mirror of https://github.com/gofiber/fiber.git synced 2025-02-22 00:33:09 +00:00
RW df87a82d5a
🐛 Fix mount route positioning (#2463)
* 🐛 [Bug-fix]: Wrong handlers execution order in some mount cases #2460

* 🐛 [Bug-fix]: Wrong handlers execution order in some mount cases #2460

* 🐛 [Bug-fix]: Wrong handlers execution order in some mount cases #2460

* [Bug-fix]: Wrong handlers execution order in some mount cases #2460

* [Bug-fix]: Wrong handlers execution order in some mount cases #2460
2023-05-17 10:51:05 +02:00

522 lines
15 KiB

// ⚡️ Fiber is an Express inspired web framework written in Go with ☕️
// 🤖 Github Repository: https://github.com/gofiber/fiber
// 📌 API Documentation: https://docs.gofiber.io
//nolint:bodyclose // Much easier to just ignore memory leaks in tests
package fiber
import (
// go test -run Test_App_Mount
func Test_App_Mount(t *testing.T) {
micro := New()
micro.Get("/doe", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(StatusOK)
app := New()
app.Mount("/john", micro)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/john/doe", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, uint32(2), app.handlersCount)
func Test_App_Mount_RootPath_Nested(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
dynamic := New()
apiserver := New()
apiroutes := apiserver.Group("/v1")
apiroutes.Get("/home", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendString("home")
dynamic.Mount("/api", apiserver)
app.Mount("/", dynamic)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/api/v1/home", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, uint32(2), app.handlersCount)
// go test -run Test_App_Mount_Nested
func Test_App_Mount_Nested(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
one := New()
two := New()
three := New()
two.Mount("/three", three)
app.Mount("/one", one)
one.Mount("/two", two)
one.Get("/doe", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(StatusOK)
two.Get("/nested", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(StatusOK)
three.Get("/test", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(StatusOK)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/one/doe", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/one/two/nested", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/one/two/three/test", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, uint32(6), app.handlersCount)
utils.AssertEqual(t, uint32(6), app.routesCount)
// go test -run Test_App_Mount_Express_Behavior
func Test_App_Mount_Express_Behavior(t *testing.T) {
createTestHandler := func(body string) func(c *Ctx) error {
return func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendString(body)
testEndpoint := func(app *App, route, expectedBody string, expectedStatusCode int) {
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, route, http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, expectedStatusCode, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, expectedBody, string(body), "Unexpected response body")
app := New()
subApp := New()
// app setup
subApp.Get("/hello", createTestHandler("subapp hello!"))
subApp.Get("/world", createTestHandler("subapp world!")) // <- wins
app.Get("/hello", createTestHandler("app hello!")) // <- wins
app.Mount("/", subApp) // <- subApp registration
app.Get("/world", createTestHandler("app world!"))
app.Get("/bar", createTestHandler("app bar!"))
subApp.Get("/bar", createTestHandler("subapp bar!")) // <- wins
subApp.Get("/foo", createTestHandler("subapp foo!")) // <- wins
app.Get("/foo", createTestHandler("app foo!"))
// 404 Handler
app.Use(func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(StatusNotFound)
// expectation check
testEndpoint(app, "/world", "subapp world!", StatusOK)
testEndpoint(app, "/hello", "app hello!", StatusOK)
testEndpoint(app, "/bar", "subapp bar!", StatusOK)
testEndpoint(app, "/foo", "subapp foo!", StatusOK)
testEndpoint(app, "/unknown", ErrNotFound.Message, StatusNotFound)
utils.AssertEqual(t, uint32(17), app.handlersCount)
utils.AssertEqual(t, uint32(16+9), app.routesCount)
// go test -run Test_App_Mount_RoutePositions
func Test_App_Mount_RoutePositions(t *testing.T) {
testEndpoint := func(app *App, route, expectedBody string) {
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, route, http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusOK, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, expectedBody, string(body), "Unexpected response body")
app := New()
subApp1 := New()
subApp2 := New()
// app setup
app.Use(func(c *Ctx) error {
// set initial value
c.Locals("world", "world")
return c.Next()
app.Mount("/subApp1", subApp1)
app.Use(func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Next()
app.Get("/bar", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendString("ok")
app.Use(func(c *Ctx) error {
// is overwritten in case the positioning is not correct
c.Locals("world", "hello")
return c.Next()
methods := subApp2.Group("/subApp2")
methods.Get("/world", func(c *Ctx) error {
v, ok := c.Locals("world").(string)
if !ok {
panic("unexpected data type")
return c.SendString(v)
app.Mount("", subApp2)
testEndpoint(app, "/subApp2/world", "hello")
routeStackGET := app.Stack()[0]
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, routeStackGET[0].use)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "/", routeStackGET[0].path)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, routeStackGET[1].use)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "/", routeStackGET[1].path)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, routeStackGET[0].pos < routeStackGET[1].pos, "wrong position of route 0")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, routeStackGET[2].use)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "/bar", routeStackGET[2].path)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, routeStackGET[1].pos < routeStackGET[2].pos, "wrong position of route 1")
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, routeStackGET[3].use)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "/", routeStackGET[3].path)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, routeStackGET[2].pos < routeStackGET[3].pos, "wrong position of route 2")
utils.AssertEqual(t, false, routeStackGET[4].use)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "/subapp2/world", routeStackGET[4].path)
utils.AssertEqual(t, true, routeStackGET[3].pos < routeStackGET[4].pos, "wrong position of route 3")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 5, len(routeStackGET))
// go test -run Test_App_MountPath
func Test_App_MountPath(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
one := New()
two := New()
three := New()
two.Mount("/three", three)
one.Mount("/two", two)
app.Mount("/one", one)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "/one", one.MountPath())
utils.AssertEqual(t, "/one/two", two.MountPath())
utils.AssertEqual(t, "/one/two/three", three.MountPath())
utils.AssertEqual(t, "", app.MountPath())
func Test_App_ErrorHandler_GroupMount(t *testing.T) {
micro := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: func(c *Ctx, err error) error {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "0: GET error", err.Error())
return c.Status(500).SendString("1: custom error")
micro.Get("/doe", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("0: GET error")
app := New()
v1 := app.Group("/v1")
v1.Mount("/john", micro)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/v1/john/doe", http.NoBody))
testErrorResponse(t, err, resp, "1: custom error")
func Test_App_ErrorHandler_GroupMountRootLevel(t *testing.T) {
micro := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: func(c *Ctx, err error) error {
utils.AssertEqual(t, "0: GET error", err.Error())
return c.Status(500).SendString("1: custom error")
micro.Get("/john/doe", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("0: GET error")
app := New()
v1 := app.Group("/v1")
v1.Mount("/", micro)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/v1/john/doe", http.NoBody))
testErrorResponse(t, err, resp, "1: custom error")
// go test -run Test_App_Group_Mount
func Test_App_Group_Mount(t *testing.T) {
micro := New()
micro.Get("/doe", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(StatusOK)
app := New()
v1 := app.Group("/v1")
v1.Mount("/john", micro)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/v1/john/doe", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, uint32(2), app.handlersCount)
func Test_App_UseParentErrorHandler(t *testing.T) {
app := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: func(ctx *Ctx, err error) error {
return ctx.Status(500).SendString("hi, i'm a custom error")
fiber := New()
fiber.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("something happened")
app.Mount("/api", fiber)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/api", http.NoBody))
testErrorResponse(t, err, resp, "hi, i'm a custom error")
func Test_App_UseMountedErrorHandler(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
fiber := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: func(ctx *Ctx, err error) error {
return ctx.Status(500).SendString("hi, i'm a custom error")
fiber.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("something happened")
app.Mount("/api", fiber)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/api", http.NoBody))
testErrorResponse(t, err, resp, "hi, i'm a custom error")
func Test_App_UseMountedErrorHandlerRootLevel(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
fiber := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: func(ctx *Ctx, err error) error {
return ctx.Status(500).SendString("hi, i'm a custom error")
fiber.Get("/api", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("something happened")
app.Mount("/", fiber)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/api", http.NoBody))
testErrorResponse(t, err, resp, "hi, i'm a custom error")
func Test_App_UseMountedErrorHandlerForBestPrefixMatch(t *testing.T) {
app := New()
tsf := func(ctx *Ctx, err error) error {
return ctx.Status(200).SendString("hi, i'm a custom sub sub fiber error")
tripleSubFiber := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: tsf,
tripleSubFiber.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("something happened")
sf := func(ctx *Ctx, err error) error {
return ctx.Status(200).SendString("hi, i'm a custom sub fiber error")
subfiber := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: sf,
subfiber.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("something happened")
subfiber.Mount("/third", tripleSubFiber)
f := func(ctx *Ctx, err error) error {
return ctx.Status(200).SendString("hi, i'm a custom error")
fiber := New(Config{
ErrorHandler: f,
fiber.Get("/", func(c *Ctx) error {
return errors.New("something happened")
fiber.Mount("/sub", subfiber)
app.Mount("/api", fiber)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/api/sub", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "/api/sub req")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
b, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "iotuil.ReadAll()")
utils.AssertEqual(t, "hi, i'm a custom sub fiber error", string(b), "Response body")
resp2, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/api/sub/third", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "/api/sub/third req")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
b, err = io.ReadAll(resp2.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "iotuil.ReadAll()")
utils.AssertEqual(t, "hi, i'm a custom sub sub fiber error", string(b), "Third fiber Response body")
// go test -run Test_Ctx_Render_Mount
func Test_Ctx_Render_Mount(t *testing.T) {
sub := New(Config{
Views: html.New("./.github/testdata/template", ".gohtml"),
sub.Get("/:name", func(ctx *Ctx) error {
return ctx.Render("hello_world", Map{
"Name": ctx.Params("name"),
app := New()
app.Mount("/hello", sub)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/hello/a", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusOK, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "<h1>Hello a!</h1>", string(body))
// go test -run Test_Ctx_Render_Mount_ParentOrSubHasViews
func Test_Ctx_Render_Mount_ParentOrSubHasViews(t *testing.T) {
engine := &testTemplateEngine{}
err := engine.Load()
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
engine2 := &testTemplateEngine{path: "testdata2"}
err = engine2.Load()
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
sub := New(Config{
Views: html.New("./.github/testdata/template", ".gohtml"),
sub2 := New(Config{
Views: engine2,
app := New(Config{
Views: engine,
app.Get("/test", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Render("index.tmpl", Map{
"Title": "Hello, World!",
sub.Get("/world/:name", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Render("hello_world", Map{
"Name": c.Params("name"),
sub2.Get("/moment", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Render("bruh.tmpl", Map{})
sub.Mount("/bruh", sub2)
app.Mount("/hello", sub)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/hello/world/a", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusOK, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "<h1>Hello a!</h1>", string(body))
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/test", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusOK, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
body, err = io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "<h1>Hello, World!</h1>", string(body))
resp, err = app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/hello/bruh/moment", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, StatusOK, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
body, err = io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "<h1>I'm Bruh</h1>", string(body))
func Test_Ctx_Render_MountGroup(t *testing.T) {
micro := New(Config{
Views: html.New("./.github/testdata/template", ".gohtml"),
micro.Get("/doe", func(c *Ctx) error {
return c.Render("hello_world", Map{
"Name": "doe",
app := New()
v1 := app.Group("/v1")
v1.Mount("/john", micro)
resp, err := app.Test(httptest.NewRequest(MethodGet, "/v1/john/doe", http.NoBody))
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err, "app.Test(req)")
utils.AssertEqual(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Status code")
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
utils.AssertEqual(t, nil, err)
utils.AssertEqual(t, "<h1>Hello doe!</h1>", string(body))