildcard?
if strings.Contains(prefix, "*") {
// /john* -> /john
isStar = true
prefix = strings.Split(prefix, "*")[0]
// Fix this later
prefixLen := len(prefix)
if prefixLen > 1 && prefix[prefixLen-1:] == "/" {
// /john/ -> /john
prefix = prefix[:prefixLen]
// Fileserver settings
fs := &fasthttp.FS{
Root: root,
GenerateIndexPages: false,
AcceptByteRange: false,
Compress: false,
CompressedFileSuffix: app.config.CompressedFileSuffix,
CacheDuration: 10 * time.Second,
IndexNames: []string{"index.html"},
PathRewrite: func(fctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) []byte {
path := fctx.Path()
if len(path) >= prefixLen {
if isStar && app.getString(path[0:prefixLen]) == prefix {
path = append(path[0:0], '/')
} else {
path = path[prefixLen:]
if len(path) == 0 || path[len(path)-1] != '/' {
path = append(path, '/')
if len(path) > 0 && path[0] != '/' {
path = append([]byte("/"), path...)
return path
PathNotFound: func(fctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
// Set config if provided
var cacheControlValue string
if len(config) > 0 {
maxAge := config[0].MaxAge
if maxAge > 0 {
cacheControlValue = "public, max-age=" + strconv.Itoa(maxAge)
fs.CacheDuration = config[0].CacheDuration
fs.Compress = config[0].Compress
fs.AcceptByteRange = config[0].ByteRange
fs.GenerateIndexPages = config[0].Browse
if config[0].Index != "" {
fs.IndexNames = []string{config[0].Index}
fileHandler := fs.NewRequestHandler()
handler := func(c *Ctx) error {
// Don't execute middleware if Next returns true
if len(config) != 0 && config[0].Next != nil && config[0].Next(c) {
return c.Next()
// Serve file
// Return request if found and not forbidden
status := c.fasthttp.Response.StatusCode()
if status != StatusNotFound && status != StatusForbidden {
if len(cacheControlValue) > 0 {
c.fasthttp.Response.Header.Set(HeaderCacheControl, cacheControlValue)
return nil
// Reset response to default
c.fasthttp.SetContentType("") // Issue #420
// Next middleware
return c.Next()
// Create route metadata without pointer
route := Route{
// Router booleans
use: true,
root: isRoot,
path: prefix,
// Public data
Method: MethodGet,
Path: prefix,
Handlers: []Handler{handler},
// Increment global handler count
atomic.AddUint32(&app.handlerCount, 1)
// Add route to stack
app.addRoute(MethodGet, &route)
// Add HEAD route
app.addRoute(MethodHead, &route)
return app
func (app *App) addRoute(method string, route *Route) {
// Get unique HTTP method identifier
m := methodInt(method)
// prevent identically route registration
l := len(app.stack[m])
if l > 0 && app.stack[m][l-1].Path == route.Path && route.use == app.stack[m][l-1].use {
preRoute := app.stack[m][l-1]
preRoute.Handlers = append(preRoute.Handlers, route.Handlers...)
} else {
// Increment global route position
route.pos = atomic.AddUint32(&app.routesCount, 1)
route.Method = method
// Add route to the stack
app.stack[m] = append(app.stack[m], route)
app.routesRefreshed = true
latestRoute.route = route
// buildTree build the prefix tree from the previously registered routes
func (app *App) buildTree() *App {
if !app.routesRefreshed {
return app
// loop all the methods and stacks and create the prefix tree
for m := range intMethod {
app.treeStack[m] = make(map[string][]*Route)
for _, route := range app.stack[m] {
treePath := ""
if len(route.routeParser.segs) > 0 && len(route.routeParser.segs[0].Const) >= 3 {
treePath = route.routeParser.segs[0].Const[:3]
// create tree stack
app.treeStack[m][treePath] = append(app.treeStack[m][treePath], route)
// loop the methods and tree stacks and add global stack and sort everything
for m := range intMethod {
for treePart := range app.treeStack[m] {
if treePart != "" {
// merge global tree routes in current tree stack
app.treeStack[m][treePart] = uniqueRouteStack(append(app.treeStack[m][treePart], app.treeStack[m][""]...))
// sort tree slices with the positions
sort.Slice(app.treeStack[m][treePart], func(i, j int) bool {
return app.treeStack[m][treePart][i].pos < app.treeStack[m][treePart][j].pos
app.routesRefreshed = false
return app