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synced 2025-03-19 16:08:42 +00:00
If a project name contains special URL characters like +, gitweb's links break in subtle ways. The solution is to pass the project name through esc_url() and using the return value. Signed-off-by: martin f. krafft <madduck@madduck.net> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
GIT web Interface ================= The one working on: http://www.kernel.org/git/ From the git version 1.4.0 gitweb is bundled with git. How to configure gitweb for your local system --------------------------------------------- See also "Build time configuration" section in INSTALL file for gitweb (in gitweb/INSTALL). You can specify the following configuration variables when building GIT: * GIT_BINDIR Points out where to find git executable. You should set up it to the place where git binary was installed (usually /usr/bin) if you don't install git from sources together with gitweb. [Default: $(bindir)] * GITWEB_SITENAME Shown in the title of all generated pages, defaults to the server name (SERVER_NAME CGI environment variable) if not set. [No default] * GITWEB_PROJECTROOT The root directory for all projects shown by gitweb. Must be set correctly for gitweb to find repositories to display. See also "Gitweb repositories" in INSTALL file for gitweb. [Default: /pub/git] * GITWEB_PROJECT_MAXDEPTH The filesystem traversing limit for getting projects list; the number is taken as depth relative to the projectroot. It is used when GITWEB_LIST is a directory (or is not set; then project root is used). Is is meant to speed up project listing on large work trees by limiting find depth. [Default: 2007] * GITWEB_LIST Points to a directory to scan for projects (defaults to project root if not set / if empty) or to a file with explicit listing of projects (together with projects' ownership). See "Generating projects list using gitweb" in INSTALL file for gitweb to find out how to generate such file from scan of a directory. [No default, which means use root directory for projects] * GITWEB_EXPORT_OK Show repository only if this file exists (in repository). Only effective if this variable evaluates to true. [No default / Not set] * GITWEB_STRICT_EXPORT Only allow viewing of repositories also shown on the overview page. This for example makes GITWEB_EXPORT_OK to decide if repository is available and not only if it is shown. If GITWEB_LIST points to file with list of project, only those repositories listed would be available for gitweb. [No default] * GITWEB_HOMETEXT Points to an .html file which is included on the gitweb project overview page ('projects_list' view), if it exists. Relative to gitweb.cgi script. [Default: indextext.html] * GITWEB_SITE_HEADER Filename of html text to include at top of each page. Relative to gitweb.cgi script. [No default] * GITWEB_SITE_FOOTER Filename of html text to include at bottom of each page. Relative to gitweb.cgi script. [No default] * GITWEB_HOME_LINK_STR String of the home link on top of all pages, leading to $home_link (usually main gitweb page, which means projects list). Used as first part of gitweb view "breadcrumb trail": <home> / <project> / <view>. [Default: projects] * GITWEB_SITENAME Name of your site or organization to appear in page titles. Set it to something descriptive for clearer bookmarks etc. If not set (if empty) gitweb uses "$SERVER_NAME Git", or "Untitled Git" if SERVER_NAME CGI environment variable is not set (e.g. if running gitweb as standalone script). [No default] * GITWEB_BASE_URL Git base URLs used for URL to where fetch project from, i.e. full URL is "$git_base_url/$project". Shown on projects summary page. Repository URL for project can be also configured per repository; this takes precendence over URL composed from base URL and project name. Note that you can setup multiple base URLs (for example one for git:// protocol access, one for http:// access) from gitweb config file. [No default] * GITWEB_CSS Points to the location where you put gitweb.css on your web server (or to be more generic URI of gitweb stylesheet). Relative to base URI of gitweb. Note that you can setup multiple stylesheets from gitweb config file. [Default: gitweb.css] * GITWEB_LOGO Points to the location where you put git-logo.png on your web server (or to be more generic URI of logo, 72x27 size, displayed in top right corner of each gitweb page, and used as logo for Atom feed). Relative to base URI of gitweb. [Default: git-logo.png] * GITWEB_FAVICON Points to the location where you put git-favicon.png on your web server (or to be more generic URI of favicon, assumed to be image/png type; web browsers that support favicons (website icons) may display them in the browser's URL bar and next to site name in bookmarks). Relative to base URI of gitweb. [Default: git-favicon.png] * GITWEB_CONFIG This Perl file will be loaded using 'do' and can be used to override any of the options above as well as some other options -- see the "Runtime gitweb configuration" section below, and top of 'gitweb.cgi' for their full list and description. If the environment variable GITWEB_CONFIG is set when gitweb.cgi is executed, then the file specified in the environment variable will be loaded instead of the file specified when gitweb.cgi was created. [Default: gitweb_config.perl] Runtime gitweb configuration ---------------------------- You can adjust gitweb behaviour using the file specified in `GITWEB_CONFIG` (defaults to 'gitweb_config.perl' in the same directory as the CGI). The most notable thing that is not configurable at compile time are the optional features, stored in the '%features' variable. Ultimate description on how to reconfigure the default features setting in your `GITWEB_CONFIG` or per-project in `project.git/config` can be found as comments inside 'gitweb.cgi'. See also "Gitweb config file" (with example of gitweb config file), and "Gitweb repositories" sections in INSTALL file for gitweb. Gitweb config file is [fragment] of perl code. You can set variables using "our $variable = value"; text from "#" character until the end of a line is ignored. See perlsyn(1) man page for details. Below there is list of vaiables which you might want to set in gitweb config. See the top of 'gitweb.cgi' for the full list of variables and their descriptions. Gitweb config file variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can set, among others, the following variables in gitweb config files (with the exception of $projectroot and $projects_list this list does not include variables usually directly set during build): * $GIT Cure git executable to use. By default set to "$GIT_BINDIR/git", which in turn is by default set to "$(bindir)/git". If you use git from binary package, set this to "/usr/bin/git". This can just be "git" if your webserver has a sensible PATH. If you have multiple git versions installed it can be used to choose which one to use. * $version Gitweb version, set automatically when creating gitweb.cgi from gitweb.perl. You might want to modify it if you are running modified gitweb. * $projectroot Absolute filesystem path which will be prepended to project path; the path to repository is $projectroot/$project. Set to $GITWEB_PROJECTROOT during installation. This variable have to be set correctly for gitweb to find repositories. * $projects_list Source of projects list, either directory to scan, or text file with list of repositories (in the "<URI-encoded repository path> SPC <URI-encoded repository owner>" format). Set to $GITWEB_LIST during installation. If empty, $projectroot is used to scan for repositories. * $my_url, $my_uri URL and absolute URL of gitweb script; you might need to set those variables if you are using 'pathinfo' feature: see also below. * $home_link Target of the home link on top of all pages (the first part of view "breadcrumbs"). By default set to absolute URI of a page; you might need to set it up to [base] gitweb URI if you use 'pathinfo' feature (alternative format of the URLs, with project name embedded directly in the path part of URL). * @stylesheets List of URIs of stylesheets (relative to base URI of a page). You might specify more than one stylesheet, for example use gitweb.css as base, with site specific modifications in separate stylesheet to make it easier to upgrade gitweb. You can add 'site' stylesheet for example by using push @stylesheets, "gitweb-site.css"; in gitweb config file. * $logo_url, $logo_label URI and label (title) of GIT logo link (or your site logo, if you choose to use different logo image). By default they point to git homepage; in the past they pointed to git documentation at www.kernel.org. * $projects_list_description_width The width (in characters) of the projects list "Description" column. Longer descriptions will be cut (trying to cut at word boundary); full description is available as 'title' attribute (usually shown on mouseover). By default set to 25, which might be too small if you use long project descriptions. * @git_base_url_list List of git base URLs used for URL to where fetch project from, shown in project summary page. Full URL is "$git_base_url/$project". You can setup multiple base URLs (for example one for git:// protocol access, and one for http:// "dumb" protocol access). Note that per repository configuration in 'cloneurl' file, or as values of gitweb.url project config. * $default_blob_plain_mimetype Default mimetype for blob_plain (raw) view, if mimetype checking doesn't result in some other type; by default 'text/plain'. * $default_text_plain_charset Default charset for text files. If not set, web serwer configuration would be used. * $mimetypes_file File to use for (filename extension based) guessing of MIME types before trying /etc/mime.types. Path, if relative, is taken currently as taken relative to current git repositoy. * $fallback_encoding Gitweb assumes this charset if line contains non-UTF-8 characters. Fallback decoding is used without error checking, so it can be even 'utf-8'. Value mist be valid encodig; see Encoding::Supported(3pm) man page for a list. By default 'latin1', aka. 'iso-8859-1'. * @diff_opts Rename detection options for git-diff and git-diff-tree. By default ('-M'); set it to ('-C') or ('-C', '-C') to also detect copies, or set it to () if you don't want to have renames detection. Per-repository gitweb configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also configure individual repositories shown in gitweb by creating file in the GIT_DIR of git repository, or by setting some repo configuration variable (in GIT_DIR/config). You can use the following files in repository: * README.html A .html file (HTML fragment) which is included on the gitweb project summary page inside <div> block element. You can use it for longer description of a project, to provide links for example to projects homepage, etc. * description (or gitweb.description) Short (shortened by default to 25 characters in the projects list page) single line description of a project (of a repository). Plain text file; HTML will be escaped. By default set to Unnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb. from the template during creating repository. You can use gitweb.description repo configuration variable, but the file takes precendence. * cloneurl (or multiple-valued gitweb.url) File with repository URL (used for clone and fetch), one per line. Displayed in the project summary page. You can use multiple-valued gitweb.url repository configuration variable for that, but the file takes precendence. * gitweb.owner You can use the gitweb.owner repository configuration variable to set repository's owner. It is displayed in the project list and summary page. If it's not set, filesystem directory's owner is used. * various gitweb.* config variables (in config) Read description of %feature hash for detailed list, and some descriptions. Webserver configuration ----------------------- If you want to have one URL for both gitweb and your http:// repositories, you can configure apache like this: <VirtualHost www:80> ServerName git.domain.org DocumentRoot /pub/git RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/(.*\.git/(?!/?(info|objects|refs)).*)?$ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi%{REQUEST_URI} [L,PT] SetEnv GITWEB_CONFIG /etc/gitweb.conf </VirtualHost> The above configuration expects your public repositories to live under /pub/git and will serve them as http://git.domain.org/dir-under-pub-git, both as cloneable GIT URL and as browseable gitweb interface. If you then start your git-daemon with --base-path=/pub/git --export-all then you can even use the git:// URL with exactly the same path. Setting the environment variable GITWEB_CONFIG will tell gitweb to use the named file (i.e. in this example /etc/gitweb.conf) as a configuration for gitweb. Perl variables defined in here will override the defaults given at the head of the gitweb.perl (or gitweb.cgi). Look at the comments in that file for information on which variables and what they mean. Originally written by: Kay Sievers <kay.sievers@vrfy.org> Any comment/question/concern to: Git mailing list <git@vger.kernel.org>