mirror of https://github.com/git/git.git synced 2025-03-25 13:04:53 +00:00

gitk: New way of constructing menus that allows for Alt+letter accelerators

This is inspired by patches from Robin Rosenberg but takes a different
approach.  This adds a "makemenu" procedure for constructing menus
that allows the menu layout to be specified in a clear fashion, and
provides one place where the alt+letter accelerators can be detected
and handled.

The alt+letter accelerator is specified by putting an ampersand (&)
before the letter for the accelerator in the menu item name.  (Two
ampersands in succession produce one ampersand in the menu item as
it appears on screen.)  This is handled in makemenu.

We also add an mca procedure which is like mc but also does the
ampersand translation, for use when we want to refer to a menu item
by name.  The mca name and the locations where we use it were
shamelessly stolen from Robin Rosenberg's patch.

This doesn't actually add any alt+letter accelerators yet.

Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
This commit is contained in:
Paul Mackerras 2008-10-17 22:44:42 +11:00
parent 63767d5fb8
commit f2d0bbbd68

View File

@ -1750,6 +1750,45 @@ proc setoptions {} {
option add *Entry.font uifont startupFile
proc makemenu {m items} {
menu $m
foreach i $items {
set name [mc [lindex $i 0]]
set type [lindex $i 1]
set thing [lindex $i 2]
set params [list $type]
if {$name ne {}} {
set u [string first "&" [string map {&& x} $name]]
lappend params -label [string map {&& & & {}} $name]
if {$u >= 0} {
lappend params -underline $u
switch -- $type {
"cascade" {
set submenu [string tolower [string map {& ""} [lindex $i 0]]]
lappend params -menu $m.$submenu
"command" {
lappend params -command $thing
"radiobutton" {
lappend params -variable [lindex $thing 0] \
-value [lindex $thing 1]
eval $m add $params [lrange $i 3 end]
if {$type eq "cascade"} {
makemenu $m.$submenu $thing
# translate string and remove ampersands
proc mca {str} {
return [string map {&& & & {}} [mc $str]]
proc makewindow {} {
global canv canv2 canv3 linespc charspc ctext cflist cscroll
global tabstop
@ -1767,33 +1806,29 @@ proc makewindow {} {
global rprogitem rprogcoord rownumsel numcommits
global have_tk85
menu .bar
.bar add cascade -label [mc "File"] -menu .bar.file
menu .bar.file
.bar.file add command -label [mc "Update"] -command updatecommits
.bar.file add command -label [mc "Reload"] -command reloadcommits
.bar.file add command -label [mc "Reread references"] -command rereadrefs
.bar.file add command -label [mc "List references"] -command showrefs
.bar.file add command -label [mc "Quit"] -command doquit
menu .bar.edit
.bar add cascade -label [mc "Edit"] -menu .bar.edit
.bar.edit add command -label [mc "Preferences"] -command doprefs
menu .bar.view
.bar add cascade -label [mc "View"] -menu .bar.view
.bar.view add command -label [mc "New view..."] -command {newview 0}
.bar.view add command -label [mc "Edit view..."] -command editview \
-state disabled
.bar.view add command -label [mc "Delete view"] -command delview -state disabled
.bar.view add separator
.bar.view add radiobutton -label [mc "All files"] -command {showview 0} \
-variable selectedview -value 0
menu .bar.help
.bar add cascade -label [mc "Help"] -menu .bar.help
.bar.help add command -label [mc "About gitk"] -command about
.bar.help add command -label [mc "Key bindings"] -command keys
.bar.help configure
makemenu .bar {
{"File" cascade {
{"Update" command updatecommits -accelerator F5}
{"Reload" command reloadcommits}
{"Reread references" command rereadrefs}
{"List references" command showrefs}
{"Quit" command doquit}
{"Edit" cascade {
{"Preferences" command doprefs}
{"View" cascade {
{"New view..." command {newview 0}}
{"Edit view..." command editview -state disabled}
{"Delete view" command delview -state disabled}
{"" separator}
{"All files" radiobutton {selectedview 0} -command {showview 0}}
{"Help" cascade {
{"About gitk" command about}
{"Key bindings" command keys}
. configure -menu .bar
# the gui has upper and lower half, parts of a paned window.
@ -2174,49 +2209,42 @@ proc makewindow {} {
set curtextcursor $textcursor
set rowctxmenu .rowctxmenu
menu $rowctxmenu -tearoff 0
$rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Diff this -> selected"] \
-command {diffvssel 0}
$rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Diff selected -> this"] \
-command {diffvssel 1}
$rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Make patch"] -command mkpatch
$rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Create tag"] -command mktag
$rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Write commit to file"] -command writecommit
$rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Create new branch"] -command mkbranch
$rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Cherry-pick this commit"] \
-command cherrypick
$rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Reset HEAD branch to here"] \
-command resethead
makemenu $rowctxmenu {
{"Diff this -> selected" command {diffvssel 0}}
{"Diff selected -> this" command {diffvssel 1}}
{"Make patch" command mkpatch}
{"Create tag" command mktag}
{"Write commit to file" command writecommit}
{"Create new branch" command mkbranch}
{"Cherry-pick this commit" command cherrypick}
{"Reset HEAD branch to here" command resethead}
$rowctxmenu configure -tearoff 0
set fakerowmenu .fakerowmenu
menu $fakerowmenu -tearoff 0
$fakerowmenu add command -label [mc "Diff this -> selected"] \
-command {diffvssel 0}
$fakerowmenu add command -label [mc "Diff selected -> this"] \
-command {diffvssel 1}
$fakerowmenu add command -label [mc "Make patch"] -command mkpatch
# $fakerowmenu add command -label [mc "Commit"] -command {mkcommit 0}
# $fakerowmenu add command -label [mc "Commit all"] -command {mkcommit 1}
# $fakerowmenu add command -label [mc "Revert local changes"] -command revertlocal
makemenu $fakerowmenu {
{"Diff this -> selected" command {diffvssel 0}}
{"Diff selected -> this" command {diffvssel 1}}
{"Make patch" command mkpatch}
$fakerowmenu configure -tearoff 0
set headctxmenu .headctxmenu
menu $headctxmenu -tearoff 0
$headctxmenu add command -label [mc "Check out this branch"] \
-command cobranch
$headctxmenu add command -label [mc "Remove this branch"] \
-command rmbranch
makemenu $headctxmenu {
{"Check out this branch" command cobranch}
{"Remove this branch" command rmbranch}
$headctxmenu configure -tearoff 0
global flist_menu
set flist_menu .flistctxmenu
menu $flist_menu -tearoff 0
$flist_menu add command -label [mc "Highlight this too"] \
-command {flist_hl 0}
$flist_menu add command -label [mc "Highlight this only"] \
-command {flist_hl 1}
$flist_menu add command -label [mc "External diff"] \
-command {external_diff}
$flist_menu add command -label [mc "Blame parent commit"] \
-command {external_blame 1}
makemenu $flist_menu {
{"Highlight this too" command {flist_hl 0}}
{"Highlight this only" command {flist_hl 1}}
{"External diff" command {external_diff}}
{"Blame parent commit" command {external_blame 1}}
$flist_menu configure -tearoff 0
# Windows sends all mouse wheel events to the current focused window, not
@ -3376,8 +3404,8 @@ proc showview {n} {
set curview $n
set selectedview $n
.bar.view entryconf [mc "Edit view..."] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
.bar.view entryconf [mc "Delete view"] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
.bar.view entryconf [mca "Edit view..."] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
.bar.view entryconf [mca "Delete view"] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
run refill_reflist
if {![info exists viewcomplete($n)]} {
@ -7323,9 +7351,9 @@ proc rowmenu {x y id} {
} else {
set menu $fakerowmenu
$menu entryconfigure [mc "Diff this -> selected"] -state $state
$menu entryconfigure [mc "Diff selected -> this"] -state $state
$menu entryconfigure [mc "Make patch"] -state $state
$menu entryconfigure [mca "Diff this -> selected"] -state $state
$menu entryconfigure [mca "Diff selected -> this"] -state $state
$menu entryconfigure [mca "Make patch"] -state $state
tk_popup $menu $x $y
@ -10146,8 +10174,8 @@ if {$cmdline_files ne {} || $revtreeargs ne {} || $revtreeargscmd ne {}} {
set viewperm(1) 0
set vdatemode(1) 0
addviewmenu 1
.bar.view entryconf [mc "Edit view..."] -state normal
.bar.view entryconf [mc "Delete view"] -state normal
.bar.view entryconf [mca "Edit view..."] -state normal
.bar.view entryconf [mca "Delete view"] -state normal
if {[info exists permviews]} {