diff --git a/contrib/completion/git-completion.tcsh b/contrib/completion/git-completion.tcsh
index 8aafb63315c..7d17dcd2aa1 100644
--- a/contrib/completion/git-completion.tcsh
+++ b/contrib/completion/git-completion.tcsh
@@ -42,6 +42,18 @@ cat << EOF > ${__git_tcsh_completion_script}
 source ${__git_tcsh_completion_original_script}
+# Remove the colon as a completion separator because tcsh cannot handle it
+# For file completion, tcsh needs the '/' to be appended to directories.
+# By default, the bash script does not do that.
+# We can achieve this by using the below compatibility
+# method of the git-completion.bash script.
+__git_index_file_list_filter ()
+	__git_index_file_list_filter_compat
 # Set COMP_WORDS in a way that can be handled by the bash script.