mirror of https://github.com/H0llyW00dzZ/fiber2fa.git synced 2025-02-06 10:24:03 +00:00
H0llyW00dzZ 5acecf711a
Fix Default Time & Update Documentation (#161)
* Fix Default Time

- [+] refactor(tests): update tests to use default TimeSource and Hash from config
- [+] fix(config): change default TimeSource to use UTC time
- [+] fix(otpverifier): update TOTPTime to return UTC time
- [+] test(otpverifier): add test for AdjustSyncWindow function
- [+] refactor(middleware): remove unused options from TOTP verifier config

* Docs [pkg.go.dev] Update Documentation

- [+] docs(otpverifier): clarify TOTPTime function documentation
- [+] The TOTPTime function documentation is updated to provide a clearer explanation of the time zone used and the format of the returned time. It now specifies that the South Pole time zone is used and links to the relevant Wikipedia article for more information. The note is also updated to clarify that the returned time is always expressed in UTC to avoid ambiguity.
2024-06-07 07:27:14 +07:00

382 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2024 H0llyW00dz All rights reserved.
// License: BSD 3-Clause License
package twofa
import (
otp "github.com/H0llyW00dzZ/fiber2fa/internal/otpverifier"
// Middleware represents the 2FA middleware.
type Middleware struct {
Config *Config
Info InfoManager
PathHandlers []PathHandler
// PathHandler represents a path handler for the 2FA middleware.
type PathHandler struct {
// Path is the URL path to match for the handler.
Path string
// Handler is the fiber.Handler function to be executed when the path matches.
Handler fiber.Handler
// New creates a new instance of the 2FA middleware with the provided configuration.
func New(config ...Config) fiber.Handler {
cfg := DefaultConfig
if len(config) > 0 {
cfg = config[0]
// Set default values for JSONMarshal and JSONUnmarshal if not provided
if cfg.JSONMarshal == nil && cfg.JSONUnmarshal == nil {
cfg.JSONMarshal = json.Marshal
cfg.JSONUnmarshal = json.Unmarshal
// Directly create the storage inside the middleware if not provided.
if cfg.Storage == nil {
cfg.Storage = memory.New()
info := NewInfo(&cfg)
m := &Middleware{
Config: &cfg, // Store a pointer to the config
Info: info,
m.PathHandlers = []PathHandler{
Path: m.Config.QRCode.PathTemplate,
Handler: m.GenerateQRcodePath,
// Return the handle method bound to the Middleware instance.
return m.Handle
// Handle is the method on Middleware that handles the 2FA authentication process.
func (m *Middleware) Handle(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
// Check if the middleware should be skipped
if m.shouldSkipMiddleware(c) {
return c.Next()
// Get the context key
contextKey, err := m.getContextKey(c)
if err != nil {
return m.SendInternalErrorResponse(c, err)
// Get the 2FA information from storage
info, err := m.getInfoFromStorage(contextKey)
if err != nil {
return m.SendInternalErrorResponse(c, ErrorFailedToRetrieveInfo)
// Check if 2FA information was found in the storage
if info == nil {
// No 2FA information found, handle missing information.
return m.handleMissingInfo(c)
// Set the Info field of the Middleware struct
m.Info = info
// Check if the user has a valid 2FA cookie
if m.isValidCookie(c) {
return c.Next()
// Find the matching path handler
for _, handler := range m.PathHandlers {
if c.Path() == handler.Path {
return handler.Handler(c)
// Handle token verification and further processing
return m.handleTokenVerification(c, contextKey)
// shouldSkipMiddleware checks if the middleware should be skipped based on the configuration.
func (m *Middleware) shouldSkipMiddleware(c *fiber.Ctx) bool {
// Check if the middleware should be skipped using the Next function
if m.Config.Next != nil && m.Config.Next(c) {
return true
// Check if the requested path is in the skip list
if m.isPathSkipped(c.Path()) {
return true
return false
// handleMissingInfo handles the case when 2FA information is missing.
func (m *Middleware) handleMissingInfo(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
// TODO: Handle missing 2FA mechanism.
// This should be the place where "/2fa/register?account=%s" is in the wild (handled) instead of returning Unauthorized.
return m.SendUnauthorizedResponse(c, fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusUnauthorized, "2FA information not found"))
// handleTokenVerification handles the token verification process and further processing.
func (m *Middleware) handleTokenVerification(c *fiber.Ctx, contextKey string) error {
// Extract the token from the specified token lookup sources
token := m.extractToken(c)
if token == "" {
// No token provided, redirecting to 2FA page.
return c.Redirect(m.Config.RedirectURL, fiber.StatusFound)
// Verify the provided token and get the updated Info struct
if !m.verifyToken(token) {
// Token is invalid, sending unauthorized response.
return m.SendUnauthorizedResponse(c, fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusUnauthorized, "Invalid 2FA token"))
// Check if the requested path is in the skip list
if !m.isPathSkipped(c.Path()) {
if err := m.setCookie(c); err != nil {
return m.SendInternalErrorResponse(c, ErrorFailedToStoreInfo)
// Store the updated Info struct in the storage
if err := m.updateInfoInStorage(contextKey); err != nil {
return m.SendInternalErrorResponse(c, ErrorFailedToStoreInfo)
return c.Next()
// isPathSkipped checks if the given path is in the skip list.
func (m *Middleware) isPathSkipped(path string) bool {
// Note: No need to explicitly check for nil, you poggers.
for _, skippedPath := range m.Config.SkipCookies {
if path == skippedPath {
return true
return false
// getContextKey retrieves the context key from c.Locals using the provided ContextKey.
func (m *Middleware) getContextKey(c *fiber.Ctx) (string, error) {
if m.Config.ContextKey == "" {
return "", ErrorContextKeyNotSet
contextKeyValue := c.Locals(m.Config.ContextKey)
if contextKeyValue == nil {
return "", ErrorContextKeyNotSet
contextKey, ok := contextKeyValue.(string)
if !ok {
return "", ErrorFailedToRetrieveContextKey
return contextKey, nil
// isValidCookie checks if the user has a valid 2FA cookie.
func (m *Middleware) isValidCookie(c *fiber.Ctx) bool {
// Check if the middleware should be skipped
// Note: No need to explicitly check for boolean by adding if-else statement, you poggers.
cookie := c.Cookies(m.Config.CookieName)
if cookie == "" {
return false
if !m.validateCookie(cookie) {
// Cookie is no longer valid, delete the Info struct from the storage using the ContextKey from the Info struct
contextKeyValue := m.Info.GetCookieValue()
if err := m.deleteInfoFromStorage(contextKeyValue); err != nil {
// Handle the error if needed
fmt.Println("Failed to delete Info struct from storage:", err)
// Redirect to the 2FA URL from the default config
c.Redirect(m.Config.RedirectURL, fiber.StatusFound)
return false
return true
// setCookie sets the 2FA cookie with an expiration time.
// Note: This is suitable for use with encrypted cookies Fiber.
func (m *Middleware) setCookie(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
cookieValue := m.Info.GetCookieValue()
expiresValue := m.Info.GetExpirationTime()
// Set the cookie domain dynamically based on the request's domain if HTTPS is used
cookieDomain := m.Config.CookieDomain
secure := m.Config.CookieSecure
if cookieDomain == "auto" && c.Secure() {
cookieDomain = utils.CopyString(c.Hostname())
secure = true
Name: m.Config.CookieName,
Value: cookieValue,
Expires: expiresValue,
Path: m.Config.CookiePath,
Domain: cookieDomain,
Secure: secure,
HTTPOnly: true,
return nil
// extractToken extracts the token from the specified token lookup sources.
func (m *Middleware) extractToken(c *fiber.Ctx) string {
tokenLookup := m.Config.TokenLookup
sources := strings.Split(tokenLookup, ",")
for _, source := range sources {
parts := strings.Split(source, ":")
if len(parts) != 2 {
sourceType := parts[0]
key := parts[1]
switch sourceType {
case "query":
token := c.Query(key)
if token != "" {
return utils.CopyString(token)
case "form":
token := c.FormValue(key)
if token != "" {
return utils.CopyString(token)
case "cookie":
token := c.Cookies(key)
if token != "" {
return utils.CopyString(token)
case "header":
token := c.Get(key)
if strings.HasPrefix(token, "Bearer ") {
return utils.CopyString(strings.TrimPrefix(token, "Bearer "))
case "param":
token := c.Params(key)
if token != "" {
return utils.CopyString(token)
return ""
// verifyToken verifies the provided token against the user's secret and returns the updated Info struct.
func (m *Middleware) verifyToken(token string) bool {
totp := otp.NewTOTPVerifier(otp.Config{
Secret: m.Info.GetSecret(),
Digits: m.Config.DigitsCount,
Period: m.Config.Period,
SyncWindow: m.Config.SyncWindow,
Hash: m.Config.Hash,
TimeSource: m.Config.TimeSource,
if !totp.Verify(token) {
return false
expirationTime := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(m.Config.CookieMaxAge) * time.Second)
cookieValue := m.GenerateCookieValue(expirationTime)
return true
// SendUnauthorizedResponse sends an unauthorized response based on the configured MIME type.
func (m *Middleware) SendUnauthorizedResponse(c *fiber.Ctx, err error) error {
if m.Config.UnauthorizedHandler != nil {
return m.Config.UnauthorizedHandler(c, err)
switch m.Config.ResponseMIME {
case fiber.MIMEApplicationJSON,
return c.JSON(fiber.Map{"error": err.Error()})
case fiber.MIMEApplicationXML,
return c.XML(struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"error"`
Message string `xml:"message"`
Message: err.Error(),
return c.SendString(err.Error())
// SendInternalErrorResponse sends an internal server error response based on the configured MIME type.
func (m *Middleware) SendInternalErrorResponse(c *fiber.Ctx, err error) error {
if m.Config.InternalErrorHandler != nil {
return m.Config.InternalErrorHandler(c, err)
switch m.Config.ResponseMIME {
case fiber.MIMEApplicationJSON,
return c.JSON(fiber.Map{"error": err.Error()})
case fiber.MIMEApplicationXML,
return c.XML(struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"error"`
Message string `xml:"message"`
Message: err.Error(),
return c.SendString(err.Error())
// GenerateIdentifier generates an identifier using the configured identifier generator.
func (m *Middleware) GenerateIdentifier(c *fiber.Ctx) string {
if m.Config.IdentifierGenerator != nil {
return m.Config.IdentifierGenerator(c)
return utils.UUIDv4()