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// ⚡️ Fiber is an Express inspired web framework written in Go with ☕️
// 🤖 Github Repository: https://github.com/gofiber/fiber
// 📌 API Documentation: https://docs.gofiber.io
package fiber
import (
var testEmptyHandler = func(c *Ctx) error {
return nil
func testStatus200(t *testing.T, app *App, url string, method string) {
req := httptest.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
func Test_App_MethodNotAllowed(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Use(func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Next()
app.Post("/", testEmptyHandler)
app.Options("/", testEmptyHandler)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodPost, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "", resp.Header.Get(HeaderAllow))
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 405, resp.StatusCode)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "POST, OPTIONS", resp.Header.Get(HeaderAllow))
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodPatch, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 405, resp.StatusCode)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "POST, OPTIONS", resp.Header.Get(HeaderAllow))
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodPut, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 405, resp.StatusCode)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "POST, OPTIONS", resp.Header.Get(HeaderAllow))
app.Get("/", testEmptyHandler)
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodTrace, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 405, resp.StatusCode)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS", resp.Header.Get(HeaderAllow))
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodPatch, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 405, resp.StatusCode)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS", resp.Header.Get(HeaderAllow))
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodPut, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 405, resp.StatusCode)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS", resp.Header.Get(HeaderAllow))
func Test_App_Custom_Middleware_404_Should_Not_SetMethodNotAllowed(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Use(func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(404)
app.Post("/", testEmptyHandler)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 404, resp.StatusCode)
g := app.Group("/with-next", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Status(404).Next()
g.Post("/", testEmptyHandler)
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/with-next", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 404, resp.StatusCode)
func Test_App_ServerErrorHandler_SmallReadBuffer(t *testing.T) {
expectedError := regexp.MustCompile(
`error when reading request headers: small read buffer\. Increase ReadBufferSize\. Buffer size=4096, contents: "GET / HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost: example\.com\\r\\nVery-Long-Header: -+`,
app := New()
app.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
panic(errors.New("should never called"))
request := httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/", nil)
logHeaderSlice := make([]string, 5000)
request.Header.Set("Very-Long-Header", strings.Join(logHeaderSlice, "-"))
_, err := app.Test(request)
if err == nil {
t.Error("Expect an error at app.Test(request)")
fmt.Sprintf("Has: %s, expected pattern: %s", err.Error(), expectedError.String()),
func Test_App_Errors(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{
BodyLimit: 4,
app.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("hi, i'm an error")
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "hi, i'm an error", string(body))
_, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/", strings.NewReader("big body")))
if err != nil {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "body size exceeds the given limit", err.Error(), "app.Test(req)")
func Test_App_ErrorHandler_Custom(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: func(c *Ctx, err error) error {
return c.Status(200).SendString("hi, i'm an custom error")
app.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("hi, i'm an error")
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "hi, i'm an custom error", string(body))
func Test_App_ErrorHandler_HandlerStack(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: func(c *Ctx, err error) error {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "1: USE error", err.Error())
return DefaultErrorHandler(c, err)
app.Use("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
err := c.Next() // call next USE
utils.AssertEqual(t, "2: USE error", err.Error())
return errors.New("1: USE error")
}, func(c *Ctx) error {
err := c.Next() // call [0] GET
utils.AssertEqual(t, "0: GET error", err.Error())
return errors.New("2: USE error")
app.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("0: GET error")
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "1: USE error", string(body))
func Test_App_ErrorHandler_RouteStack(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: func(c *Ctx, err error) error {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "1: USE error", err.Error())
return DefaultErrorHandler(c, err)
app.Use("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
err := c.Next()
utils.AssertEqual(t, "0: GET error", err.Error())
return errors.New("1: USE error") // [2] call ErrorHandler
app.Get("/test", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("0: GET error") // [1] return to USE
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/test", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "1: USE error", string(body))
func Test_App_ErrorHandler_GroupMount(t *testing.T) {
micro := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: func(c *Ctx, err error) error {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "0: GET error", err.Error())
return c.Status(500).SendString("1: custom error")
micro.Get("/doe", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("0: GET error")
app := New()
v1 := app.Group("/v1")
v1.Mount("/john", micro)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/v1/john/doe", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "1: custom error", string(body))
func Test_App_Nested_Params(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Get("/test", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Status(400).Send([]byte("Should move on"))
app.Get("/test/:param", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Status(400).Send([]byte("Should move on"))
app.Get("/test/:param/test", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Status(400).Send([]byte("Should move on"))
app.Get("/test/:param/test/:param2", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Status(200).Send([]byte("Good job"))
req := httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/test/john/test/doe", nil)
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
// go test -run Test_App_Mount
func Test_App_Mount(t *testing.T) {
micro := New()
micro.Get("/doe", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(StatusOK)
app := New()
app.Mount("/john", micro)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/john/doe", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, uint32(2), app.handlersCount)
func Test_App_Use_Params(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Use("/prefix/:param", func(c *Ctx) error {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "john", c.Params("param"))
return nil
app.Use("/foo/:bar?", func(c *Ctx) error {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "foobar", c.Params("bar", "foobar"))
return nil
app.Use("/:param/*", func(c *Ctx) error {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "john", c.Params("param"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, "doe", c.Params("*"))
return nil
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/prefix/john", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/john/doe", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/foo", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "use: invalid handler func()\n", fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
app.Use("/:param/*", func() {
// this should panic
func Test_App_Use_UnescapedPath(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{UnescapePath: true, CaseSensitive: true})
app.Use("/cRéeR/:param", func(c *Ctx) error {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "/cRéeR/اختبار", c.Path())
return c.SendString(c.Params("param"))
app.Use("/abc", func(c *Ctx) error {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "/AbC", c.Path())
return nil
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/cR%C3%A9eR/%D8%A7%D8%AE%D8%AA%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B1", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusOK, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
// check the param result
utils.AssertEqual(t, "اختبار", app.getString(body))
// with lowercase letters
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/cr%C3%A9er/%D8%A7%D8%AE%D8%AA%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B1", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusNotFound, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
func Test_App_Use_CaseSensitive(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{CaseSensitive: true})
app.Use("/abc", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendString(c.Path())
// wrong letters in the requested route -> 404
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/AbC", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusNotFound, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
// right letters in the requrested route -> 200
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/abc", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusOK, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
// check the detected path when the case insensitive recognition is activated
app.config.CaseSensitive = false
// check the case sensitive feature
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/AbC", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusOK, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
// check the detected path result
utils.AssertEqual(t, "/AbC", app.getString(body))
func Test_App_Add_Method_Test(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "add: invalid http method JOHN\n", fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
app.Add("JOHN", "/doe", testEmptyHandler)
// go test -run Test_App_GETOnly
func Test_App_GETOnly(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{
GETOnly: true,
app.Post("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendString("Hello 👋!")
req := httptest.NewRequest(MethodPost, "/", nil)
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusMethodNotAllowed, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
func Test_App_Use_Params_Group(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
group := app.Group("/prefix/:param/*")
group.Use("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Next()
group.Get("/test", func(c *Ctx) error {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "john", c.Params("param"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, "doe", c.Params("*"))
return nil
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/prefix/john/doe/test", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
func Test_App_Chaining(t *testing.T) {
n := func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Next()
app := New()
app.Use("/john", n, n, n, n, func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(202)
// check handler count for registered HEAD route
utils.AssertEqual(t, 5, len(app.stack[methodInt(MethodHead)][0].Handlers), "app.Test(req)")
req := httptest.NewRequest(MethodPost, "/john", nil)
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 202, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
app.Get("/test", n, n, n, n, func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(203)
req = httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/test", nil)
resp, err = app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 203, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
func Test_App_Order(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Get("/test", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Next()
app.All("/test", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Next()
app.Use(func(c *Ctx) error {
return nil
req := httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/test", nil)
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "123", string(body))
func Test_App_Methods(t *testing.T) {
dummyHandler := testEmptyHandler
app := New()
app.Connect("/:john?/:doe?", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/john/doe", "CONNECT")
app.Put("/:john?/:doe?", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/john/doe", MethodPut)
app.Post("/:john?/:doe?", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/john/doe", MethodPost)
app.Delete("/:john?/:doe?", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/john/doe", MethodDelete)
app.Head("/:john?/:doe?", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/john/doe", MethodHead)
app.Patch("/:john?/:doe?", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/john/doe", MethodPatch)
app.Options("/:john?/:doe?", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/john/doe", MethodOptions)
app.Trace("/:john?/:doe?", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/john/doe", MethodTrace)
app.Get("/:john?/:doe?", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/john/doe", MethodGet)
app.All("/:john?/:doe?", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/john/doe", MethodPost)
app.Use("/:john?/:doe?", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/john/doe", MethodGet)
func Test_App_Route_Naming(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
handler := func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(StatusOK)
app.Get("/john", handler).Name("john")
app.Delete("/doe", handler)
jane := app.Group("/jane").Name("jane.")
jane.Get("/test", handler).Name("test")
jane.Trace("/trace", handler).Name("trace")
group := app.Group("/group")
group.Get("/test", handler).Name("test")
app.Post("/post", handler).Name("post")
utils.AssertEqual(t, "post", app.GetRoute("post").Name)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "john", app.GetRoute("john").Name)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "jane.test", app.GetRoute("jane.test").Name)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "jane.trace", app.GetRoute("jane.trace").Name)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "test", app.GetRoute("test").Name)
func Test_App_New(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Get("/", testEmptyHandler)
appConfig := New(Config{
Immutable: true,
appConfig.Get("/", testEmptyHandler)
func Test_App_Config(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{
DisableStartupMessage: true,
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, app.Config().DisableStartupMessage)
func Test_App_Shutdown(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{
DisableStartupMessage: true,
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, app.Shutdown() == nil)
t.Run("no server", func(t *testing.T) {
app := &App{}
if err := app.Shutdown(); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "shutdown: server is not running" {
// go test -run Test_App_Static_Index_Default
func Test_App_Static_Index_Default(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Static("/prefix", "./.github/workflows")
app.Static("", "./.github/")
app.Static("test", "", Static{Index: "index.html"})
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(string(body), "Hello, World!"))
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/not-found", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 404, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextPlainCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "Cannot GET /not-found", string(body))
// go test -run Test_App_Static_Index
func Test_App_Static_Direct(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Static("/", "./.github")
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/index.html", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(string(body), "Hello, World!"))
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/testdata/testRoutes.json", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMEApplicationJSON, resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, "", resp.Header.Get(HeaderCacheControl), "CacheControl Control")
body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(string(body), "testRoutes"))
// go test -run Test_App_Static_MaxAge
func Test_App_Static_MaxAge(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Static("/", "./.github", Static{MaxAge: 100})
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/index.html", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, "text/html; charset=utf-8", resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
utils.AssertEqual(t, "public, max-age=100", resp.Header.Get(HeaderCacheControl), "CacheControl Control")
// go test -run Test_App_Static_Group
func Test_App_Static_Group(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
grp := app.Group("/v1", func(c *Ctx) error {
c.Set("Test-Header", "123")
return c.Next()
grp.Static("/v2", "./.github/index.html")
req := httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/v1/v2", nil)
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
utils.AssertEqual(t, "123", resp.Header.Get("Test-Header"))
grp = app.Group("/v2")
grp.Static("/v3*", "./.github/index.html")
req = httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/v2/v3/john/doe", nil)
resp, err = app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
func Test_App_Static_Wildcard(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Static("*", "./.github/index.html")
req := httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/yesyes/john/doe", nil)
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(string(body), "Test file"))
func Test_App_Static_Prefix_Wildcard(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Static("/test/*", "./.github/index.html")
req := httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/test/john/doe", nil)
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
app.Static("/my/nameisjohn*", "./.github/index.html")
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/my/nameisjohn/no/its/not", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(string(body), "Test file"))
func Test_App_Static_Prefix(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Static("/john", "./.github")
req := httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/john/index.html", nil)
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
app.Static("/prefix", "./.github/testdata")
req = httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/prefix/template.html", nil)
resp, err = app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
app.Static("/single", "./.github/testdata/testRoutes.json")
req = httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/single", nil)
resp, err = app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMEApplicationJSON, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
func Test_App_Static_Trailing_Slash(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Static("/john", "./.github")
req := httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/john/", nil)
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
app.Static("/john_without_index", "./.github/testdata/fs/css")
req = httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/john_without_index/", nil)
resp, err = app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 404, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextPlainCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
app.Static("/john/", "./.github")
req = httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/john/", nil)
resp, err = app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
req = httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/john", nil)
resp, err = app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
app.Static("/john_without_index/", "./.github/testdata/fs/css")
req = httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/john_without_index/", nil)
resp, err = app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 404, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextPlainCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
func Test_App_Static_Next(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Static("/", ".github", Static{
Next: func(c *Ctx) bool {
// If value of the header is any other from "skip"
// c.Next() will be invoked
return c.Get("X-Custom-Header") == "skip"
app.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendString("You've skipped app.Static")
t.Run("app.Static is skipped: invoking Get handler", func(t *testing.T) {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
req.Header.Set("X-Custom-Header", "skip")
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode)
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextPlainCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(string(body), "You've skipped app.Static"))
t.Run("app.Static is not skipped: serving index.html", func(t *testing.T) {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
req.Header.Set("X-Custom-Header", "don't skip")
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode)
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(string(body), "Hello, World!"))
// go test -run Test_App_Mixed_Routes_WithSameLen
func Test_App_Mixed_Routes_WithSameLen(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
// middleware
app.Use(func(c *Ctx) error {
c.Set("TestHeader", "TestValue")
return c.Next()
// routes with the same length
app.Static("/tesbar", "./.github")
app.Get("/foobar", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Send([]byte("FOO_BAR"))
// match get route
req := httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/foobar", nil)
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, "TestValue", resp.Header.Get("TestHeader"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, "text/html", resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "FOO_BAR", string(body))
// match static route
req = httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/tesbar", nil)
resp, err = app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentLength) == "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, "TestValue", resp.Header.Get("TestHeader"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, "text/html; charset=utf-8", resp.Header.Get(HeaderContentType))
body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(string(body), "Hello, World!"), "Response: "+string(body))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.HasPrefix(string(body), "<!DOCTYPE html>"), "Response: "+string(body))
func Test_App_Group_Invalid(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "use: invalid handler int\n", fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
// go test -run Test_App_Group_Mount
func Test_App_Group_Mount(t *testing.T) {
micro := New()
micro.Get("/doe", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(StatusOK)
app := New()
v1 := app.Group("/v1")
v1.Mount("/john", micro)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/v1/john/doe", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, uint32(2), app.handlersCount)
func Test_App_Group(t *testing.T) {
dummyHandler := testEmptyHandler
app := New()
grp := app.Group("/test")
grp.Get("/", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test", MethodGet)
grp.Get("/:demo?", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test/john", MethodGet)
grp.Connect("/CONNECT", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test/CONNECT", MethodConnect)
grp.Put("/PUT", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test/PUT", MethodPut)
grp.Post("/POST", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test/POST", MethodPost)
grp.Delete("/DELETE", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test/DELETE", MethodDelete)
grp.Head("/HEAD", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test/HEAD", MethodHead)
grp.Patch("/PATCH", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test/PATCH", MethodPatch)
grp.Options("/OPTIONS", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test/OPTIONS", MethodOptions)
grp.Trace("/TRACE", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test/TRACE", MethodTrace)
grp.All("/ALL", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test/ALL", MethodPost)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test/oke", MethodGet)
grp.Use("/USE", dummyHandler)
testStatus200(t, app, "/test/USE/oke", MethodGet)
api := grp.Group("/v1")
api.Post("/", dummyHandler)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodPost, "/test/v1/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
// utils.AssertEqual(t, "/test/v1", resp.Header.Get("Location"), "Location")
api.Get("/users", dummyHandler)
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/test/v1/UsErS", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
// utils.AssertEqual(t, "/test/v1/users", resp.Header.Get("Location"), "Location")
func Test_App_Deep_Group(t *testing.T) {
runThroughCount := 0
dummyHandler := func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Next()
app := New()
gAPI := app.Group("/api", dummyHandler)
gV1 := gAPI.Group("/v1", dummyHandler)
gUser := gV1.Group("/user", dummyHandler)
gUser.Get("/authenticate", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(200)
testStatus200(t, app, "/api/v1/user/authenticate", MethodGet)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 4, runThroughCount, "Loop count")
// go test -run Test_App_Next_Method
func Test_App_Next_Method(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.config.DisableStartupMessage = true
app.Use(func(c *Ctx) error {
utils.AssertEqual(t, MethodGet, c.Method())
utils.AssertEqual(t, MethodGet, c.Method())
return nil
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 404, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
// go test -run Test_App_Listen
func Test_App_Listen(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{DisableStartupMessage: true})
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, app.Listen(":99999") == nil)
go func() {
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Shutdown())
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Listen(":4003"))
// go test -run Test_App_Listen_Prefork
func Test_App_Listen_Prefork(t *testing.T) {
testPreforkMaster = true
app := New(Config{DisableStartupMessage: true, Prefork: true})
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Listen(":99999"))
// go test -run Test_App_ListenTLS
func Test_App_ListenTLS(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
// invalid port
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, app.ListenTLS(":99999", "./.github/testdata/ssl.pem", "./.github/testdata/ssl.key") == nil)
// missing perm/cert file
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, app.ListenTLS(":0", "", "./.github/testdata/ssl.key") == nil)
go func() {
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Shutdown())
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.ListenTLS(":0", "./.github/testdata/ssl.pem", "./.github/testdata/ssl.key"))
// go test -run Test_App_ListenTLS_Prefork
func Test_App_ListenTLS_Prefork(t *testing.T) {
testPreforkMaster = true
app := New(Config{DisableStartupMessage: true, Prefork: true})
// invalid key file content
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, app.ListenTLS(":0", "./.github/testdata/ssl.pem", "./.github/testdata/template.html") == nil)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.ListenTLS(":99999", "./.github/testdata/ssl.pem", "./.github/testdata/ssl.key"))
// go test -run Test_App_Listener
func Test_App_Listener(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
go func() {
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Shutdown())
ln := fasthttputil.NewInmemoryListener()
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Listener(ln))
// go test -run Test_App_Listener_Prefork
func Test_App_Listener_Prefork(t *testing.T) {
testPreforkMaster = true
app := New(Config{DisableStartupMessage: true, Prefork: true})
ln := fasthttputil.NewInmemoryListener()
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Listener(ln))
func Test_App_Listener_TLS_Listener(t *testing.T) {
// Create tls certificate
cer, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("./.github/testdata/ssl.pem", "./.github/testdata/ssl.key")
if err != nil {
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
config := &tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cer}}
ln, err := tls.Listen(NetworkTCP4, ":0", config)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
app := New()
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Shutdown())
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Listener(ln))
// go test -v -run=^$ -bench=Benchmark_AcquireCtx -benchmem -count=4
func Benchmark_AcquireCtx(b *testing.B) {
app := New()
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
c := app.AcquireCtx(&fasthttp.RequestCtx{})
// go test -v -run=^$ -bench=Benchmark_App_ETag -benchmem -count=4
func Benchmark_App_ETag(b *testing.B) {
app := New()
c := app.AcquireCtx(&fasthttp.RequestCtx{})
defer app.ReleaseCtx(c)
c.Send([]byte("Hello, World!"))
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
setETag(c, false)
utils.AssertEqual(b, `"13-1831710635"`, string(c.Response().Header.Peek(HeaderETag)))
// go test -v -run=^$ -bench=Benchmark_App_ETag_Weak -benchmem -count=4
func Benchmark_App_ETag_Weak(b *testing.B) {
app := New()
c := app.AcquireCtx(&fasthttp.RequestCtx{})
defer app.ReleaseCtx(c)
c.Send([]byte("Hello, World!"))
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
setETag(c, true)
utils.AssertEqual(b, `W/"13-1831710635"`, string(c.Response().Header.Peek(HeaderETag)))
// go test -run Test_NewError
func Test_NewError(t *testing.T) {
e := NewError(StatusForbidden, "permission denied")
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusForbidden, e.Code)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "permission denied", e.Message)
func Test_NewErrors(t *testing.T) {
errors := NewErrors(StatusBadRequest, []string{"error 1", "error 2"}...)
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusBadRequest, errors[0].Code)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "error 1", errors[0].Message)
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusBadRequest, errors[1].Code)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "error 2", errors[1].Message)
// go test -run Test_Test_Timeout
func Test_Test_Timeout(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.config.DisableStartupMessage = true
app.Get("/", testEmptyHandler)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/", nil), -1)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
app.Get("timeout", func(c *Ctx) error {
time.Sleep(55 * time.Millisecond)
return nil
_, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/timeout", nil), 50)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, err != nil, "app.Test(req)")
type errorReader int
func (errorReader) Read([]byte) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("errorReader")
// go test -run Test_Test_DumpError
func Test_Test_DumpError(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.config.DisableStartupMessage = true
app.Get("/", testEmptyHandler)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/", errorReader(0)))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, resp == nil)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "errorReader", err.Error())
// go test -run Test_App_Handler
func Test_App_Handler(t *testing.T) {
h := New().Handler()
utils.AssertEqual(t, "fasthttp.RequestHandler", reflect.TypeOf(h).String())
type invalidView struct{}
func (invalidView) Load() error { return errors.New("invalid view") }
func (i invalidView) Render(io.Writer, string, interface{}, ...string) error { panic("implement me") }
// go test -run Test_App_Init_Error_View
func Test_App_Init_Error_View(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{Views: invalidView{}})
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "implement me", fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
_ = app.config.Views.Render(nil, "", nil)
// go test -run Test_App_Stack
func Test_App_Stack(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Use("/path0", testEmptyHandler)
app.Get("/path1", testEmptyHandler)
app.Get("/path2", testEmptyHandler)
app.Post("/path3", testEmptyHandler)
stack := app.Stack()
utils.AssertEqual(t, 9, len(stack))
utils.AssertEqual(t, 3, len(stack[methodInt(MethodGet)]))
utils.AssertEqual(t, 3, len(stack[methodInt(MethodHead)]))
utils.AssertEqual(t, 2, len(stack[methodInt(MethodPost)]))
utils.AssertEqual(t, 1, len(stack[methodInt(MethodPut)]))
utils.AssertEqual(t, 1, len(stack[methodInt(MethodPatch)]))
utils.AssertEqual(t, 1, len(stack[methodInt(MethodDelete)]))
utils.AssertEqual(t, 1, len(stack[methodInt(MethodConnect)]))
utils.AssertEqual(t, 1, len(stack[methodInt(MethodOptions)]))
utils.AssertEqual(t, 1, len(stack[methodInt(MethodTrace)]))
// go test -run Test_App_HandlersCount
func Test_App_HandlersCount(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.Use("/path0", testEmptyHandler)
app.Get("/path2", testEmptyHandler)
app.Post("/path3", testEmptyHandler)
count := app.HandlersCount()
utils.AssertEqual(t, uint32(4), count)
// go test -run Test_App_ReadTimeout
func Test_App_ReadTimeout(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{
ReadTimeout: time.Nanosecond,
IdleTimeout: time.Minute,
DisableStartupMessage: true,
DisableKeepalive: true,
app.Get("/read-timeout", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendString("I should not be sent")
go func() {
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
conn, err := net.Dial(NetworkTCP4, "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
defer conn.Close()
_, err = conn.Write([]byte("HEAD /read-timeout HTTP/1.1\r\n"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
var n int
n, err = conn.Read(buf)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, bytes.Contains(buf[:n], []byte("408 Request Timeout")))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Shutdown())
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Listen(":4004"))
// go test -run Test_App_BadRequest
func Test_App_BadRequest(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{
DisableStartupMessage: true,
app.Get("/bad-request", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendString("I should not be sent")
go func() {
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
conn, err := net.Dial(NetworkTCP4, "")
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
defer conn.Close()
_, err = conn.Write([]byte("BadRequest\r\n"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
var n int
n, err = conn.Read(buf)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, bytes.Contains(buf[:n], []byte("400 Bad Request")))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Shutdown())
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Listen(":4005"))
// go test -run Test_App_SmallReadBuffer
func Test_App_SmallReadBuffer(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{
ReadBufferSize: 1,
DisableStartupMessage: true,
app.Get("/small-read-buffer", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendString("I should not be sent")
go func() {
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
resp, err := http.Get("")
if resp != nil {
utils.AssertEqual(t, 431, resp.StatusCode)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Shutdown())
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, app.Listen(":4006"))
func captureOutput(f func()) string {
reader, writer, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
stdout := os.Stdout
stderr := os.Stderr
defer func() {
os.Stdout = stdout
os.Stderr = stderr
os.Stdout = writer
os.Stderr = writer
out := make(chan string)
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
var buf bytes.Buffer
io.Copy(&buf, reader)
out <- buf.String()
return <-out
func Test_App_Master_Process_Show_Startup_Message(t *testing.T) {
startupMessage := captureOutput(func() {
New(Config{Prefork: true}).
startupMessage(":3000", true, strings.Repeat(",11111,22222,33333,44444,55555,60000", 10))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(startupMessage, ""))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(startupMessage, "(bound on host and port 3000)"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(startupMessage, "Child PIDs"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(startupMessage, "11111, 22222, 33333, 44444, 55555, 60000"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(startupMessage, "Prefork ........ Enabled"))
func Test_App_Master_Process_Show_Startup_MessageWithAppName(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{Prefork: true, AppName: "Test App v1.0.1"})
startupMessage := captureOutput(func() {
app.startupMessage(":3000", true, strings.Repeat(",11111,22222,33333,44444,55555,60000", 10))
utils.AssertEqual(t, "Test App v1.0.1", app.Config().AppName)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(startupMessage, app.Config().AppName))
func Test_App_Server(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, app.Server() == nil)
func Test_App_Error_In_Fasthttp_Server(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
app.config.ErrorHandler = func(ctx *Ctx, err error) error {
return errors.New("fake error")
app.server.GetOnly = true
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodPost, "/", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, 500, resp.StatusCode)
// go test -race -run Test_App_New_Test_Parallel
func Test_App_New_Test_Parallel(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Test_App_New_Test_Parallel_1", func(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{Immutable: true})
app.Test(httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil))
t.Run("Test_App_New_Test_Parallel_2", func(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{Immutable: true})
app.Test(httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil))
func Test_App_ReadBodyStream(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{StreamRequestBody: true})
app.Post("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
// Calling c.Body() automatically reads the entire stream.
return c.SendString(fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", c.Request().IsBodyStream(), c.Body()))
testString := "this is a test"
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest("POST", "/", bytes.NewBufferString(testString)))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, fmt.Sprintf("true %s", testString), string(body))
func Test_App_DisablePreParseMultipartForm(t *testing.T) {
// Must be used with both otherwise there is no point.
testString := "this is a test"
app := New(Config{DisablePreParseMultipartForm: true, StreamRequestBody: true})
app.Post("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
req := c.Request()
mpf, err := req.MultipartForm()
if err != nil {
return err
if !req.IsBodyStream() {
return fmt.Errorf("not a body stream")
file, err := mpf.File["test"][0].Open()
if err != nil {
return err
buffer := make([]byte, len(testString))
n, err := file.Read(buffer)
if err != nil {
return err
if n != len(testString) {
return fmt.Errorf("bad read length")
return c.Send(buffer)
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := multipart.NewWriter(b)
writer, err := w.CreateFormFile("test", "test")
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "w.CreateFormFile")
n, err := writer.Write([]byte(testString))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "writer.Write")
utils.AssertEqual(t, len(testString), n, "writer n")
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, w.Close(), "w.Close()")
req := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "/", b)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", w.FormDataContentType())
resp, err := app.Test(req)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, testString, string(body))
func Test_App_UseMountedErrorHandler(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
fiber := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: func(ctx *Ctx, err error) error {
return ctx.Status(200).SendString("hi, i'm a custom error")
fiber.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("something happened")
app.Mount("/api", fiber)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/api", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "iotuil.ReadAll()")
utils.AssertEqual(t, "hi, i'm a custom error", string(b), "Response body")
func Test_App_UseMountedErrorHandlerForBestPrefixMatch(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
tsf := func(ctx *Ctx, err error) error {
return ctx.Status(200).SendString("hi, i'm a custom sub sub fiber error")
tripleSubFiber := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: tsf,
tripleSubFiber.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("something happened")
sf := func(ctx *Ctx, err error) error {
return ctx.Status(200).SendString("hi, i'm a custom sub fiber error")
subfiber := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: sf,
subfiber.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("something happened")
subfiber.Mount("/third", tripleSubFiber)
f := func(ctx *Ctx, err error) error {
return ctx.Status(200).SendString("hi, i'm a custom error")
fiber := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: f,
fiber.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("something happened")
fiber.Mount("/sub", subfiber)
app.Mount("/api", fiber)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/api/sub", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "/api/sub req")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "iotuil.ReadAll()")
utils.AssertEqual(t, "hi, i'm a custom sub fiber error", string(b), "Response body")
resp2, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/api/sub/third", nil))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "/api/sub/third req")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
b, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp2.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "iotuil.ReadAll()")
utils.AssertEqual(t, "hi, i'm a custom sub sub fiber error", string(b), "Third fiber Response body")
func emptyHandler(c *Ctx) error {
return nil
func Test_App_print_Route(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{EnablePrintRoutes: true})
app.Get("/", emptyHandler).Name("routeName")
printRoutesMessage := captureOutput(func() {
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(printRoutesMessage, "GET"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(printRoutesMessage, "/"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(printRoutesMessage, "emptyHandler"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(printRoutesMessage, "routeName"))
func Test_App_print_Route_with_group(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{EnablePrintRoutes: true})
app.Get("/", emptyHandler)
v1 := app.Group("v1")
v1.Get("/test", emptyHandler).Name("v1")
v1.Post("/test/fiber", emptyHandler)
v1.Put("/test/fiber/*", emptyHandler)
printRoutesMessage := captureOutput(func() {
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(printRoutesMessage, "GET"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(printRoutesMessage, "/"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(printRoutesMessage, "emptyHandler"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(printRoutesMessage, "/v1/test"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(printRoutesMessage, "POST"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(printRoutesMessage, "/v1/test/fiber"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(printRoutesMessage, "PUT"))
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, strings.Contains(printRoutesMessage, "/v1/test/fiber/*"))