mirror of https://github.com/git/git.git synced 2025-03-22 13:36:39 +00:00

[PATCH] Make gitk work reasonably well on Cygwin.

The gitk gui layout was completely broken on Cygwin. If gitk was started
without previous geometry in ~/.gitk, the user could drag the window sashes
to get a useable layout. However, if ~/.gitk existed, this was not possible
at all.

The fix was to rewrite makewindow, changing the toplevel containers and
the particular geometry information saved between sessions. Numerous bugs
in both the Cygwin and the Linux Tk versions make this a delicate
balancing act: the version here works in both but many subtle variants
are competely broken in one or the other environment.

Three user visible changes result:
1 - The viewer is fully functional under Cygwin.
2 - The search bar moves from the bottom to the top of the lower left
    pane. This was necessary to get around a layout problem on Cygwin.
3 - The window size and position is saved and restored between sessions.
    Again, this is necessary to get around a layout problem on Cygwin.

Signed-off-by: Mark Levedahl <mdl123@verizon.net>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <junkio@cox.net>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
This commit is contained in:
Junio C Hamano 2007-02-01 08:46:38 -05:00 committed by Paul Mackerras
parent 40b87ff877
commit e9937d2a03

View File

@ -435,56 +435,59 @@ proc makewindow {} {
.bar.help configure -font $uifont
. configure -menu .bar
if {![info exists geometry(canv1)]} {
set geometry(canv1) [expr {45 * $charspc}]
set geometry(canv2) [expr {30 * $charspc}]
set geometry(canv3) [expr {15 * $charspc}]
set geometry(canvh) [expr {25 * $linespc + 4}]
set geometry(ctextw) 80
set geometry(ctexth) 30
set geometry(cflistw) 30
# the gui has upper and lower half, parts of a paned window.
panedwindow .ctop -orient vertical
if {[info exists geometry(width)]} {
.ctop conf -width $geometry(width) -height $geometry(height)
set texth [expr {$geometry(height) - $geometry(canvh) - 56}]
set geometry(ctexth) [expr {($texth - 8) /
[font metrics $textfont -linespace]}]
# possibly use assumed geometry
if {![info exists geometry(topheight)]} {
set geometry(topheight) [expr {15 * $linespc}]
set geometry(topwidth) [expr {80 * $charspc}]
set geometry(botheight) [expr {15 * $linespc}]
set geometry(botwidth) [expr {50 * $charspc}]
set geometry(canv) [expr {40 * $charspc}]
set geometry(canv2) [expr {20 * $charspc}]
set geometry(canv3) [expr {20 * $charspc}]
frame .ctop.top
frame .ctop.top.bar
frame .ctop.top.lbar
pack .ctop.top.lbar -side bottom -fill x
pack .ctop.top.bar -side bottom -fill x
set cscroll .ctop.top.csb
scrollbar $cscroll -command {allcanvs yview} -highlightthickness 0
pack $cscroll -side right -fill y
panedwindow .ctop.top.clist -orient horizontal -sashpad 0 -handlesize 4
pack .ctop.top.clist -side top -fill both -expand 1
.ctop add .ctop.top
set canv .ctop.top.clist.canv
canvas $canv -height $geometry(canvh) -width $geometry(canv1) \
# the upper half will have a paned window, a scroll bar to the right, and some stuff below
frame .tf -height $geometry(topheight) -width $geometry(topwidth)
frame .tf.histframe
panedwindow .tf.histframe.pwclist -orient horizontal -sashpad 0 -handlesize 4
# create three canvases
set cscroll .tf.histframe.csb
set canv .tf.histframe.pwclist.canv
canvas $canv -width $geometry(canv) \
-background $bgcolor -bd 0 \
-yscrollincr $linespc -yscrollcommand "scrollcanv $cscroll"
.ctop.top.clist add $canv
set canv2 .ctop.top.clist.canv2
canvas $canv2 -height $geometry(canvh) -width $geometry(canv2) \
.tf.histframe.pwclist add $canv
set canv2 .tf.histframe.pwclist.canv2
canvas $canv2 -width $geometry(canv2) \
-background $bgcolor -bd 0 -yscrollincr $linespc
.ctop.top.clist add $canv2
set canv3 .ctop.top.clist.canv3
canvas $canv3 -height $geometry(canvh) -width $geometry(canv3) \
.tf.histframe.pwclist add $canv2
set canv3 .tf.histframe.pwclist.canv3
canvas $canv3 -width $geometry(canv3) \
-background $bgcolor -bd 0 -yscrollincr $linespc
.ctop.top.clist add $canv3
bind .ctop.top.clist <Configure> {resizeclistpanes %W %w}
lappend bglist $canv $canv2 $canv3
.tf.histframe.pwclist add $canv3
set sha1entry .ctop.top.bar.sha1
# a scroll bar to rule them
scrollbar $cscroll -command {allcanvs yview} -highlightthickness 0
pack $cscroll -side right -fill y
bind .tf.histframe.pwclist <Configure> {resizeclistpanes %W %w}
lappend bglist $canv $canv2 $canv3
pack .tf.histframe.pwclist -fill both -expand 1 -side left
# we have two button bars at bottom of top frame. Bar 1
frame .tf.bar
frame .tf.lbar -height 15
set sha1entry .tf.bar.sha1
set entries $sha1entry
set sha1but .ctop.top.bar.sha1label
set sha1but .tf.bar.sha1label
button $sha1but -text "SHA1 ID: " -state disabled -relief flat \
-command gotocommit -width 8 -font $uifont
$sha1but conf -disabledforeground [$sha1but cget -foreground]
pack .ctop.top.bar.sha1label -side left
pack .tf.bar.sha1label -side left
entry $sha1entry -width 40 -font $textfont -textvariable sha1string
trace add variable sha1string write sha1change
pack $sha1entry -side left -pady 2
@ -505,91 +508,105 @@ proc makewindow {} {
0x00, 0x38, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x1c,
0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0x03, 0xc0, 0x01};
button .ctop.top.bar.leftbut -image bm-left -command goback \
button .tf.bar.leftbut -image bm-left -command goback \
-state disabled -width 26
pack .ctop.top.bar.leftbut -side left -fill y
button .ctop.top.bar.rightbut -image bm-right -command goforw \
pack .tf.bar.leftbut -side left -fill y
button .tf.bar.rightbut -image bm-right -command goforw \
-state disabled -width 26
pack .ctop.top.bar.rightbut -side left -fill y
pack .tf.bar.rightbut -side left -fill y
button .ctop.top.bar.findbut -text "Find" -command dofind -font $uifont
pack .ctop.top.bar.findbut -side left
button .tf.bar.findbut -text "Find" -command dofind -font $uifont
pack .tf.bar.findbut -side left
set findstring {}
set fstring .ctop.top.bar.findstring
set fstring .tf.bar.findstring
lappend entries $fstring
entry $fstring -width 30 -font $textfont -textvariable findstring
trace add variable findstring write find_change
pack $fstring -side left -expand 1 -fill x
pack $fstring -side left -expand 1 -fill x -in .tf.bar
set findtype Exact
set findtypemenu [tk_optionMenu .ctop.top.bar.findtype \
findtype Exact IgnCase Regexp]
set findtypemenu [tk_optionMenu .tf.bar.findtype \
findtype Exact IgnCase Regexp]
trace add variable findtype write find_change
.ctop.top.bar.findtype configure -font $uifont
.ctop.top.bar.findtype.menu configure -font $uifont
.tf.bar.findtype configure -font $uifont
.tf.bar.findtype.menu configure -font $uifont
set findloc "All fields"
tk_optionMenu .ctop.top.bar.findloc findloc "All fields" Headline \
tk_optionMenu .tf.bar.findloc findloc "All fields" Headline \
Comments Author Committer
trace add variable findloc write find_change
.ctop.top.bar.findloc configure -font $uifont
.ctop.top.bar.findloc.menu configure -font $uifont
pack .ctop.top.bar.findloc -side right
pack .ctop.top.bar.findtype -side right
.tf.bar.findloc configure -font $uifont
.tf.bar.findloc.menu configure -font $uifont
pack .tf.bar.findloc -side right
pack .tf.bar.findtype -side right
label .ctop.top.lbar.flabel -text "Highlight: Commits " \
-font $uifont
pack .ctop.top.lbar.flabel -side left -fill y
# build up the bottom bar of upper window
label .tf.lbar.flabel -text "Highlight: Commits " \
-font $uifont
pack .tf.lbar.flabel -side left -fill y
set gdttype "touching paths:"
set gm [tk_optionMenu .ctop.top.lbar.gdttype gdttype "touching paths:" \
"adding/removing string:"]
set gm [tk_optionMenu .tf.lbar.gdttype gdttype "touching paths:" \
"adding/removing string:"]
trace add variable gdttype write hfiles_change
$gm conf -font $uifont
.ctop.top.lbar.gdttype conf -font $uifont
pack .ctop.top.lbar.gdttype -side left -fill y
entry .ctop.top.lbar.fent -width 25 -font $textfont \
.tf.lbar.gdttype conf -font $uifont
pack .tf.lbar.gdttype -side left -fill y
entry .tf.lbar.fent -width 25 -font $textfont \
-textvariable highlight_files
trace add variable highlight_files write hfiles_change
lappend entries .ctop.top.lbar.fent
pack .ctop.top.lbar.fent -side left -fill x -expand 1
label .ctop.top.lbar.vlabel -text " OR in view" -font $uifont
pack .ctop.top.lbar.vlabel -side left -fill y
lappend entries .tf.lbar.fent
pack .tf.lbar.fent -side left -fill x -expand 1
label .tf.lbar.vlabel -text " OR in view" -font $uifont
pack .tf.lbar.vlabel -side left -fill y
global viewhlmenu selectedhlview
set viewhlmenu [tk_optionMenu .ctop.top.lbar.vhl selectedhlview None]
set viewhlmenu [tk_optionMenu .tf.lbar.vhl selectedhlview None]
$viewhlmenu entryconf None -command delvhighlight
$viewhlmenu conf -font $uifont
.ctop.top.lbar.vhl conf -font $uifont
pack .ctop.top.lbar.vhl -side left -fill y
label .ctop.top.lbar.rlabel -text " OR " -font $uifont
pack .ctop.top.lbar.rlabel -side left -fill y
.tf.lbar.vhl conf -font $uifont
pack .tf.lbar.vhl -side left -fill y
label .tf.lbar.rlabel -text " OR " -font $uifont
pack .tf.lbar.rlabel -side left -fill y
global highlight_related
set m [tk_optionMenu .ctop.top.lbar.relm highlight_related None \
"Descendent" "Not descendent" "Ancestor" "Not ancestor"]
set m [tk_optionMenu .tf.lbar.relm highlight_related None \
"Descendent" "Not descendent" "Ancestor" "Not ancestor"]
$m conf -font $uifont
.ctop.top.lbar.relm conf -font $uifont
.tf.lbar.relm conf -font $uifont
trace add variable highlight_related write vrel_change
pack .ctop.top.lbar.relm -side left -fill y
pack .tf.lbar.relm -side left -fill y
panedwindow .ctop.cdet -orient horizontal
.ctop add .ctop.cdet
frame .ctop.cdet.left
frame .ctop.cdet.left.bot
pack .ctop.cdet.left.bot -side bottom -fill x
button .ctop.cdet.left.bot.search -text "Search" -command dosearch \
# Finish putting the upper half of the viewer together
pack .tf.lbar -in .tf -side bottom -fill x
pack .tf.bar -in .tf -side bottom -fill x
pack .tf.histframe -fill both -side top -expand 1
.ctop add .tf
# now build up the bottom
panedwindow .pwbottom -orient horizontal
# lower left, a text box over search bar, scroll bar to the right
# if we know window height, then that will set the lower text height, otherwise
# we set lower text height which will drive window height
if {[info exists geometry(main)]} {
frame .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth)
} else {
frame .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth) -height $geometry(botheight)
frame .bleft.top
button .bleft.top.search -text "Search" -command dosearch \
-font $uifont
pack .ctop.cdet.left.bot.search -side left -padx 5
set sstring .ctop.cdet.left.bot.sstring
pack .bleft.top.search -side left -padx 5
set sstring .bleft.top.sstring
entry $sstring -width 20 -font $textfont -textvariable searchstring
lappend entries $sstring
trace add variable searchstring write incrsearch
pack $sstring -side left -expand 1 -fill x
set ctext .ctop.cdet.left.ctext
set ctext .bleft.ctext
text $ctext -background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \
-state disabled -font $textfont \
-width $geometry(ctextw) -height $geometry(ctexth) \
-yscrollcommand scrolltext -wrap none
scrollbar .ctop.cdet.left.sb -command "$ctext yview"
pack .ctop.cdet.left.sb -side right -fill y
scrollbar .bleft.sb -command "$ctext yview"
pack .bleft.top -side top -fill x
pack .bleft.sb -side right -fill y
pack $ctext -side left -fill both -expand 1
.ctop.cdet add .ctop.cdet.left
lappend bglist $ctext
lappend fglist $ctext
@ -620,36 +637,45 @@ proc makewindow {} {
$ctext tag conf msep -font [concat $textfont bold]
$ctext tag conf found -back yellow
frame .ctop.cdet.right
frame .ctop.cdet.right.mode
radiobutton .ctop.cdet.right.mode.patch -text "Patch" \
.pwbottom add .bleft
# lower right
frame .bright
frame .bright.mode
radiobutton .bright.mode.patch -text "Patch" \
-command reselectline -variable cmitmode -value "patch"
radiobutton .ctop.cdet.right.mode.tree -text "Tree" \
radiobutton .bright.mode.tree -text "Tree" \
-command reselectline -variable cmitmode -value "tree"
grid .ctop.cdet.right.mode.patch .ctop.cdet.right.mode.tree -sticky ew
pack .ctop.cdet.right.mode -side top -fill x
set cflist .ctop.cdet.right.cfiles
grid .bright.mode.patch .bright.mode.tree -sticky ew
pack .bright.mode -side top -fill x
set cflist .bright.cfiles
set indent [font measure $mainfont "nn"]
text $cflist -width $geometry(cflistw) \
text $cflist \
-background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \
-font $mainfont \
-tabs [list $indent [expr {2 * $indent}]] \
-yscrollcommand ".ctop.cdet.right.sb set" \
-yscrollcommand ".bright.sb set" \
-cursor [. cget -cursor] \
-spacing1 1 -spacing3 1
lappend bglist $cflist
lappend fglist $cflist
scrollbar .ctop.cdet.right.sb -command "$cflist yview"
pack .ctop.cdet.right.sb -side right -fill y
scrollbar .bright.sb -command "$cflist yview"
pack .bright.sb -side right -fill y
pack $cflist -side left -fill both -expand 1
$cflist tag configure highlight \
-background [$cflist cget -selectbackground]
$cflist tag configure bold -font [concat $mainfont bold]
.ctop.cdet add .ctop.cdet.right
bind .ctop.cdet <Configure> {resizecdetpanes %W %w}
pack .ctop -side top -fill both -expand 1
.pwbottom add .bright
.ctop add .pwbottom
# restore window position if known
if {[info exists geometry(main)]} {
wm geometry . "$geometry(main)"
bind .pwbottom <Configure> {resizecdetpanes %W %w}
pack .ctop -fill both -expand 1
bindall <1> {selcanvline %W %x %y}
#bindall <B1-Motion> {selcanvline %W %x %y}
bindall <ButtonRelease-4> "allcanvs yview scroll -5 units"
@ -802,18 +828,16 @@ proc savestuff {w} {
puts $f [list set fgcolor $fgcolor]
puts $f [list set colors $colors]
puts $f [list set diffcolors $diffcolors]
puts $f "set geometry(width) [winfo width .ctop]"
puts $f "set geometry(height) [winfo height .ctop]"
puts $f "set geometry(canv1) [expr {[winfo width $canv]-2}]"
puts $f "set geometry(canv2) [expr {[winfo width $canv2]-2}]"
puts $f "set geometry(canv3) [expr {[winfo width $canv3]-2}]"
puts $f "set geometry(canvh) [expr {[winfo height $canv]-2}]"
set wid [expr {([winfo width $ctext] - 8) \
/ [font measure $textfont "0"]}]
puts $f "set geometry(ctextw) $wid"
set wid [expr {([winfo width $cflist] - 11) \
/ [font measure [$cflist cget -font] "0"]}]
puts $f "set geometry(cflistw) $wid"
puts $f "set geometry(main) [winfo geometry .]"
puts $f "set geometry(topwidth) [winfo width .tf]"
puts $f "set geometry(topheight) [winfo height .tf]"
puts $f "set geometry(canv) [expr {[winfo width $canv]-0}]"
puts $f "set geometry(canv2) [expr {[winfo width $canv2]-0}]"
puts $f "set geometry(canv3) [expr {[winfo width $canv3]-0}]"
puts $f "set geometry(botwidth) [winfo width .bleft]"
puts $f "set geometry(botheight) [winfo height .bleft]"
puts -nonewline $f "set permviews {"
for {set v 0} {$v < $nextviewnum} {incr v} {
if {$viewperm($v)} {
@ -4043,11 +4067,11 @@ proc addtohistory {cmd} {
incr historyindex
if {$historyindex > 1} {
.ctop.top.bar.leftbut conf -state normal
.tf.bar.leftbut conf -state normal
} else {
.ctop.top.bar.leftbut conf -state disabled
.tf.bar.leftbut conf -state disabled
.ctop.top.bar.rightbut conf -state disabled
.tf.bar.rightbut conf -state disabled
proc godo {elt} {
@ -4067,10 +4091,10 @@ proc goback {} {
if {$historyindex > 1} {
incr historyindex -1
godo [lindex $history [expr {$historyindex - 1}]]
.ctop.top.bar.rightbut conf -state normal
.tf.bar.rightbut conf -state normal
if {$historyindex <= 1} {
.ctop.top.bar.leftbut conf -state disabled
.tf.bar.leftbut conf -state disabled
@ -4081,10 +4105,10 @@ proc goforw {} {
set cmd [lindex $history $historyindex]
incr historyindex
godo $cmd
.ctop.top.bar.leftbut conf -state normal
.tf.bar.leftbut conf -state normal
if {$historyindex >= [llength $history]} {
.ctop.top.bar.rightbut conf -state disabled
.tf.bar.rightbut conf -state disabled
@ -4591,7 +4615,7 @@ proc searchmarkvisible {doall} {
proc scrolltext {f0 f1} {
global searchstring
.ctop.cdet.left.sb set $f0 $f1
.bleft.sb set $f0 $f1
if {$searchstring ne {}} {
searchmarkvisible 0