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2020-09-16 22:16:41 +02:00

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package limiter
import (
// Config defines the config for middleware.
type Config struct {
// Next defines a function to skip this middleware when returned true.
// Optional. Default: nil
Next func(c *fiber.Ctx) bool
// Max number of recent connections during `Duration` seconds before sending a 429 response
// Default: 5
Max int
// Duration is the time on how long to keep records of requests in memory
// Default: 1 * time.Minute
Duration time.Duration
// Key allows you to generate custom keys, by default c.IP() is used
// Default: func(c *fiber.Ctx) string {
// return c.IP()
// }
Key func(*fiber.Ctx) string
// LimitReached is called when a request hits the limit
// Default: func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
// return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusTooManyRequests)
// }
LimitReached fiber.Handler
// ConfigDefault is the default config
var ConfigDefault = Config{
Next: nil,
Max: 5,
Duration: 1 * time.Minute,
Key: func(c *fiber.Ctx) string {
return c.IP()
LimitReached: func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusTooManyRequests)
// X-RateLimit-* headers
const (
xRateLimitLimit = "X-RateLimit-Limit"
xRateLimitRemaining = "X-RateLimit-Remaining"
xRateLimitReset = "X-RateLimit-Reset"
// New creates a new middleware handler
func New(config ...Config) fiber.Handler {
// Set default config
cfg := ConfigDefault
// Override config if provided
if len(config) > 0 {
cfg = config[0]
// Set default values
if cfg.Next == nil {
cfg.Next = ConfigDefault.Next
if cfg.Max <= 0 {
cfg.Max = ConfigDefault.Max
if int(cfg.Duration.Seconds()) <= 0 {
cfg.Duration = ConfigDefault.Duration
if cfg.Key == nil {
cfg.Key = ConfigDefault.Key
if cfg.LimitReached == nil {
cfg.LimitReached = ConfigDefault.LimitReached
// Limiter settings
var max = strconv.Itoa(cfg.Max)
var hits = make(map[string]int)
var reset = make(map[string]uint64)
var timestamp = uint64(time.Now().Unix())
var duration = uint64(cfg.Duration.Seconds())
// mutex for parallel read and write access
mux := &sync.Mutex{}
// Update timestamp every second
go func() {
for {
atomic.StoreUint64(&timestamp, uint64(time.Now().Unix()))
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// Return new handler
return func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
// Don't execute middleware if Next returns true
if cfg.Next != nil && cfg.Next(c) {
return c.Next()
// Get key (default is the remote IP)
key := cfg.Key(c)
// Lock map
// Set unix timestamp if not exist
ts := atomic.LoadUint64(&timestamp)
if reset[key] == 0 {
reset[key] = ts + duration
} else if ts >= reset[key] {
hits[key] = 0
reset[key] = ts + duration
// Increment key hits
// Get current hits
hitCount := hits[key]
// Calculate when it resets in seconds
resetTime := reset[key] - ts
// Unlock map
// Set how many hits we have left
remaining := cfg.Max - hitCount
// Check if hits exceed the cfg.Max
if remaining < 0 {
// Return response with Retry-After header
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6584
c.Set(fiber.HeaderRetryAfter, strconv.FormatUint(resetTime, 10))
// Call LimitReached handler
return cfg.LimitReached(c)
// We can continue, update RateLimit headers
c.Set(xRateLimitLimit, max)
c.Set(xRateLimitRemaining, strconv.Itoa(remaining))
c.Set(xRateLimitReset, strconv.FormatUint(resetTime, 10))
// Continue stack
return c.Next()