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synced 2025-03-20 12:03:23 +00:00
Improve the merge display when the result differs from all parents.
Now we see if the result is quite similar to one of the parents, and if it is, display the result as a diff from that parent. If the result is similar to more than one parent, pick the one that it's most similar to.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2054,7 +2054,6 @@ proc processgroup {} {
set pnum 0
foreach p $parents($id) {
set startline [expr {$grouplinestart + $diffoffset($p)}]
set offset($p) $diffoffset($p)
set ol $startline
set nl $grouplinestart
if {[info exists grouphunks($p)]} {
@ -2098,9 +2097,8 @@ proc processgroup {} {
set events [lsort -integer -index 0 $events]
set nevents [llength $events]
set nmerge $nparents($diffmergeid)
set i 0
set l $grouplinestart
while {$i < $nevents} {
for {set i 0} {$i < $nevents} {set i $j} {
set nl [lindex $events $i 0]
while {$l < $nl} {
$ctext insert end " $filelines($id,$f,$l)\n"
@ -2129,7 +2127,9 @@ proc processgroup {} {
set nlc [expr {$enl - $l}]
set ncol mresult
set bestpn -1
if {[llength $active] == $nmerge - 1} {
# no diff for one of the parents, i.e. it's identical
for {set pnum 0} {$pnum < $nmerge} {incr pnum} {
if {![info exists delta($pnum)]} {
if {$pnum < $mergemax} {
@ -2140,11 +2140,25 @@ proc processgroup {} {
} elseif {[llength $active] == $nmerge} {
# all parents are different, see if one is very similar
set bestsim 30
for {set pnum 0} {$pnum < $nmerge} {incr pnum} {
set sim [similarity $pnum $l $nlc $f \
[lrange $events $i [expr {$j-1}]]]
if {$sim > $bestsim} {
set bestsim $sim
set bestpn $pnum
if {$bestpn >= 0} {
lappend ncol m$bestpn
set pnum -1
foreach p $parents($id) {
incr pnum
if {![info exists delta($pnum)]} continue
if {![info exists delta($pnum)] || $pnum == $bestpn} continue
set olc [expr {$nlc + $delta($pnum)}]
set ol [expr {$l + $diffoffset($p)}]
incr diffoffset($p) $delta($pnum)
@ -2154,11 +2168,35 @@ proc processgroup {} {
incr ol
for {} {$nlc > 0} {incr nlc -1} {
$ctext insert end "+$filelines($id,$f,$l)\n" $ncol
incr l
set endl [expr {$l + $nlc}]
if {$bestpn >= 0} {
# show this pretty much as a normal diff
set p [lindex $parents($id) $bestpn]
set ol [expr {$l + $diffoffset($p)}]
incr diffoffset($p) $delta($bestpn)
unset delta($bestpn)
for {set k $i} {$k < $j} {incr k} {
set e [lindex $events $k]
if {[lindex $e 2] != $bestpn} continue
set nl [lindex $e 0]
set ol [expr {$ol + $nl - $l}]
for {} {$l < $nl} {incr l} {
$ctext insert end "+$filelines($id,$f,$l)\n" $ncol
set c [lindex $e 3]
for {} {$c > 0} {incr c -1} {
$ctext insert end "-$filelines($p,$f,$ol)\n" m$bestpn
incr ol
set nl [lindex $e 1]
for {} {$l < $nl} {incr l} {
$ctext insert end "+$filelines($id,$f,$l)\n" mresult
for {} {$l < $endl} {incr l} {
$ctext insert end "+$filelines($id,$f,$l)\n" $ncol
set i $j
while {$l < $grouplineend} {
$ctext insert end " $filelines($id,$f,$l)\n"
@ -2167,6 +2205,45 @@ proc processgroup {} {
$ctext conf -state disabled
proc similarity {pnum l nlc f events} {
global diffmergeid parents diffoffset filelines
set id $diffmergeid
set p [lindex $parents($id) $pnum]
set ol [expr {$l + $diffoffset($p)}]
set endl [expr {$l + $nlc}]
set same 0
set diff 0
foreach e $events {
if {[lindex $e 2] != $pnum} continue
set nl [lindex $e 0]
set ol [expr {$ol + $nl - $l}]
for {} {$l < $nl} {incr l} {
incr same [string length $filelines($id,$f,$l)]
incr same
set oc [lindex $e 3]
for {} {$oc > 0} {incr oc -1} {
incr diff [string length $filelines($p,$f,$ol)]
incr diff
incr ol
set nl [lindex $e 1]
for {} {$l < $nl} {incr l} {
incr diff [string length $filelines($id,$f,$l)]
incr diff
for {} {$l < $endl} {incr l} {
incr same [string length $filelines($id,$f,$l)]
incr same
if {$same == 0} {
return 0
return [expr {200 * $same / (2 * $same + $diff)}]
proc startdiff {ids} {
global treediffs diffids treepending diffmergeid
Reference in New Issue
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