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synced 2025-03-16 16:15:15 +00:00
git-svn: correctly handle globs with a right-hand-side path component
Several bugs were found and fixed while getting this to work: * Remember the 'R'(eplace) case of actions and treat it like we would an 'A'(dd) case. * Fix a small case of follow-parent missing a parent if a subdirectory was modified in the revision where the parent was copied. * dirents returned by get_dir sometimes expire if the data structure is too big and the pool is destroyed, so we cache get_dir (along with check_path and get_revprops) temporarily along with its pool. Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1148,7 +1148,8 @@ sub match_paths {
my $c = '';
foreach (split m#/#, $self->{path}) {
$c .= "/$_";
next unless ($paths->{$c} && ($paths->{$c}->{action} eq 'A'));
next unless ($paths->{$c} &&
($paths->{$c}->{action} =~ /^[AR]$/));
if ($self->ra->check_path($self->{path}, $r) ==
$SVN::Node::dir) {
return 1;
@ -1176,11 +1177,11 @@ sub find_parent_branch {
my $i;
while (@b_path_components) {
$i = $paths->{'/'.join('/', @b_path_components)};
last if $i;
last if $i && defined $i->{copyfrom_path};
unshift(@a_path_components, pop(@b_path_components));
return undef unless defined $i;
my $branch_from = $i->{copyfrom_path} or return undef;
return undef unless defined $i && defined $i->{copyfrom_path};
my $branch_from = $i->{copyfrom_path};
if (@a_path_components) {
print STDERR "branch_from: $branch_from => ";
$branch_from .= '/'.join('/', @a_path_components);
@ -2309,8 +2310,7 @@ my $RA;
# enforce temporary pool usage for some simple functions
my $e;
foreach (qw/get_latest_revnum rev_proplist get_file
check_path get_dir get_uuid get_repos_root/) {
foreach (qw/get_latest_revnum get_uuid get_repos_root/) {
$e .= "sub $_ {
my \$self = shift;
my \$pool = SVN::Pool->new;
@ -2318,7 +2318,30 @@ BEGIN {
wantarray ? \@ret : \$ret[0]; }\n";
eval $e;
# get_dir needs $pool held in cache for dirents to work,
# check_path is cacheable and rev_proplist is close enough
# for our purposes.
foreach (qw/check_path get_dir rev_proplist/) {
$e .= "my \%${_}_cache; my \$${_}_rev = 0; sub $_ {
my \$self = shift;
my \$r = pop;
my \$k = join(\"\\0\", \@_);
if (my \$x = \$${_}_cache{\$r}->{\$k}) {
return wantarray ? \@\$x : \$x->[0];
my \$pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my \@ret = \$self->SUPER::$_(\@_, \$r, \$pool);
if (\$r != \$${_}_rev) {
\%${_}_cache = ( pool => [] );
\$${_}_rev = \$r;
\$${_}_cache{\$r}->{\$k} = \\\@ret;
push \@{\$${_}_cache{pool}}, \$pool;
wantarray ? \@ret : \$ret[0]; }\n";
$e .= "\n1;";
eval $e or die $@;
sub new {
@ -2564,8 +2587,34 @@ sub gs_fetch_loop_common {
sub match_globs {
my ($self, $exists, $paths, $globs, $r) = @_;
sub get_dir_check {
my ($self, $exists, $g, $r) = @_;
my @x = eval { $self->get_dir($g->{path}->{left}, $r) };
return unless scalar @x == 3;
my $dirents = $x[0];
foreach my $de (keys %$dirents) {
next if $dirents->{$de}->kind != $SVN::Node::dir;
my $p = $g->{path}->full_path($de);
next if $exists->{$p};
next if (length $g->{path}->{right} &&
($self->check_path($p, $r) !=
$exists->{$p} = Git::SVN->init($self->{url}, $p, undef,
$g->{ref}->full_path($de), 1);
foreach my $g (@$globs) {
if (my $path = $paths->{"/$g->{path}->{left}"}) {
if ($path->{action} =~ /^[AR]$/) {
get_dir_check($self, $exists, $g, $r);
foreach (keys %$paths) {
if (/$g->{path}->{left_regex}/) {
next if $paths->{$_}->{action} !~ /^[AR]$/;
get_dir_check($self, $exists, $g, $r);
next unless /$g->{path}->{regex}/;
my $p = $1;
my $pathname = $g->{path}->full_path($p);
@ -2578,22 +2627,8 @@ sub match_globs {
foreach (split m#/#, $g->{path}->{left}) {
$c .= "/$_";
next unless ($paths->{$c} &&
($paths->{$c}->{action} eq 'A'));
my @x = eval { $self->get_dir($g->{path}->{left}, $r) };
next unless scalar @x == 3;
my $dirents = $x[0];
foreach my $de (keys %$dirents) {
next if $dirents->{$de}->kind !=
my $p = $g->{path}->full_path($de);
next if $exists->{$p};
next if (length $g->{path}->{right} &&
($self->check_path($p, $r) !=
$exists->{$p} = Git::SVN->init($self->{url},
$p, undef,
$g->{ref}->full_path($de), 1);
($paths->{$c}->{action} =~ /^[AR]$/));
get_dir_check($self, $exists, $g, $r);
values %$exists;
@ -3265,7 +3300,8 @@ sub new {
if (length $right && !($right =~ s!^/+!!g)) {
die "Missing leading '/' on right side of: '$glob' ($right)\n";
bless { left => $left, right => $right,
my $left_re = qr/^\/\Q$left\E(\/|$)/;
bless { left => $left, right => $right, left_regex => $left_re,
regex => qr/$re/, glob => $glob }, $class;
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Copyright (c) 2007 Eric Wong
test_description='git-svn globbing refspecs'
. ./lib-git-svn.sh
cat > expect.end <<EOF
the end
start a new branch
test_expect_success 'test refspec globbing' "
mkdir -p trunk/src/a trunk/src/b trunk/doc &&
echo 'hello world' > trunk/src/a/readme &&
echo 'goodbye world' > trunk/src/b/readme &&
svn import -m 'initial' trunk $svnrepo/trunk &&
svn co $svnrepo tmp &&
cd tmp &&
mkdir branches tags &&
svn add branches tags &&
svn cp trunk branches/start &&
svn commit -m 'start a new branch' &&
svn up &&
echo 'hi' >> branches/start/src/b/readme &&
echo 'hey' >> branches/start/src/a/readme &&
svn commit -m 'hi' &&
svn up &&
svn cp branches/start tags/end &&
echo 'bye' >> tags/end/src/b/readme &&
echo 'aye' >> tags/end/src/a/readme &&
svn commit -m 'the end' &&
echo 'byebye' >> tags/end/src/b/readme &&
svn commit -m 'nothing to see here'
cd .. &&
git config --add svn-remote.svn.url $svnrepo &&
git config --add svn-remote.svn.fetch \
'trunk/src/a:refs/remotes/trunk' &&
git config --add svn-remote.svn.branches \
'branches/*/src/a:refs/remotes/branches/*' &&
git config --add svn-remote.svn.tags\
'tags/*/src/a:refs/remotes/tags/*' &&
git-svn multi-fetch &&
git log --pretty=oneline refs/remotes/tags/end | \
sed -e 's/^.\{41\}//' > output.end &&
cmp expect.end output.end &&
test \"\`git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/end~1\`\" = \
\"\`git rev-parse refs/remotes/branches/start\`\" &&
test \"\`git rev-parse refs/remotes/branches/start~2\`\" = \
\"\`git rev-parse refs/remotes/trunk\`\"
Reference in New Issue
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