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// 🚀 Fiber is an Express.js inspired web framework written in Go with 💖
// 📌 Please open an issue if you got suggestions or found a bug!
// 🖥 Links: https://github.com/gofiber/fiber, https://fiber.wiki
// 🦸 Not all heroes wear capes, thank you to some amazing people
// 💖 @valyala, @erikdubbelboer, @savsgio, @julienschmidt, @koddr
package fiber
import (
func getParams(path string) (params []string) {
segments := strings.Split(path, "/")
replacer := strings.NewReplacer(":", "", "?", "")
for _, s := range segments {
if s == "" {
} else if s[0] == ':' {
params = append(params, replacer.Replace(s))
} else if s[0] == '*' {
params = append(params, "*")
return params
func getRegex(path string) (*regexp.Regexp, error) {
pattern := "^"
segments := strings.Split(path, "/")
for _, s := range segments {
if s == "" {
if s[0] == ':' {
if strings.Contains(s, "?") {
pattern += "(?:/([^/]+?))?"
} else {
pattern += "/(?:([^/]+?))"
} else if s[0] == '*' {
pattern += "/(.*)"
} else {
pattern += "/" + s
pattern += "/?$"
regex, err := regexp.Compile(pattern)
return regex, err
func getFiles(root string) (files []string, isDir bool, err error) {
err = filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if !info.IsDir() {
files = append(files, path)
} else {
isDir = true
return err
return files, isDir, err
func getType(ext string) (mime string) {
if ext == "" {
return mime
if ext[0] == '.' {
ext = ext[1:]
mime = contentTypes[ext]
if mime == "" {
return contentTypeOctetStream
return mime
func getStatus(status int) (msg string) {
return statusMessages[status]
// #nosec G103
// getString converts byte slice to a string without memory allocation.
// See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/Golang-Nuts/ENgbUzYvCuU/90yGx7GUAgAJ .
func getString(b []byte) string {
return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
// #nosec G103
// getBytes converts string to a byte slice without memory allocation.
// See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/Golang-Nuts/ENgbUzYvCuU/90yGx7GUAgAJ .
func getBytes(s string) (b []byte) {
// return *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
sh := *(*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
bh := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
bh.Data, bh.Len, bh.Cap = sh.Data, sh.Len, sh.Len
return b
// Test takes a http.Request and execute a fake connection to the application
// It returns a http.Response when the connection was successfull
func (r *Fiber) Test(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
// Get raw http request
reqRaw, err := httputil.DumpRequest(req, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Setup a fiber server struct
r.httpServer = r.setupServer()
// Create fake connection
conn := &conn{}
// Pass HTTP request to conn
_, err = conn.r.Write(reqRaw)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Serve conn to server
channel := make(chan error)
go func() {
channel <- r.httpServer.ServeConn(conn)
// Wait for callback
select {
case err := <-channel:
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Throw timeout error after 200ms
case <-time.After(500 * time.Millisecond):
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Timeout")
// Get raw HTTP response
respRaw, err := ioutil.ReadAll(&conn.w)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create buffer
reader := strings.NewReader(getString(respRaw))
buffer := bufio.NewReader(reader)
// Convert raw HTTP response to http.Response
resp, err := http.ReadResponse(buffer, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Return *http.Response
return resp, nil
// https://golang.org/src/net/net.go#L113
type conn struct {
r bytes.Buffer
w bytes.Buffer
func (c *conn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
return &net.TCPAddr{
IP: net.IPv4(0, 0, 0, 0),
func (c *conn) LocalAddr() net.Addr { return c.LocalAddr() }
func (c *conn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) { return c.r.Read(b) }
func (c *conn) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { return c.w.Write(b) }
func (c *conn) Close() error { return nil }
func (c *conn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error { return nil }
func (c *conn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error { return nil }
func (c *conn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error { return nil }