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// ⚡️ Fiber is an Express inspired web framework written in Go with ☕️
// 📝 Github Repository: https://github.com/gofiber/fiber
// 📌 API Documentation: https://docs.gofiber.io
package fiber
import (
// Pool for redirection
var redirectPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() any {
return &Redirect{
status: StatusFound,
oldInput: make(map[string]string, 0),
// Cookie name to send flash messages when to use redirection.
const (
FlashCookieName = "fiber_flash"
OldInputDataPrefix = "old_input_data_"
CookieDataSeparator = ","
CookieDataAssigner = ":"
// Redirect is a struct to use it with Ctx.
type Redirect struct {
c *DefaultCtx // Embed ctx
status int // Status code of redirection. Default: StatusFound
messages []string // Flash messages
oldInput map[string]string // Old input data
// A config to use with Redirect().Route()
// You can specify queries or route parameters.
// NOTE: We don't use net/url to parse parameters because of it has poor performance. You have to pass map.
type RedirectConfig struct {
Params Map // Route parameters
Queries map[string]string // Query map
// AcquireRedirect return default Redirect reference from the redirect pool
func AcquireRedirect() *Redirect {
redirect, ok := redirectPool.Get().(*Redirect)
if !ok {
panic(errors.New("failed to type-assert to *Redirect"))
return redirect
// ReleaseRedirect returns c acquired via Redirect to redirect pool.
// It is forbidden accessing req and/or its' members after returning
// it to redirect pool.
func ReleaseRedirect(r *Redirect) {
func (r *Redirect) release() {
r.status = 302
r.messages = r.messages[:0]
// reset map
for k := range r.oldInput {
delete(r.oldInput, k)
r.c = nil
// Status sets the status code of redirection.
// If status is not specified, status defaults to 302 Found.
func (r *Redirect) Status(code int) *Redirect {
r.status = code
return r
// You can send flash messages by using With().
// They will be sent as a cookie.
// You can get them by using: Redirect().Messages(), Redirect().Message()
// Note: You must use escape char before using ',' and ':' chars to avoid wrong parsing.
func (r *Redirect) With(key, value string) *Redirect {
r.messages = append(r.messages, key+CookieDataAssigner+value)
return r
// You can send input data by using WithInput().
// They will be sent as a cookie.
// This method can send form, multipart form, query data to redirected route.
// You can get them by using: Redirect().OldInputs(), Redirect().OldInput()
func (r *Redirect) WithInput() *Redirect {
// Get content-type
ctype := utils.ToLower(utils.UnsafeString(r.c.Context().Request.Header.ContentType()))
ctype = binder.FilterFlags(utils.ParseVendorSpecificContentType(ctype))
switch ctype {
case MIMEApplicationForm:
_ = r.c.Bind().Form(r.oldInput) //nolint:errcheck // not needed
case MIMEMultipartForm:
_ = r.c.Bind().MultipartForm(r.oldInput) //nolint:errcheck // not needed
_ = r.c.Bind().Query(r.oldInput) //nolint:errcheck // not needed
return r
// Get flash messages.
func (r *Redirect) Messages() map[string]string {
msgs := r.c.redirectionMessages
flashMessages := make(map[string]string, len(msgs))
for _, msg := range msgs {
k, v := parseMessage(msg)
if !strings.HasPrefix(k, OldInputDataPrefix) {
flashMessages[k] = v
return flashMessages
// Get flash message by key.
func (r *Redirect) Message(key string) string {
msgs := r.c.redirectionMessages
for _, msg := range msgs {
k, v := parseMessage(msg)
if !strings.HasPrefix(k, OldInputDataPrefix) && k == key {
return v
return ""
// Get old input data.
func (r *Redirect) OldInputs() map[string]string {
msgs := r.c.redirectionMessages
oldInputs := make(map[string]string, len(msgs))
for _, msg := range msgs {
k, v := parseMessage(msg)
if strings.HasPrefix(k, OldInputDataPrefix) {
// remove "old_input_data_" part from key
oldInputs[k[len(OldInputDataPrefix):]] = v
return oldInputs
// Get old input data by key.
func (r *Redirect) OldInput(key string) string {
msgs := r.c.redirectionMessages
for _, msg := range msgs {
k, v := parseMessage(msg)
if strings.HasPrefix(k, OldInputDataPrefix) && k[len(OldInputDataPrefix):] == key {
return v
return ""
// Redirect to the URL derived from the specified path, with specified status.
func (r *Redirect) To(location string) error {
r.c.setCanonical(HeaderLocation, location)
return nil
// Route redirects to the Route registered in the app with appropriate parameters.
// If you want to send queries or params to route, you should use config parameter.
func (r *Redirect) Route(name string, config ...RedirectConfig) error {
// Check config
cfg := RedirectConfig{}
if len(config) > 0 {
cfg = config[0]
// Get location from route name
location, err := r.c.getLocationFromRoute(r.c.App().GetRoute(name), cfg.Params)
if err != nil {
return err
// Flash messages
if len(r.messages) > 0 || len(r.oldInput) > 0 {
messageText := bytebufferpool.Get()
defer bytebufferpool.Put(messageText)
// flash messages
for i, message := range r.messages {
// when there are more messages or oldInput -> add a comma
if len(r.messages)-1 != i || (len(r.messages)-1 == i && len(r.oldInput) > 0) {
r.messages = r.messages[:0]
// old input data
i := 1
for k, v := range r.oldInput {
messageText.WriteString(OldInputDataPrefix + k + CookieDataAssigner + v)
if len(r.oldInput) != i {
Name: FlashCookieName,
Value: r.c.app.getString(messageText.Bytes()),
SessionOnly: true,
// Check queries
if len(cfg.Queries) > 0 {
queryText := bytebufferpool.Get()
defer bytebufferpool.Put(queryText)
i := 1
for k, v := range cfg.Queries {
queryText.WriteString(k + "=" + v)
if i != len(cfg.Queries) {
return r.To(location + "?" + r.c.app.getString(queryText.Bytes()))
return r.To(location)
// Redirect back to the URL to referer.
func (r *Redirect) Back(fallback ...string) error {
location := r.c.Get(HeaderReferer)
if location == "" {
// Check fallback URL
if len(fallback) == 0 {
err := ErrRedirectBackNoFallback
return err
location = fallback[0]
return r.To(location)
// setFlash is a method to get flash messages before removing them
func (r *Redirect) setFlash() {
// parse flash messages
cookieValue := r.c.Cookies(FlashCookieName)
var commaPos int
for {
commaPos = findNextNonEscapedCharsetPosition(cookieValue, []byte(CookieDataSeparator))
if commaPos == -1 {
r.c.redirectionMessages = append(r.c.redirectionMessages, strings.Trim(cookieValue, " "))
r.c.redirectionMessages = append(r.c.redirectionMessages, strings.Trim(cookieValue[:commaPos], " "))
cookieValue = cookieValue[commaPos+1:]
func parseMessage(raw string) (string, string) { //nolint: revive // not necessary
if i := findNextNonEscapedCharsetPosition(raw, []byte(CookieDataAssigner)); i != -1 {
return RemoveEscapeChar(raw[:i]), RemoveEscapeChar(raw[i+1:])
return RemoveEscapeChar(raw), ""